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Fast Forward, Pause, Stop, Rewind, Fast Forward ⏩🏃🏻‍♀️⏸🏃🏻‍♀️⏹🏃🏻‍♀️⏩🏃🏻‍♀️⏩🏃🏻‍♀️ A Frustrating Fortnight

RacingintheStreet profile image
25 Replies

Magic Plan (Distance ) Wk 2 Runs 1,2 & 3

I feel these runs have taken weeks to complete but when I look over them I did actually do the 3 runs over 8 days which was ok.

I started the year off well getting the 3 runs of wk 1 done between 29/12/20 and 3/1/21 but then had almost a week of ‘emergency childcare’ for our three grandsons . 🐵🐵🐵 There was certainly no surplus of time or energy left for running having 3 ‘live wire’ 🥷😈🦸‍♂️ boys in the house .

‘Hats off’ to all you running parents 👏👏

Like most we have had days of solid ice , not so much snow, and sleety horrid days which added to the general frustration . Although there seemed to be plenty of runners out on the icy pavements I couldn’t contemplate the embarrassment of landing up in an overstretched A&E department . Also the very thought of an injury putting paid to my running progress kept me confined to ‘teetering about’ on the dog walks 😂🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺

I eventually got a break during a late afternoon thaw and just before the rain came. I went out intending to do a 2.5 K ended up changing my mind and doing a 5K. I figured I should make the most of it and it seemed a waste to cut it short having taken so long to get to a run 🤷🏼‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️Also It had started to drizzle and as I was wet anyway might as well continue .

Often I find the shorter runs uncomfortable , usually taking about 2K to get into any sort of flow or rhythm so this added to the decision to carry on . When I got home I found it was meant to be a 3 K anyway 😂🤣, I hadn’t read the plan correctly 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️ Still, alls well that ends well 😂, not my fastest 5K as my splits were a bit erratic as I tried to dodge the odd bits of lingering ice on the edges of the road .

It was a bit of a confidence boost just to get out, quite frankly, even though it was another nighttime run and I definitely am more an early morning runner.

My 3 K was next and I did this run to the NRC Guided ‘Suckcess’ Run which was going to be a little longer than I needed but I just listened to the end of it on my walk. I like Coach Bennett and when he tells me to Run Smart I really do try 😂😂 He knows me so well 👍😉 it also resonates when he says we often run ‘towards ‘ the run instead of just running ‘with’ the run . I think I do that sometimes which is why I have issues with speeding up ‘to run towards the run ‘.

I was pleased with my negative splits on this run ( I must have been listening 😂😂) Also I had managed out a little earlier , not quite dark , just that ‘end of day’ quality of light to a late winters afternoon .

Run 3 was the 6K run and I had to give a bit more thought to where to go to get 6K in. I don’t like ‘manufacturing’ lots of loops or repeats to get a distance in, it always feels ‘contrived’ and I much prefer just ‘running somewhere ‘🤷🏼‍♀️ Fussy , I know 🙄😂

Anyway, I would need to run from my village and along to the next village and back via the beachfront to get this done so that sounded all good for an early Saturday morning run 👌🏃🏻‍♀️😊

So I left from home and headed up into my village to run the length of the High St (which I’m becoming quite fond of actually 😊) a left turn takes me round in square , past the cathedral ruins and then back up onto the main road that runs along to the next village .

All of this is feeling quite natural and I find myself sort going ‘plod ,two,three,four’ in my head as I fall into my rhythm and for the most part stay in that beat. It’s a lovely morning and I pass a flock of sheep in a field with the sea and sunrise as a backdrop , quite wintery and beautiful . The flock has a Heron joining them this morning , quite at home amongst them 😂.

As I approach the next village I take a turn downhill which brings me down a very steep hill to the beach. It looks lovely this morning, an almost deserted 2K of sand , tide out and looking very inviting. I headed on though , resisting the temptation to sit and look at it from one of the many benches along the front. Onwards up past the golf course to the junction that links to my favourite road to the lighthouse.

