The streak stops...: Hiya, Starting from 1st... - Bridge to 10K

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The streak stops...

31 Replies


Starting from 1st of January I have run every other day, never left 2 rest days in between, always ran every other day. I fear that today there will come a stop to this streak. I conjured a headache 2 days ago (after running) which is probably tension headache coming from my neck (I occasionally have this - my mom has this too).

Back when I was going to an osteopath and a physiotherapist, they always remarked on how tense all my muscles are. They also always had trouble getting to loosen up my neck. I can not relax, never, not even hanging on the couch watching TV. In combination I have thé worst posture, either hanging on the couch or sitting at my desk the whole day, resulting in problems in my neck.

I am taking painkillers and putting heat pads as well as sport spray on my neck, but I fear the headache won't be over by the time I should normally go run. So I fear I better cut the streak and take an extra rest day, in the hopes that the headache will be gone tomorrow. It feels like a failure, also because this means I won't be able to run every other day next week due to a monthly hospital visit after which it is best not to run that day (normally that was on a rest day if I kept running every other day). That means I will have to take 2 times 2 days off from running, which I really don't like!

Anyhow sorry, I had to get this out of my system. I'll stop ranting now...

Cheers, Evy

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31 Replies

Try this

Drop your chin on to your chest, as far as you can go

Hold for 5

Drop your head back so your looking at the ceiling as far as you can

Hold for 5

Tip your head to the side- try and put your ear on your shoulder to the left and then to the right

Hold for 5

Try and look behind you over your shoulder to the right and to the left

Hold each for 5

Repeat 5 xs throughout the day. If you want you can pull your head with your hand. Don’t worry if it’s uncomfortable, it will get easier

This sorted out my neck 😀

in reply to

Thanks, will try to do this couple of times during the day. Might be good to do this always, even without having problems. Don't think sitting at a desk starting at a screen 7,5 hours each day is all that healthy...

in reply to

No definitely keep it up even if you are not hurting. What happens is that as your neck gets painful you naturally move it less, which makes it seize up even more

Moving it even if it’s uncomfortable is helpful in loosening the muscles again

Good luck!

You’ve done brilliantly with your running streak, well done. Why not get in touch with the Stretch & Flex forum for some advice? You will also find links to Yoga 🧘🏼‍♀️, Pilates etc and stretch/relaxation exercises that target tension and neck pain. It’s definitely worth checking out. Good luck.

in reply to

Thanks for the advice, I am going to try the stretching helenwheels advised for now. I am terrible at doing exercises, but I think that those simple exercises she mentioned might stick in my head 😀.

Blossom- profile image

Oh my, it's not a failure! Please don't beat yourself up, it's not worth it. I think running every other day for a newbie is a tough call, well done for your streak, but just give yourself a break. When I have two days off from running (usually sat and sun) I think of it as a mini break, a little treat. Your runs will always be there😊

in reply to Blossom-

Yeah, I'm going to treat myself on a warm bath with a book instead of running today. Try to enjoy the afternoon instead of beating myself up 😉

Grannyhugs profile image

Sorry to hear your pain, we are very good at self imposed targets, I ran every other day more or less for 7 months then felt bad at double day off to move house! Idiot 🤣 I’m learning to be a bit more flexible. Ensure while desk working that you get up and move, I used to teach computer science and this sheet shows similar exercises we used to encourage the pupils to do when sitting long times at their desk. Take care 🤗

in reply to Grannyhugs

Will definitely try the exercises. I am good at forgetting to do such things though *blush*. Maybe I should print them out and stick it to the closet next to me.

Feeling less harsh now about my streak 😉

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to

Printing seems a grand idea. Remember rest days are actually very good for us🤗

cheekychipmunks profile image

You’ve done brilliantly BS, and you certainly haven’t failed in anything! It’s hard to be ok with breaking any kind of streak.I did RED January. The clue is in the name, but I still felt a little guilty when I took a day off running in February! 🙄😅

I find yoga helps with anything sore I have going on. Lots of us use Yoga with Adriene and she definitely has a neck practice if that interests you. 😀

in reply to cheekychipmunks

I can imagine when after running every day for 31 days, that taking a day off feels like you perform a crime 😂.

I tried yoga about 2 years ago, but I found I had to bend too much for my neck to be happy. I really have a difficult neck. Ordered myself a neck message thingy with Tens and infra-red. Hoping that using that every day might help with getting those muscles to relax...

