I ran my 4th 10k this morning. The first two were fine, the third was really tough and today also started tough but became better. I am really careful with warming up, hydrating etc so cannot fathom why I felt so tired last time and this time. I even had a cut back week this week to try and not repeat the struggles of last, which did help to a degree (somehow my quickest 10k) but also I stopped completely after about a mile into the run to have a cry that I couldn’t do it. Was really hoping to start to move on to a hm plan but think I need to spend a bit more time getting familiar with 10k first.
I’m struggling 😞: I ran my 4th 10k this... - Bridge to 10K
I’m struggling 😞

Sounds like you need to slow down and enjoy it more. Then you’ll find you can go further. It is also better for building an aerobic base. You’ll need less recovery too. Listening to music, the radio, podcasts can also help.
Thank you for the advice, I had a complete break and felt much better for yesterday’s run 🏃♀️
Well done for finishing it Hidden 👏👏 Even though it was tough, you finished it anyway🙂👍 Some runs are just like that and there doesn’t seem to be any reason behind it🙁 Hopefully your next run will be better.😊🤞 Maybe you could try some interval training, just to have a bit of variety? I find that helps from time to time if I’m struggling😃
Thank you David - I put so much pressure on myself to do things well and that seems to have translated into running as well! I will try interval training as definitely would break up the regular routine!

Out of curiosity - what is your run pattern for the week? Are you doing two shorter runs and then the 10k as your long run?
Cut back weeks are always a good idea and as others have said, it is good to make sure that you do lots of your running at an ‘easy’ pace, so slow is definitely the way to go when building up your distance. Remember, your body will most likely still be getting used to the increased mileage, so please don’t worry yet about future goals - I am sure it will all come together. Good luck!🙂
Yes I do two 5ks and a 10k at the moment, with walking on my days off.Thank you for your advice, I reflected and realised I was still v new to the running game and as you say, body definitely still getting to grips with running 6 miles!

Firstly, well done for finishing!
Sorry you’ve been finding it tough...how long have you been running for?
I must say that once my ‘long run’ was greater than 8K, I needed 2 recovery days...so went from 3 runs per week down to 2.
My first 10K was a lockdown route from home with inclines...I’ve run 2 since then along the canal. I’ve kept the other runs really short, 3K or 30 minutes.
My thoughts are that after C25k we consolidated with 30 minute runs...then 5Ks became ‘the standard’...like you, I’m guessing we need to become familiar with running 10K, but maybe not every week?
I’m interested in what more experienced runners have to say...

It seems to me like you're trying too hard. Are you mixing up your runs and doing shorter, no pressure, "just for fun" ones as well?
There are also good days and bad days. Lack of sleep, running too often, minor illnesses, other stresses, and factors you can't even quantify, can all affect how we perform.
The important thing today is that you ran and you finished. 🏁

I agree with the slowing down and maybe doing a 10K run less frequently for a while. My other runs would be a short run (3K) or intervals to work on pace and then an easy 30 minute run, sometimes speeding up for the last kilometre. My long run to start with, was slow. I only started to increase pace as I became more comfortable with the distance - even then it wasn’t fast by most people’s standards!
Today’s run may just have been a bad run. We all have them and the best thing to do is to just move on. Your next run will be better!

I fell into the trap of trying to run too quickly too often; hitting streaks with pbs at 5k and 10k;in the end something always went wrong; knee, calf, achilles. I am trying to change that; to put in lots of slower runs and only building up pace when there is a reason to do it, such as a race. I am fed up of breakdowns and am learning to enjoy slower runs 🙂

To start with very well done for sticking with it and getting the run done, it takes determination to do that. 👍 Try not to be so hard on yourself you're doing an amazing job, think back a few months and realise how far you've come. 😊I've only been running a year but from my experience improvements in time or stamina don't continue at an even pace it's spurts, stops and even the occasional backwards step. Remember why you started.
I found changing things about my run helped me, different routes, time of day, what you listen to or don't listen to anything. Is they're anyone who you could run with you so you could chat as you run, then you would probably slow down and forget about "the run"
Are you doing any strength work to help build muscle when you aren't running that could help as well.
Good luck I know you'll do it and you'll get so much advice on here to help you.

I think you are doing brilliantly. I think we have to remember that some days runs are tougher than others, and sometimes for no reason. But you did finish it so give your self a pat on the back. Don’t be too hard on yourself.
The HM will come in time. I have been doing lots of strength exercises, maybe you could incorporate some in between your runs. I also find slower shorter runs keep me motivated to do longer runs because I’m not exhausting myself.
Hopefully your next run will be much more enjoyable 😊