Hello there! - The lure of the HM: What a year... - Bridge to 10K

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Hello there! - The lure of the HM

Realfoodieclub profile image
37 Replies

What a year we are all having!, for me it has been a real eye opener. For those that know me, you know I am a committed passionate runner and have been for over 7 years, I love my HM’s and I love my training.

This year that all changed. I stopped my outdoor runs for lockdown and went on to the treadmill. The treadmill has been brilliant and has kept me running throughout this crazy year. my thyroid has been playing up for a while now and I yo-yo between underactive and overactive because of one 25mcg tablet, it is baffling the consultants and doctors. The problem for me is some of the symptoms is it brings is depression and joint pain on either swing so it has been challenging.

The upshot is somewhere along the road I had convinced myself I was no longer a runner. I was an exerciser who used the treadmill for a cardio session, it doesn’t sound like a big thing to most people, you would say what is the difference?, you are still running!, but it stopped me giving myself self that very coveted badge of “runner” mentally.

To me that title brings many positive things into my life, it is part of my identity and I lost that this year and tried to convince myself I didn’t want or need it. That has lead to a very confused RFC ☹️. Don’t get me wrong with my treadmill, VR, weights and long distance walks I am still really fit and active but there is no real buzz.

A few weeks ago I got an email to say I had until the 5th November to redeem my guest pass for the Hackney HM. At first I thought, No, my HM days are finished. I had convinced myself that I would never outdoor run again, definitely not events, I wasn’t able to run outdoors anymore.

That email ate away at me and I mourned the loss of my runner status even more. In the meantime my doc increased my thyroid meds so I would come out of my hypothyroid state. Thankfully it all happened in a time frame that I could still make a decision. Last week I booked my place in the Hackney Half and went for an outdoor run. Rather that the 5km I tried that floored me 2 months ago I did 3km and I was fine afterwards.

I have a slow build up HM training plan sorted. I might not get to do the HM next year, who knows how these events will turn out by then but that mental click from non runner to runner has made a massive difference to my perception about my ability. I have been so shocked to of found myself in this position but luckily by the time they change my meds again and my thyroid levels go down I will have some Km’s under my belt and I will cope better.

My advice would be if you find yourself with a lack of belief or loss of mojo, tone it all down, try a smaller slower run, something that you can positively do and prove yourself wrong.

As always wishing you all health and happy running 😀. Rfc xxx

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Realfoodieclub profile image
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37 Replies
GoogleMe profile image

There is to me the world of a difference between that treadmill exercise and being a runner. (Probably something like the difference between doing squats and being a ballet dancer)

Finding that sweet thyroid spot is such a challenge for you - I think this could be one of those situations where you really have to rely on others. But it is great news to hear you've ventured outdoors. You've had very good reasons for not doing and done lots to make it better but fundamentally we need to be.

(I am still suffering from 'hypocanine' and haven't worked out what to do about that one either!)

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate10 in reply toGoogleMe

Thank you. Finding that sweet spot is evasive 😀 but I am understanding my limitations and expectations. better now.

Hypocanine? Google?

The draw of the run keeps bringing us back, thankfully.

Take care. Rfc x

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hello Rfc 👋,

I have missed seeing you on here, and been thinking about you, your post explains your absence... I feel that there may be others who have lost that good feeling of wearing the runners badge this year, but just because it's not been possible to run outside in the way you usually would, it takes nothing away from your status and ability.🏃‍♀️⭐ Kudos to you for finding ways to keep and stay fit and those running legs moving.

My year has been a non-running one, but through injury, and early days on here someone suggested I was just a runner on pause and that has stuck with me.

The challenge of that HM in your sights seems to have given you the tools to have broken out, and with the correct medication levels, you will have so much fun building distance and training again.

I am having great fun re-doing the C25k plan as I return. My runs are short, but that buzz is there because I'm acheiving what I set out to do.

Hurray for running, and all of us for finding ways to overcome the varies barriers that stand in our way!

Please post your progress Rfc and I will post mine too.

Happy outdoor running..🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🍂🍃🍁xxx

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate10 in reply toBluebirdrunner

Thank you, you are right all around it has been a taxing year one way or another for a lot of us. Glad to hear you are keeping going. That running buzz just can’t be beaten really 😀.

I will post again with my progress and look forward to hearing about your too.

Rfc x.

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply toRealfoodieclub

It's a deal! ❤ best wishes to you and Mr Rfc. xxx

damienair profile image

Well done RFC, great post. I'm still running outside, but I have really struggled over lock down and COVID-19. The loss of parkrun and road races to train for meant that I started running less frequently and also started slowing down. In January I could comfortably run sub 1 hour 10K and a 5K in 27 minutes no problem. Recently I was struggling to run a full 5K without a break. My Mojo too was affected.