Doris8 profile image

Don’t beat yourself up about it You’ve done well . Take the time off and rest. Your running will still be there . Not jogging or walking this week resting feet bad plantar fasciitis just doing exercise bike and a stretches for back and feet. Will wait till Sunday. Take care 🤗

in reply to Doris8

Ow take care! My headache seems a bit better now (after 2 days), so crossing fingers I might run tomorrow ☺

Mummycav profile image

Hi Hidden ....I think I saw the F word in your post??? There’s no such thing as the F word on, my friend are far from it...your running since graduation has been amazing...sometimes though, we just need to take a step back and be kind to ourselves...pushing for distance, pace, time and amount eventually takes its toll...but you’re not letting anyone down, you are just listening to your body and doing what’s best for you! When your neck feels better you can always do your streak again...sometimes we just have to use my tweaking tool to make sure we’re doing the right thing, I use it often...make sure though, that when you are running, your neck and shoulders are relaxed and not’s easy to tense up without realising...those exercises that Helenwheels has suggested will def help

in reply to Mummycav

Thanks, I guess that while running my shoulders are tense too. I am always tense. But going to try to regularly check my posture and 'force' my muscles to relax. You don't want to know for example at the hairdresser how often I find my upper legs totally tense. I then relax them only to find 2 minutes later they are tense again. I really should pay more attention to it.

GailXrunning profile image

Please don’t feel bad. Two days rest (or more) is far from failing. Indeed, it can be part of a sensible and sustainable running plan. While having a running ritual and routine can be helpful, it surely ceases to be so once it’s framed as failing when you clearly need to adjust. It’s equally important to embrace flexibility with your routine, to cultivate some kindness towards and be responsive to your body’s needs at this point in time. I hope the pain subsides very soon. Very best wishes. Running isn’t running away; it’ll be waiting for your return.😊

in reply to GailXrunning

Thanks, after 2 days it seems the headache is lessening a bit. So fingers crossed for running tomorrow! And I know, it's not a real failure. I am just a bit scared that 1 extra day will turn in 2 just to be sure and then turns to 3 and I stop running altogether. This running every other day helped me to keep going. Now this time around (I tried running years ago and hated it) I am loving running, so I do hope that 1 day extra rest (even 2 days if absolutely needed) will not cause me to stop. I hope the running virus is deeply settled to stay ☺

GailXrunning profile image
GailXrunning in reply to

I’m sure it is embedded. You sound to be really enjoying yourself. 👍😁

One approach is to plan in the break - making it a deliberate intention rather than an accident of circumstances. That’s completely different to simply not running. (Some of us have even found that the break can lead to improved runs.)

in reply to GailXrunning

If I can run tomorrow, I will have to plan an extra rest day next week. Cus if I run tomorrow, I will run again on Sunday and normally on Tuesday. But Tuesday I have my monthly IV at the hospital and I prefer not to run after receiving the IV. So I'll have to shift the runday with a day. That will be planned 😉

Runawaytrainer profile image

Mind and body with Claire Young on Facebook. She's a physio with a deep commitment to total wellbeing. Her page has YouTube videos of about 30 mins in length which I find work a treat and they are also very informative. I start out thinking that I can't spare 30 minutes and finish feeling on top of the world!

Lifluf profile image

It's not a failure. You've done so much better than so many runners. And you've proved what you can do BUT your body is telling you to rest and you are doing just that. I really hope you shake the headache- it sounds really bad.

in reply to Lifluf

I had hopes that today would be better, but the headache continues. Less heavy though, that's positive. But I'm not sure whether running today would be healthy. Maybe I better just wait until tomorrow or Sunday, when my next run would be.

Lifluf profile image
LiflufGraduate10 in reply to

Sometimes getting out clears the head. Sometimes it makes it work. There's no point in spoiling a run by forcing yourself to run with a headache. Dont worry if you miss a run or two - worrying is stressful and stress makes headaches!

in reply to Lifluf

Yeah and I know something about worrying (having an anxiety disorder and being a stress bunny haha). I decided an hours ago to not risk it and take an additional day off. Will see how I feel tomorrow but might even delay it until Sunday. I'd rather have a run I enjoy than one I suffer through 🙂

Lifluf profile image
LiflufGraduate10 in reply to

Absolutely. Hope you have a good one whenever you decide.

Getfitordietrying profile image

Hi there, wow running every second day and not missing one is really impressive, but you should cut yourself some slack and take an extra day if you need to. Try Mackenzie neck exercises- there are also Mackenzie back exercises that might be relevant. These are recommended by the NHS now so should be safe. Done every day they will gradually loosen tension in your neck. You might not find them comfortable to do at first but, as long as you are not experiencing sharp electric type pains the exercises should be ok. You can always check first with your physio/doctor. I have found doing yoga a great help for tension and stiff muscles. Hope this is of use, and you get back to running to your schedule, cheers.

in reply to Getfitordietrying

Thanks and yes, I should not be so harsh on myself. I was just so proud of it, felt like an accomplishment. The headache is still here today, so giving myself another extra day off. Fingers crossed for tomorrow or latest Sunday. Going to look up those Mackenzie exercises, thanks!

Frenc profile image

Hi BlackScorpion. I understand how you feel, today was the first day in ages I’d had a 2 day break - which means like you, my days are all messed up due to other commitments. But if your body needs it, your body needs it. It is so not a failure! Take a day for yourself and I hope you feel better tomorrow. Your legs will be nice and fresh which is the upside. All the best. 😊

in reply to Frenc

All the best for you too, hope the commitments aren't bad!

Frenc profile image
FrencGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to

They’re not too bad, just annoying! Bring back normality! 🤣

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