At this junction I decide to look at my watch to check how much I’d covered ( I had tried to avoid up until now) , I was delighted to discover I was at 5K 🙂

Good to know that what I’d done was a perfect 5K route for the future too 👌

I wasn’t far from home , having done a fairly circular route so I continued on another 500 m and then headed for home.

At the end of my 6K I’m just a street away from home . It’s been a good run and I’m relieved that although it was just the weeks break I’ve managed to get ‘back to the starting line’ and turn up again ( another of Coach Bennett’s 😂)

So at long last my wk 2 runs are done 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ Thank goodness ☺️

I’m really enjoying stretching my routes and managing to keep them fresh and enjoyable and then adapting them to increase by the Km each week .

I’m glad I started this plan , I’m feeling the same fear, motivation and satisfaction as I did in those early days of C25K and it feels good.

So far so good 🙂

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RacingintheStreet profile image
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25 Replies
acountrycabbage profile image

Ooh, soo many things to comment on, I don’t know where to start!

Lovely pic as always 😍

Boy, I know what you mean about little ones - hats off to young parents. When I have my niece and nephew I’m sometimes pooped within an hour, never mind a week! 🥰🙃🤣

I wouldn’t call it fussy about ‘contrived’ routes, I feel exactly the same when I have to add in loops through the village. It’s boring and therefore more tiring (?) I want all killer, no filler! 😄

I will have to try CB’s Sucksess - he does come out with some great lines. I didn’t enjoy his New Run recently, I found it very repetitive, but then I was having a rubbish run so who knows.

Well done on continuing to make progress with the plan, despite the weenies setting you back, it sounds like you’ve got great momentum. Nothing will get in the way of your 10K! 🙌🏼

RacingintheStreet profile image
RacingintheStreetGraduate10 in reply to acountrycabbage

Thanks CC , I suspect the 10 K is some way off but happy just to get out at present . I didn’t care for the ‘New Run’ run either , couldn’t recall what was said 🤷🏼‍♀️ Normally enjoy CB too ☺️

I think I’ll be glad to catch the first hints of spring , have seen a few daffodils stirring , I’m a little tired of this weather 🙄 it’s like another ‘layer’ of lockdown 😂

acountrycabbage profile image
acountrycabbage60minGraduate in reply to RacingintheStreet

That’s true, another layer of gloom! It’s great to hear you’re just enjoying getting out there though. Winning!

I can’t decide whether to brave it today.. was considering a zombie run but the wind is up and that spooks me anyway so I don’t think it’s a good idea..! 😟

RacingintheStreet profile image
RacingintheStreetGraduate10 in reply to acountrycabbage

😂 I can’t even imagine a ‘Zombie Run’ , but that made me smile 😂We have an apology for snow today but I suspect it might come tomorrow . I don’t mind wind as long as it’s not too cold/sharp , preferably in the right direction too 😂

I got my 3.5 K done yesterday but came home a with a calf strain 😢

Looking on the bright side it can snow as much as it likes 😂😂 I’m going to give it a good few days 👌

acountrycabbage profile image
acountrycabbage60minGraduate in reply to RacingintheStreet

Oh no, sorry to hear that. Like you say then, let the weather do its worst for a few days whilst you rest up! Hope you’re fighting fit again in a few days 💛

Lizcanrun profile image

Well done for getting those runs done! I'm the same as you, I don't like repeating laps on runs just to make them longer and I'm really enjoying doing a bit of exploring when I'm out and about on longer runs.I must try a Coach Bennett run. I've downloaded the app, but you've inspired me to investigate further.

I don't know where you live, but village, village, beach sounds like a pretty great route and what an amazing photo!

RacingintheStreet profile image
RacingintheStreetGraduate10 in reply to Lizcanrun

Thanks😃 I’m just glad to get out and always a bit relieved to get a run done .it’s as though I’m scared I’ve lost the ability to do it 😂😂Yes I get a bit ‘out of sorts’ if I’m just running up, down and roundabout to get to a distance , I like to feel I’ve ‘gone somewhere’ 🤷🏼‍♀️😂

I do feel grateful to live where I do and for running purposes it’s proving handy to extend the runs and still feel it’s just a bigger round trip .

