❄️⛄️Post Blizzard run⛄️❄️: I finally got out... - Bridge to 10K

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❄️⛄️Post Blizzard run⛄️❄️

SaskAlliecat profile image
42 Replies

I finally got out for a run after our blizzard last Sunday. After a wonderfully productive active week last week, I ground to a halt after the snow. Now, normally slow doesn't stop me, but this was S N O W! Our city ground to a halt, the schools closed, businesses were closed, the municipal election got postponed, but we all got through it. The schools are open again but the busses are still not running in the city due to unsafe conditions on residential streets. My teenager was home pending Covid test results, my husband's school had 2 positive Covid tests (not in his class, phew) but hubby and I were told to self- monitor, still go to work, wear masks and practice all public health recommendations. If symptoms arose, to self-isolate immediately. I chose to get tested, just in case. Finally 4 days after getting our tests done and a week of being off school for kiddo, negative test results for both of us. Yay!

Today was my regular day off and come hell or high water, I was getting out there! I donned my winter running gear, found my well-worn yaktrax cleats from last year and went out into the sunny winter wonderland. It was a slow run trying to navigate the snowdrifts and ice (of course we had freezing rain immediately before the blizzard hit!) but it felt good to get out. Normally Friday is my long run day but I kept it shorter due to it being harder to run through the snow and a week of no running, but i will hopefully get a longer run in on Sunday. Now time to go to the store, buy new yaktrax and new winter boots that will fit my snowshoes again. I forgot I tossed my old ones last year that were past their prime and my snowmobile boots are too big and clunky to fit in them. Fingers crossed I can finally get out for some snowshoeing tomorrow. The coulee in front of my house is just calling to me to play in.

Happy safe running everyone, be it in rain, or snow or something in between!

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SaskAlliecat profile image
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42 Replies
davelinks profile image

Looks great! Keeps mind busy navigating around the drifts and watching where you step, well done! 😊

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to davelinks

It sure does 😆

Irishprincess profile image

Good news about the results Saska! You must both be very relieved. And what better way to celebrate than with a run 🙂

Enjoy ☃️🏃‍♀️

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to Irishprincess

I suspected they would be negative but there is always that underlying worry. It was a sigh of relief for sure!

Running, some shopping, it was a great day!

dijep profile image

I salute your determination to get out and run 😊 I'd have loved to go for a walk in the snow but not too sure about running in it.

I'm glad that you got your negative test back, that must have been a relief.

I love hearing about running journeys that are so different to any I'll ever do.

Lovely photo.

Enjoy your weekend xx

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to dijep

I quite enjoy winter running, it is quite peaceful and slow. It isn't about PB, just the experience, which is nice.

This forum is such a great place to get to experience all kinds of running. There are some beautiful places people get to run in. I love seeing the pictures and reading about everyone's journeys as well.

AlMorr profile image

Winter is truly with you now in Canada, where I am in the UK it's still Autumn with a longer weather forecast for winter weather to start early in December.

Good photos and and a great run for you under the weather and surface conditions, glad your son tested negative for Covid 19.

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to AlMorr

Yes, we are definitely in the thick of winter now. We warmed up to around freezing today which made driving a challenge with all the snow still on the streets - it's a good thing I have really good winter tires and an all wheel drive small SUV. It is supposed to snow again tomorrow and get cooler again. Time to embrace winter and the fun activities we can do. My son enjoyed telling me about his phys ed class today where they got to be outside building snow sculptures. With all the Covid restrictions, the teachers are doing their best to have the kids outside and putting some fun into their days.

Enjoy your Autumn while you have it. Ours always seems too short, although it was quite nice this year.....until last Sunday 😂

I'm so glad that you and your family had clear test results; a big relief for you all.

Thank you for the photos. It looks like a whole different world from the one I am used to running in. It's interesting to read how you equip yourself for it with all your gadgets, and off you go into the sunshine and snow. AND you still manage to stay so much in the green zone!! Very impressive ⭐️.

