I’ll be 72 at the end of April. I used to run at a decent level and have recently slowly got back into it. Gradually built up and the day before yesterday I did my first 6 miler. A mix of surfaces including road, bridleways, public footpaths and muddy fields. I felt great, slow but steady and not dead at the end. A rest day yesterday with just some walking and today I’ll do some on the treadmill (much less stress on the joints) and work on interval faster stuff and then tomorrow I’ll do the Blickling Parkrun. My best on that is 31 min 14 seconds so we will see if I can get into the 30 minute bit. Lol I used to do 6 miles in that time.
First 6 miler: I’ll be 72 at the end of April... - Bridge to 10K
First 6 miler
Wow 1Mistral that’s brilliant! Those milestones are worthy of celebrating…how you gave yourself a massive cheer.
Have you been following a particular plan? Whatever you’ve done it’s worked for you!! I find speed goals harder than distance goals. Good luck with your 30 minute aim-it’s a goal for navy of us who are much younger!! I’m in awe.! Just take care and listen to your body-that’s advice we give to everyone regardless of their age. For me, the thing that really made the difference to my speed was hitting the strength work.
Have fun with whatever’s next!
Good to hear from a fellow >70 runner! At least you will be able to avoid steep hills in Norfolk! Enjoy Blickling. It is a while since we visited our friend in Upton; Norfolk is a lovely county.
Hi Beachcomer66,
Ah the hills, the hills; I grew up in the Yorkshire Dales, lived in the Wicklow Mountains in Ireland and then up in the northwest tip of Scotland and ran every hill/mountain that was in front of me. That was a long time ago now but I think it stays with you. I look around at the youngsters in my village here in very flat Norfolk and wonder what they will be like when they are our age. Keep in touch, I am slow but have managed to get back to enjoying it. I am in touch still with some mad much younger runners in Ireland and manage to send each other’s runs via Strava. It is great to be alive. So as I said, keep in touch.
Hi MissyU, I am in the gym over the winter and have been getting the strength work on the core and legs to get the bounce back into my legs. When I was running seriously I was 11 stone 4lbs at 6ft 2ins. I am now the same height and was nearly 15 stone. I am now just over 13.5 stone and aiming to get down to 12.5. 12.5 stone was my football playing weight. I’ll keep going. I have signed up for a half marathon mid March. If I feel I am not ready for it I will push it back to an Autumn one. I had a little issue with a strain behind my knee last October but I am experienced enough to take it easy if I feel I need to. This is an interesting exchange of views and history’s from different people. Thank you very much.
If I can get into the 30 somethings I’ll be happy. Ah the old leftover railways that were closed during the ‘60s. One of the most stupid decisions ever made. As a child I could see it was daft. Who was it Lord Beaching or similar I seem to recall.