Beatlesforever profile image

It's great to have routes that can be stretched for our longer runs, I love discovering new places in my runs - even if you've been there before there's always a new perspective as a runner🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ well done on getting all those runs done with everything else you had going on 👏👏👏 good luck with the rest of the magic plan 💪🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

RacingintheStreet profile image
RacingintheStreetGraduate10 in reply to Beatlesforever

Thanks BF , so far so good with routes and the plan. I’m quite prepared to do it very gradually , I’m not fast and I could do to be stronger I think . I quite like that I discover other potential runs for the future when I check where I am and what distance it was . Sometimes it’s not what I expect 🤷🏼‍♀️😂

Jools2020 profile image

Well done for keeping on track despite the weather and all your other challenges! I won’t run if it’s icy for the same reasons - or I go for a trail run on the riverbank.

It takes me about 2K to warm up, too.

It sounds as though the Magic Plan suits you very well!

RacingintheStreet profile image
RacingintheStreetGraduate10 in reply to Jools2020

Many thanks Jools , I think the plan is suiting me although I shied away from it after completing C25K. The time one seemed to suit better at that point . Very happy to take as long as it takes , I’m in no hurry and at present I’m just happy to get a break in the weather and get out .

I’m so way behind on the forum but I am looking forward to reading about your recent outings 😊

Jools2020 profile image
Jools2020Graduate10 in reply to RacingintheStreet

I’m one of those who no longer wanted the structure after C25K, but I know many people love it.

It’s easy to get behind on the forum. I have too much spare time!

RacingintheStreet profile image
RacingintheStreetGraduate10 in reply to Jools2020


RacingintheStreet profile image
RacingintheStreetGraduate10 in reply to Jools2020

So , I can see from your posts that you ran your consolidation runs , did you just decide what you wanted to achieve week by week ? I felt a bit ‘all over the shop’ after consolidating 🤷🏼‍♀️

Jools2020 profile image
Jools2020Graduate10 in reply to RacingintheStreet

For the first few weeks I wore myself out trying to run faster. It wasn’t working. I got to 5K in 44 minutes and I was exhausted! It wasn’t fun. So I changed my approach. Saturdays I ran slowly, but for longer each week. Tuesdays I did speed work, either a 2 or 3K fast run, or intervals. Thursdays I just ran for 30 minutes. I did this for a number of weeks and my pace started to improve as did my stamina. I soon got to 10K on my long runs, then 12K, 10 miles and half marathon. Well, maybe not ‘soon’ 😊 it took a few months. Now I still try and vary my runs, usually a longer one at the weekend. At least 10K. In the week I just do what I feel like now, but usually a 30 minute run and maybe a slower 6 or 7K. I should do some more interval work.

Blossom- profile image

Ooh I was gonna start the plan in the new year but haven't. 😔 Heaven knows what I'm waiting for but you've inspired me. So I'm gonna start tomorrow! Lovely description of your runs and yes takes me about 2k to warm up too, maybe even longer. Happy magic planning!😃

RacingintheStreet profile image
RacingintheStreetGraduate10 in reply to Blossom-

Good ! I think I started it because I read a post from someone who was about to start the next day and I thought yes ! Let’s get decisive 😂😂 and off I went 👌 I seem to ‘mull it over’ for far too long 😂😂Don’t care how long it takes , I’m just going to enjoy( I hope 😂) the journey !

LottieMW profile image

Well done on getting out there at last! Ice is very scary stuff...luckily not seen too much of it so far 😅

Some fab views and times there...and new routes as well 👍

How are you finding the you have a preference for short, 5km, or long?

Happy running 🥰🏃🏻‍♀️

RacingintheStreet profile image
RacingintheStreetGraduate10 in reply to LottieMW

Apart from the ice the days have been beautiful and wintry to look at . Lovely sunrises and sunsets too .Glad to have gotten out though ☺️👌

I’m not sure , I seem to quite like the 5K and I know it’s early days but I haven’t tired of it yet.

I think I like it because it takes me about 2K to get into the swing of things but once past that point I find the remains 3 enjoyable .

The six K was fine too but the thought of an extra 1K each week is a little scary . They say it’s good to scare yourself though 😂👻

I’ve done 7.5 K on the 60 min grad runs but not repeated them .