Anyway I started about a month ago training again, I wanted to run 10K before the end of October and run 5K in 28 minutes again. My 5K goal is still a work in progress and I have completed a 10K in 1 hour and 9 minutes just last Thursday.

I have always said that 10K is my max distance and other than a 13K mountain race I ran last year I would not have any interest in running further than that. Then my sister texted me yesterday morning and I am now doing a 10 mile (16K) Virtual run at the end of January. So like you, it is something for me to focus on.


skysue16 profile image
skysue16Graduate10 in reply todamienair

Best of luck with the 10 mile virtual event - you will be great 😊

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate10 in reply todamienair

Thank you. I do love a training plan. This year I have gone for digital journaling and I have it all mapped out in a diary on my iPad but I can also strike through all my runs as I do them and add photos from my garmin and run into it as well, so I’m trialing a different sort of plan but so far it feels like it hits the spot. Good luck with your 16km, look forward to hearing all about your training.

nowster profile image

I'm on 100mcg daily and appear to be stable at the moment. I was diagnosed about three years ago after I had a grey-out during a meeting in work, resulting in an an ambulance being called.

Do you get that sudden energy draining feeling (like someone's just pulled the plug on a sink)?

Are you aware that there's a thyroid forum on here too?

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate10 in reply tonowster

For the last 2 years I have been yoyoing between under and over for the sake of 25mcg tablet and silly 3 days one dose 4 days another., My doctors have involved the consultants now as they are completely baffled. A grey out sounds horrible, glad you got to the bottom of it. I hate that energy drain, I usually keep running but take my pace down and add in more walk breaks when it is really bad but my mind let my thyroid win on the outdoor running this time Never again.......😀.

I look into the thyroid one every now and then but I’m not a member.

Take care Rfc. X

nowster profile image
nowsterGraduate10 in reply toRealfoodieclub

If things are so fine as to be balancing on ±12.5µg, there's got to be some other factor involved. Best of luck!

SaskAlliecat profile image

Great advice Rfc. I had lost my mojo over the last 6 months but took a little break and am slowly working my way back focussing on just slow short runs for now. It is amazing how much running can help with stress control and improve my general outlook. Time to find that runner mentality again.

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate10 in reply toSaskAlliecat

Thank you. I think a few of us have been effected by the strange circumstances that is 2020. Short positive runs are a great way to get the feeling back again. Happy running. Rfc x

Sybilw profile image

Good to have you back and with a positive attitude. I’m so lucky with health and space to run but can it sounds as if you’re ready to embrace your inner runner again. She was just hibernating! Good luck

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate10 in reply toSybilw

Thank you. I think she went into hibernation got wrapped up and cosy and refused to come out in Spring 😂😂😂. I’m so glad my inner runner was still there Happy running Rfc x

skysue16 profile image

Thank you for posting Rfc, sorry you have been have a rough time 😕. But, very well done for all the exercise you are doing 👍. I would also like to very slowly build up to HM. Best of luck

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate10 in reply toskysue16

Thank you. There is just something I like about myself when I say “I run HM’s”. I am still in disbelief I can do it 😀. Only takes the training for one a year to keep that buzz alive. Good luck, happy running Rfc x

SueAppleRun profile image

What a battle you have had this year, i’m lucky in that my thyroid is fairly well controlled but have had times when it wasn’t balanced and felt retched so understand how hard it is

Well done on your run, sometimes if you get out even for a short time it really lifts our mood and feeling of wellbeing

Happy training runner 🏃

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate10 in reply toSueAppleRun

Thank you, I really cant believe how I let the gremlins get right into my head, yet one run with a different attitude, all was good again. Happy running. Rfc x

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply toRealfoodieclub

ty x

Irish-John profile image

I tried the treadmill during one winter and literally peed blood after two separate ten mile sessions, it's never happened on the road though.

So, easy decision when it came to "where" to run :)

I can relate at least somewhat to your feelings RFC. I found myself getting very unsure of what my "categorisation" is while training for this FM. Let's face it, no way can I run one non-stop and even my "running part" times will be pants. GIANT pants lol.


While I cannot legitimately claim to be a "Marathoner" I actually will be Running as an entrant, and hopefully covering the distance anyway beit walking and running.

Bottom line - it's not 26.2 miles that makes me a Runner, nor even one mile - it's the fact that I run.

Marathons,for me, are not what makes me enjoy running - it's when I run for however long or short that keeps me happily going out the door next time, and loving the moments :)

Wishing you many happy miles in your future RFC - be they continuous or incremental you definitely ARE a great Runner :)

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate10 in reply toIrish-John

Thank you, you are right, I do find it thought provoking how these Gremlins can get inside your head and twist things around. But just a slight change of perception changed everything 😀.

I can only manage 30-45 mins on the treadmill, that is my limit, there is no way I could try a 10 mile.

