Well I've had a bit of a slowdown on the comeback front with the ice aand snow getting too ridiculous even for the trail shoes. I have been getting out and doing some long walks though and managing a run once a week as weather allowed.
Ran for 30 minutes yesterday and managed 3.5k - not great but good enough for now. Last week was really great though as I decided it was time to tackle a proper hill. So I did 40 mins of a run that started with a long, very slight gradient then moved on to a proper hill that I managed to puff half the way up non stop. Was very pleased with myself. All progress!
I can't wait for the better weather so that I can properly commit to 3 runs a week again. Seems to be cheering up now though so I just need to give the old Mojo a talking to and crack on!!!
Happy running all.
PS photo of a ruined chapel I walked up to today. Stunning setting.