I just got a book to loan from a colleague of mine about running and I read the below in it.
For example, from this table (X) you can deduce that a top runner needs 5 hours (or 300 minutes) to reach 80 km per week, while a jogger needs 7 to 8 hours. In other words, the load on the body to run 80 km per week is much greater for the jogger than for the top runner. Therefor, also in connection with the weekly volume, we speak better in terms of duration than in terms of total mileage.
I found this very interesting as I am a slow runner (even more slow than needing 8 hours for 80 km). The latest time I frustrated myself a bit in the fact that I need to spend more time for the same distance than many other runners. When I want to run 10K, I need to take more time out of my schedule than someone else.
But the above text from the book shows that I should better talk in running time than in distance. While someone else might go run eg. 60 minutes and run 10K. I run 90 minutes. So my body gets strained harder than a fast runner for the same distance.
It made me feel a bit better about my own running and I hope that for those other slower runners amongst us who might feel a bit frustrated about this too, that this knowledge might help them accept more who they are (running wise).
Cheers, Evy