It's due to be a run day for me tomorrow. Whilst you have your snow, I have the tail end of autumn with a bit of a wild weekend ahead weatherwise. The forecast gets progressively worse as the day goes on, starting at 13 degrees c, heavy rain in the morning and thunderstorms in the afternoon...... ⛈⚡️. Sunday isn't much better 😬. It'll make for interesting running if I manage to escape from the decorating long enough to get out.

I'm intrigued - What's a coulee? 🤔

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to

Winter running needs a whole new set of gear. It's a good thing I like running gear and gadgets 😁. There is no going fast with these conditions so easy to keep the run easy, in the green zone. Of course there was a few spots were my breath got laboured and my HR would climb, usually in areas that weren't shovelled. We'll see how Sunday's run goes though.

I couldn't imagine thunderstorms this time of year but grew up on the north coast of British Columbia so experienced a lot of wet weather as a kid. When I moved to Saskatchewan for University my Dad contacted my Aunt who lived in the same city to take me shopping for "proper" winter gear since my BC gear wasn't going to cut it 😂. I don't think I even had winter boots 😳.

Take care running this weekend if you get out. Heavy rain, wind, thunderstorms could make for a very challenging run!

BTW a coulee is essentially a valley. I think it might be a Saskatchewan or prairie term, I hadn't heard it before I moved here as a young adult. I think they are often near somewhere where water flows (or used to flow). I live in quite a hilly area near a major river valley and creek so we have lots of great hills and valleys and everyone refers to them as coulees here.

Lavender1962 profile image

Well done on getting out and running in the snow! It does look beautiful! Here in Montreal we had highs of 18-22 Celsius up until two days ago. Weird weather in Eastern Canada . I’d be happy to wait for the start of our snowy season.

Great news about your negative tests!

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to Lavender1962

Hey Lavender! How have you been?

We had a beautiful Autumn as well but then we blinked and winter was here 😁. Enjoy that warm weather while you have it! Although I have to admit, it is very festive right now. A store was playing Christmas music already and it didn't annoy me because it feels like December out there. I've caught myself singing Christmas tunes lately even 🙄

BaddieThePirate profile image

Wow, looks fun but hard work.

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to BaddieThePirate

It is quite a bit of fun, especially when you have to leap over a snow bank. I almost landed on a grate though today - I'm out if practice of this winter running.

Your last post with those stairs looked like some serious hard work too!

61Lady profile image

I love reading your posts- what a rollercoaster ride of feelings and emotions you’ve had. So pleased you’re all certified fit and you’re out for your runs again.

Very wet but mild where I am in UK at the mo but ducked out of of run today however you have inspired me - out tomorrow no matter what the weather holds

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to 61Lady

I love seeing all the pictures on here from UK - it seems so lush and green! I'm quite envious.

Running in the rain has it's own set of challenges, doesn't it? But we just have to embrace what we have and find the joy in it. I hope you have a great run tomorrow!

linda9389 profile image

Wow! That's amazing. I just couldn't imagine running in that. Looks beautiful though. Hope you get to play in your snowshoes though, have lots of fun!!!

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to linda9389

I hopefully should get to this afternoon. Hubby even said he'd come with me! Yay! It is supposed to be quite windy but I think I'll give it a try anyways.


Really positive vibes here around an uncertain time so very well done you. You're doing all you can and that's just terrific 😊😊😊😊😊

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to

Thanks GTFC. It is so easy to get sucked down into the negative spiral but we're working hard to fight it the best we can 😊

Jell6 profile image

Love your snowy photos ❄❄.

I can't imagine running in it though.

Glad your results were negative, it offers reassurance.

I also tested negative yesterday. It was my last shift, prior to a weeks leave and work graciously agreed to test me so I could see my mum whilst I was off, I haven't seen her for quite a few weeks now as there are so many cases at work.

Stay safe 😷😷😷

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to Jell6

Thanks Jell.

Enjoy your week off and your visit with your mum. I'm glad you were able to be tested so you could see her safely.

Curlygurly2 profile image

Gosh you're hard core intcha? What a lot on your plate...covid tests on top of the snow...you're a hero...

