Today, I got to return to where my C25k journey began last summer - the lake where I try to spend as much time as possible in the summer. The lake was still very frozen and the water level was crazy low (we are at a reservoir lake, so I’m guessing they are expecting a massive snow melt from the mountains when Spring finally decides to arrive). It was a mucky, muddy mess and the wind coming off the frozen lake was cooler than expected but I was smart and brought my new full length compression tights. I stuck to the paved walking pathway between the marina and within the cottage development. I stopped after 3 1/2 k to visit a friend who is fortunate enough to get to live there. After a short water break and gab session, I ran the last 1 1/2 k to the marina. I’ve managed to get 3 short runs in this week and it felt great. There has been no pressure of time, distance or pace but found my pace was surprisingly quick. I suspect this was because I knew I was keeping my runs to 30 minutes or less and just trying to get some form of run in wherever possible. Here’s hoping to another week with a few more runs next week 🤞
A frozen lake 5k Run: Today, I got to return... - Bridge to 10K
A frozen lake 5k Run

That looks cold! But good for you for getting the runs in.
Sounds like a fun run Sask. Happy you are back at it again! We just had an ice storm which has coated everything and made outside a big skating rink, so my long runs are on hold for a day ir two. Spring in Canada 🙄🙂
I saw that on the news! That is really unfortunate and treacherous. We've had some freezing rain last week (not to the same degree as what you guys got) but it delayed my runs until the weekend. I will admit, I ran back to back Saturday/Sunday but I couldn't help myself. My quads are letting me know they are there but not bad otherwise. I hope your runs aren't delayed too long, but with all the long runs you've been getting in, you're more than ready for your HM.
Ya its crazy. We lost power this morn then got it back. So the kids went to school ( both schools are right down the street from us). Going to try and run tomorrow if the rain can wash the ice away, otherwise will be later in the week. Back to backs are probably fine at the shorter distances. I had earlier trouble doing a fast five and a fast 12 the next day. So I switched the plan up a bit

Sounds absolutely perfect pressure x

Looks cold - but beautiful