Can’t keep doing this...: So I smoke 🙈 not 2... - Bridge to 10K

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Can’t keep doing this...

Tracytrace profile image
35 Replies

So I smoke 🙈 not 20 a day or anything like that but enough some days to wake up the next day and notice my breathing is not good (yesterday about 6) This is not a lot compared to some but I also used to have asthma as a teenager , I know , I know this is awful I think that’s why I’m writing it here , I have to stop , I don’t buy any for a day or two and then think sod it I’ll be fine and off I go to the shop but no more , currently lying in bed thinking I must run today but my breathing is putting me off so no more!!!

Sorry for the uninteresting post but you lovely people always reply to posts and I think I’m looking for support / telling offs! 😊

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Tracytrace profile image
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35 Replies
Beatthestreet profile image

Well done. Brave first step ..which is posting here for support ...which in turn shows you do really want to stop. There’s loads of advice and support available nowadays ( I stopped over 20 years ago and still remember how truly hard it was!) “Smoking matters” is still available throughout covid and you can self-refer or ask your GP for advice too.

Good luck , but stick with it. You’ll never look back...

Tracytrace profile image
TracytraceGraduate10 in reply to Beatthestreet

Thank you 🙏🏻

Tasha99 profile image

Smoking stinks! Yuk! Surely that would be enough to put you off. And it kills you! STOP!

Couch to 5k is a life changer!

SkiMonday profile image

Yea, I know what you mean about the “sod it” mentality. I get that with food /chocolate sometimes (as a T2 diabetic, I really need to control this). Still, committing on here should help you.

For what it’s worth, it was difficulty breathing whilst swimming that finally convinced me to stop smoking.

Oh, and, nothing to apologise about; I just hope you succeed in kicking the habit for good!

Tracytrace profile image
TracytraceGraduate10 in reply to SkiMonday

Thank you 😊

Grannyhugs profile image

Thank you for posting, it means you trust us and really want to stop. I don't know if you follow my posts but I've been doing hedge words for our neighbours. The word just now is "believe" how are you going to use it? Look back for my post on "hugs" I sent this community, there's one there for you too. Take care and happy running 🤗

Tracytrace profile image
TracytraceGraduate10 in reply to Grannyhugs

Thank you

cheekychipmunks profile image

Yes, well done. 👊 You’ve made the decision and you know it’s the right one. Stick with it!

Lizcanrun profile image

Not an uninteresting post! But a good idea - you've just made yourself accountable to a lot of people!!I hope you can take strength from this group. We're all rooting for you!

Week7 profile image

Well done!You don't need telling off_you have made the right decision. Go for it.

You're a runner not a smoker

Tracytrace profile image
TracytraceGraduate10 in reply to Week7

That’s the mentality I need ! 😊

Hello I'm an ex smoker of many years and gave up around 5 yrs ago I went on to vaping and never looked back, I'm now running 15km which I wouldn't have been able to do 5 yrs ago. Couldn't just stop smoking and found vaping was a much better alternative it worked for me, and now just the thought of a real cigarette 🤢🤢

Blossom- profile image

Oh please don't have any more fags! I stopped for good in 2013. Like you only a few sometimes only 2 a day, but what's the point? The thing that shocked me in to stopping was that I was waiting in hospital for day surgery and I read a leaflet about smoking delaying healing. I didn't know that. I wanted to heal. I stopped. Cold turkey. Never looked back. You can do this. 🤗

Buddy34 profile image

Well I did smoke 20 plus per day and hated everything about it , the smell , the cost etc. I was going in for an operation in April 2013 and was scared of a general anesthetic so I thought I'd try again. I used lozenges and they worked. Not had a cigarette in over 7 years.

Its bloody hard but can be done . Good luck😊👍

There is an Health Unlocked form you can join for support also

Tracytrace profile image
TracytraceGraduate10 in reply to Buddy34

Thank you 💪

SueAppleRun profile image

Go and join quit support, then get yourself something to help stop those nicotine cravings, I still have the odd lozenge or nicotine gum,it’s enough to keep me smoke free for over a year now I don’t know how old you are but I can just run on and on now, feels like forever some days and my breathing is amazing

Good luck

Tracytrace profile image
TracytraceGraduate10 in reply to SueAppleRun

I’m 50 🙈 yes I’ll sign up to the nhs stop smoking

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to Tracytrace

I could never have given up smoking without a bit of help, I started with the patches but i’m not sure you smoke enough to need them

Tracytrace you can do it, don't give up ! And remember that saying if at first you don't succeed, try try again 👍💪

Teresafaith profile image

What truly amazes me about your type of smoking is the fact that you can go a couple of days without buying any!- I NEVER COULD when I smoked - two packs a day!- I vape now but my running is more of a priority and classing yourself as a 'runner' instead of a 'smoker' would probably help change your mindset - if you can go two days without any cigs you can do this for sure - be a RUNNER👍

Instructor57 profile image

Well done on deciding to stop !It needs to be YOUR choice , nobody else's.

Other people telling you to stop just does not work (well, it didn't for me anyway)

I used to smoke 20 a day for far too many years .

24 years ago I just stopped !

Never had one since .

I had tried many times to quit over the years and all failed .

But 24 years ago it was the right time for me .

I wanted to stop, it was for me , nobody else !

Take each day at a time , if you can do 1 day then the next day is just the same !

If you can do a week, then you can do another week !

I just continued like that .

I started to run in may 2020,

Couldn't run for a minute!

I now regularly run 5ks , have run several 10ks and one 12 k

If you want to, and I mean really want to, then you can do it .


