I just wasn’t feeling it today. Plans to do a long run went out of the window. So I thought I’d just go out for a run and see what happens.
I started off slowly and thought that maybe I’d do a Zone 3 run, but that didn’t work out, either! It really was one of those runs! I decided just to accept it and that the next run would be better. I focussed on what was around me. I looked up and watched the Red Kites and listened to their calls. I greeted other runners and nosed in people’s gardens. I thought about my visit to the steam fair yesterday with my daughter-in-law and grandchildren. I thought about the conversation where Sam (aged 5) explained to me why he is so different from other children because he has a green heart and a purple brain!
I decided I would stop at 5K and started the final km. After the initial uphill part, I wondered whether to pull out the stops. Well, why not! I took the brakes off and started to increase pace. I glanced at my watch and briefly saw 5:45. Whaaat? It’s been a long time since I saw 5 anything. That certainly lifted my spirits as I passed my Dad’s house and ended the run shortly afterwards!
Home for stretches and coffee - knowing that the next run will be better! 😊🏃♀️👍☕️
8:46, 9:03, 8:55, 8:44, 6:38
Photo from my archives