Happy running. Rfc x

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate10 in reply toRealfoodieclub

❤️ :)

Buddy34 profile image

I think you got that email at exactly the right time Rfc. Good luck with running outdoors and your thyroid settling down. 🤗🤗

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate10 in reply toBuddy34

Thank you. I know and also my endurance running season starts in November, all my running seasons have always revolved round the Hackney HM.

Elfe5 profile image

Oh RFC, you have been having such a tough time – great big hugs winging to you. 🤗🤗

Feeling a loss of self or identity is really daunting & scary, (I felt like that long ago after baby no.1 arrived). I’m so pleased to hear that you are beginning to feel better & have found yourself a way forward. Wishing much strength to your legs...and everything else. Xxx

PS I love the cartoon. I haven’t done Parkrun yet, but that’s what I always imagine- me running the opposite way to all the gazelles. 😂

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate10 in reply toElfe5

Thank you. That must of been difficult for you, I guess with 2020 being what it is there will of been many of us feeling a bit all over. So many people are missing park run and the events, a new joy for all the recent graduates to look forward to when Park Run comes back. Happy running. Rfc x

Curlygurly2 profile image

Oh yes, I always say small successes beat big failures any day! I see so many people come back to running after a break for whatever reason, often it's an injury or illness, and then they want to go and cane it - run too far or too fast..and set themselves up to fail. Start small, be happy with what you CAN do, enjoy every improvement.

Very happy for you RFC, keep us posted xx

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate10 in reply toCurlygurly2

Thank you. You are right that extra 2km and my thyroid being out scuppered my first run back. It feels so much better now with the addition of the extra meds. I’ll keep you posted, happy running. Rfc xxx

Sandraj39 profile image

So good to see you on hear RFC😀 - and getting back to your running outside!🏃‍♀️

I too have a slightly underactive thyroid and I know how greatly it can impact on you when medication is not optimal. Fortunately, I have been pretty stable on a relatively low dose of levo for a while now (although I’m probably due a check on my levels pretty soon😯).

Here’s hoping you can carry on building up and get back to your Hackney HM! Good luck!😀👍x

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate10 in reply toSandraj39

Thank you. I am realising my levels have been adjusted ever since I started, I just went along with the ups and downs, hopefully we will get something sorted. I am Looking forwards to getting some km’s under my belt, happy running. Rfc x

Dexy5 profile image

So good to see you back on the forum again realfoodieclub. Good luck with your return to the outdoors. You’ve said it now, so you’ve got to do it. 😉

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate10 in reply toDexy5

Thank you, it is all ultra real now that I have chatted it over with my freinds on here. So good to be back. Happy running. Rfc x

sTrongFuse profile image

I do wonder about how running affects the thyroid sometimes. Back in March last year (when I started this whole running malarkey) I was on 200μg (I have previously been up to 250). Since then, I've had my dosage reduced, in steps, down to 125μg.

You would think that, being more active would mean I would possible need more, not less, but that isn't how it's gone. That said, I am a lot fitter now and there's about 18kg less of me to lug around, so maybe that has something to do with it. I also weaned myself off my anti-depressants back in June, so I'm not taking any for the first time in over 15 years.

The mind and body are strange but wonderful things.

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate10 in reply tosTrongFuse

Well done on your progress and great news on the anti depressants. Initially when I started running there was an increase in my meds and I put it down to running but I personally think it is specifically down to muscle mass/ size rather than a particular exercise. I guess with a weight loss that would change the balance too. I do know if I take my intensity of exercise down for three weeks my meds feel out so I always try to keep my schedule pretty stable apart from the last two months before a HM, I am aware that my distance is higher and I’m feeling slightly depleted but it is only a small amount not a tablet change sort of thing. Take care. Rfc x

Oldfloss profile image

Sorry I missed this my friend, but it is so good to know that you are feeling, the runner, feeling once more.

Hopefully the meds will get sorted and you will be well armed for the simple gentle plan that you have in mind.

What a tumultuous year it has been and continues to be, for so many of us, and I empathise with many of your feelings of shock, as you acknowledged your feelings. I am in a similar position and having to focus on the positive rather than the negative. Have not been able to run for well over a month... but will get there; especially when I read the posts that you and many of my incredible, running friends are posting!

I hope Mr RFC is well too and that all your plans and ideas come to fruition... at some point:) Slow and steady as ever?

Love Floss

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate10 in reply toOldfloss

Hello you,! 😀. What a year it has been. So many things have been up and down for everyone. I’m sorry you have been benched for a while, that really is the pits. Definitely on the slow and steady route, you know how much I believe that is the only way. I hope you get your running legs sorted soon.

I’m going to keep running outdoors once a week with lockdown 2.0 we have not been told to shield for this one just to be careful, which I am doing in abundance anyway.

Keep strong and stay safe as you look after you and your family

Lots of love Rfc x

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