I’m glad to keep going out and glad to feel I want to ( well, mostly 😂😂)

LottieMW profile image
LottieMWAmbassador in reply to RacingintheStreet

I think I’m still adjusting to the time/distance thing...maybe because I’m that much slower? In C25k the aim was to get you to 30 Consolidation was 30 minute runs...and became the standard for the Time Plan.

*Now* the standard is 5km...but I didn’t start hitting 5km until 50 minutes it doesn’t really feel like a “standard” run to me yet. Also I think there’s a bit of a gremlin thing going on...if I wasn’t having to exercise from home, I would be doing the 5km over the Park Run course...psychologically much more fun!

So I’m enjoying (in a masochistic way) the longer runs...because they’re meant to be slow! 😳😬🤷🏻‍♀️

Pnegirl profile image

Great post with so many highlights! As well as the running, I love your points about the light during wintry sunsets and the views from the beach (beautiful photo by the way), I almost felt I was running with you!So pleased you're enjoying your runs and finding the new rhythms. I didn't try any of the coaches in the app but that Bennett fella sounds very wise 😂. I'm completely with you about the short runs. I can't seem to find my stride during those either. Happy running and good luck with the weather and next week 🙂

RacingintheStreet profile image
RacingintheStreetGraduate10 in reply to Pnegirl

Thanks Pnegirl , At present I’m grateful just for a break in the weather to get out 🤷🏼‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️We appear to have a lot of snow forecast for Scotland so I went out for my 3.5 K late this afternoon in the very small window between thaw and freezing again 😂

Anyway I have a question for you 😊I remembered you had a post where you felt a strain in your calf ? I’ve looked back and you rested for five days . Did you feel it get better gradually over the five days ?

I think I’ve done something similar 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️

I felt a slight niggle at the end of my 6K run a few days ago , it receded but I wondered if my lower legs had gotten cold out on the run as they felt a bit achy in the house next day . I don’t get cold on runs and overheat if I even put an extra thin layer on .

Today I went out and it started bothering me towards the end of the run .

Still tight, sore to massage and when stretched 😕

Did yours come right ok ? And does what I’ve described sound similar ?

At least if I’m injured the snow won’t bother so much 🤷🏼‍♀️ What a pest 😂

Pnegirl profile image
PnegirlGraduate10 in reply to RacingintheStreet

Oh no, sorry to hear you might have a bit of an ache or mini injury 🙁. It sounds similar to mine in that my calf just felt very tight too. I had done 3k and felt a bit of restriction but it was when I restarted running after stopping to let a car go by that I really felt how tight it was. I remember just walking back the rest of the way as I was worried about doing further damage.

I can't really remember how it felt over the following five days but I think by about day three the muscle felt more relaxed. I decided to still give it a couple more days to make extra sure before going for another run though and I was glad I did. If it helps, it didn't feel sore to touch but it felt uncomfortable stretching. The closest comparison I could make was that if I'd pushed it further, it would have been like an elastic band that felt it was going to snap.

I'm not really sure what to suggest as I'm not great with things like this but I did put ice on my calf for the first couple of days if that helps. I admit that doesn't sound the nicest of things to do at the minute 😂. I'm not sure it was caused by being cold as like you, I tend to overheat when running. It did happen after the 8k though so I wonder if it's a distance thing 🤔. Sorry for the longwinded post. I hope it's helpful.

RacingintheStreet profile image
RacingintheStreetGraduate10 in reply to Pnegirl

Thanks so much for your reply 🙂 I’ll try the ice on and off.My calf is sore to massage I have to say but I’ll see what it’s like tomorrow .

I think you might have a point re it being a distance thing , I’ll definitely give it a good few days to recover .

It never rains but it pours as they say 😂😂

Thanks again for giving it some thought and getting back to me 👍☺️

Pnegirl profile image
PnegirlGraduate10 in reply to RacingintheStreet

No problem at all. I hope you make a super speedy recovery and can get back out and about soon 🙂Ps. If the ice is too much, I find deep freeze gel quite soothing, though I don't think it really does as much for the tissue as it claims haha

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