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to Curlygurly2

😆 hardly but thanks. If I didn’t run in snow I wouldn’t run for 6 months of the year... plus it was an excuse to buy more run gear 😆

Curlygurly2 profile image

I know what you mean, living in France half the year means running in +35C temps or not running at all, you get used to your particular circumstances don't you?

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to Curlygurly2

You sure do. I couldn’t imagine running in +35°C 🥵. On those days I get out as early as possible, or just go swimming 😆.

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Graduate10 in reply to SaskAlliecat

I'm used to it! I run from patch of shade to patch of shade. Soaking my hair and head in cold water helps too, and I have a cool towel that stays cold, no idea how that works. Last year we had record temps. 44C...often the coolest part of the day is around 9AM not earlier as a lot of people think/

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to Curlygurly2

Ugh 44... no thanks! I found training for my HmM last summer, I soaked my buff and wore it around my neck and soaked my hat and it helped but I much prefer running in cold extremes vs hot extremes I think.

TailChaser profile image

I missed your mega snow post Sask! That’s quite a deluge!! Good news with the tests 👍👍

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to TailChaser

Thanks! It was a relief especially with the ramping up of cases we’re seeing. We are under tighter restrictions again. It was fun snowshoeing today. Even with the snowshoes my husband was breaking trail and it was thigh deep in spots 😳. 30 minutes was long enough for hubby.

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserGraduate10 in reply to SaskAlliecat

Wow! I don’t think I’ve ever experienced snow that deep. A couple of inches is usually the max where I am. Must be really tough on the legs so I can imagine 30 mins being more than enough.

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to TailChaser

It has been a long time since we have seen snow like this that came down all at once. We are definitely getting out and enjoying it when we can. Now driving in it, that is less fun for me (hubby might say otherwise😆)

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserGraduate10 in reply to SaskAlliecat


Bluebirdrunner profile image

So pleased your tests were negative Allie.

Love reading about your snowy runs and adventures in that winter wonderland, envigorating, but you must get very chilled.

Hope you got your snowshoe shuffle, and maybe that Sunday run will be possible.

Take great care 🏃‍♀️❄⛄xxx

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to Bluebirdrunner

My husband and I did get out for a 30 minute snowshoe this afternoon. That was about all he wanted to do but given he was breaking trail and it was thigh deep in spots, he was working pretty hard! It is amazing how warm you get exercising in winter - you just need to layer up appropriately. It was really windy today so the only thing different I’ll do next time is find my back up ski goggles and wear them. The snow was going sideways so goggles would have been nice. Fingers are still crossed for a run tomorrow.

lexi6 profile image

I missed your post too Saska Wow! and Brrr! it looks beautiful. Glad you had negative results too, happy and safe running.

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to lexi6

Thanks Lexi! You, too.

Decker profile image

Look at all that white stuff! I just bought some new cleats for the ice. Have you been out on the snowmobiles yet? Happy to hear of your negative results too. That's got to weigh on you. The run sounds great. hope your Sunday long run tomorrow is a good one!

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to Decker

My husband has been out for a ride on his machine and he is going to take our son out tomorrow. My machine is big and heavy so better suited for groomed trails whereas theirs are meant for playing. The trails aren't open yet but they are gearing up. Fingers crossed we can get out in the next couple of weeks 🤞

Wow and jeesh Sask ( I missed this post I think 🤦) I can't imagine those legs Running through drifts like that, damn hardcore the uk seizes up if we have an inch 😂 good to see those garmin stats are playing a part 👍

Another school isolation here for the youngest, so it's time to squeeze a run here and there as and when 😐

Stay safe

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to

It is definitely a workout running through the drifts, and wet feet by the end. After another lazy week, I'm psyching myself to get out for my run today. It is -13 °C but I'm getting there and will do it.

Sorry to here you've got a school isolation happening right now. 2 of our schools have classes in at-home learning right now and I'm sure there is more to come. But we take what we are given and make the best of it.

Tough times tough measures Sask !

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