I'm very pleased to report my third run of the week and a sudden increase in pace!
Working slowly back to fitness after a long break, this week saw a slow 30 minute run and my first 5k since the break. Pleased as I was, there was part of me a bit disappointed that both runs were way slower than when I did c25k. Today though... well.....
I set off thinking I'd just get 30 minutes in the legs, no targets. Just after the half way point I had to get my jacket off as I was starting to broil, but while doing the running jacket wrestle manoeuvre I must have nudged one of the buttons on my watch and horrors - it thought I was done! So I had to start another run and finish the job.
When I got home I checked out the stats from the two runs and discovered I'd nearly done 4k in 32 mins with a pace of around 8.11/k. That was a massive improvement as I'd been tootling along at somewhere nearer 9.30/k!!! So totally unexpected and delightful. I am chuffed to bits. Now to chip away at the distance - look out 10k - I'm coming for you!!!!