Tracytrace profile image
TracytraceGraduate10 in reply to Instructor57

That’s brilliant well done , yes I can do it 💪

nowster profile image

A lifelong non-smoker here. No lectures from me. But if you do go ahead I'll cheer you on. 👍

Tracytrace profile image

Wow thank you so much for all these replies!!! I just ran 5K but hard again , I’m going to quit and be a runner not a smoker!! Thank you again 😊😊

Oldgirlruns profile image

I reckon you’ve made your decision- so we’ll done you! It’ll be hard I’m sure but you know you can do it! After all you’re a runner and runners can do anything! And just think about all that lovely runny gear you’ll be able to buy with the money you’re going to save! Good luck!

Couchphoenix profile image

I think you’ve answered your own question Tracytrace. When you don’t smoke your breathing is so much better and you can get out there for a nice run, simples 👍🏃‍♀️

Rennur profile image

Giving up smoking is easy. I've done it many times! Seriously, I stopped 7 years ago (I loved those mini cigars). I used gum and inhalators. I still do occasionally. The inhalators give you the feeling of holding onto something, which is part of the addiction. All replacement stuff weans you off nicotine, as it still contains som nicotine but you're not taking in those other chemicals. The replacement stuff might make you a bit snotty and might even make you a bit phlegmy but nothing like fags.

Keep running too! It will help you in thise other cravings you might get, like chocolate.

Once you stop you wont have a smelly clothes in your washing basket either (unless you have teenage boys!) Best of luck.

metamorphfreebird profile image

you are a runner, not a smoker, and have and will continue to find plenty of reasons for you!!! To stop smoking.

I’m a sucker for timelines of all the good things that “quitting” something brings me. Done a quick search... There’s one such timeline here

There are such timelines about the benefits of quitting for those around you, too... which could help you, too?

One piece of advice to trick your mind: Don’t think of it as “quitting”, I.e. losing out on something. The mind doesn’t like that at all.

LYou’re gaining something! Healthier lungs! Better health! Better ability to get blood and oxygen through to your muscles! Freer, calmer breath that rejuvenates you! An ability to run effortlessly! Sensitive tastebuds that allow you to experience new or old but long forgotten culinary delights! A fresh and attractive breath! A renewed glow to your skin! Some extra pounds in the bank! More time you’ve consciously chosen for yourself (replace the smoking break aka dark force of the cigarettes whispering in your ears to satisfy their craving with a stretching and conscious breath fresh air break?), and a million more....

The link I shared above links to an App too that helps you keep track of your progress (and how much you’ve saved). Treat yourself at the start if you like - each pack of cigarettes is almost a book, think of the library you could build guilt free every time you save on those packs... 📚

Or, to bring you back to the start.... ALL THAT RUNNING GEAR YOU COULD BUY WITH ALL THE MONEY YOU SAVE 💴 🏃‍♀️ 🩳 👟 if that’s not motivation then I don’t know what is :)

Other things that might work are to replace the habit with a new one (it’s ok if that’s not as productive as “taking a sprint every time I want a cig” lol). We are creatures of habit. Think about what smoking means to you, what deeper desire it satisfies, and if there’s a healthier way you could satisfying that?🐣 If you used to roll your cigarettes, you could look at something fiddly (a source close to me got into juggling which addressed that restlessness and anxiety and took their mind of it) to replace it.🤹‍♀️

Remember that the momentary craving is the worst thing that can happen to you when you don’t smoke. You just need to wait to beat it. If you manage to resist it when it hits you, it will fade and disappear - and the more you manage, the weaker it gets, and the less frequently it attacks you until you don’t feel it anymore :)

You go!!! You can do this! You will love yourself so much for it and feel so proud - slippages happen and they are okay, you just try again. Less and less smoking is still better than giving up on giving up! - in the same way running slow and a little is better than never leaving the couch, as this forum has taught me :))) ) I wish you all the mental strength and inspiration for you to take charge of your running and your lungs! Let us know how you get on!!

Tracytrace profile image
TracytraceGraduate10 in reply to metamorphfreebird

Thank you! I’ll look up that link ,I think I’m on about day 5 and haven’t bought any or smoked anyone else’s 😄

metamorphfreebird profile image
metamorphfreebirdGraduate10 in reply to Tracytrace

Well done! That’s amazing!!! How are you feeling?:) are you noticing any difference already ?:)

Tracytrace profile image
TracytraceGraduate10 in reply to metamorphfreebird

Well I ran this morning but stopped more time’s than normal , I have a cough and my breathing not great but I think it’s just a cough/cold that started before I stopped smoking so fingers crossed I’ll soon be feeling A ok 😊

Peter44 profile image

Good luck Tracy, i really hope you get there with the smoking!!! 🤞 i gave up 15 months ago, obviously feel so much better, my kids were always nagging me about it, but only stopped, once i was ready, nobody was going to tell me what to do! 🤣 stick with the running, which will help, i'd never be able to run over 10k, if still smoking. I know it wont be easy, keep posting on here, you'll get loads of help, you can do this!!! 💪💪💪

Tracytrace profile image
TracytraceGraduate10 in reply to Peter44

Thank you

Speedy60 profile image

I've never been a smoker, so what do I know. 🤷‍♀️ However ...I agree wholeheartedly with @Teresafaith. It's the power of your mind and your self-identify. You have to change your habit of mind from 'I'm an occasional smoker's to 'I'm a runner'.

Immerse yourself in everything running, set a running goal and give yourself a mantra for next time you're tempted: 'I can't do that because I'm a runner'.

I'm sure there is much practical advice ex smokers can give you, but I'm a big believer in self identity (which isn't the same as willpower).

Good luck x

NotMe profile image

My advice, is to be kind to yourself. I was a heavy smoker for decades and made a decision after my mum dropped down dead (age 71 life long smoker) that I didn’t want the same to happen to me. That was 9 years ago, I’ve never looked back. You’ve got this 💪🏼

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