I completed my 44 min run, I managed 6.341 km. I am doing the time version of Magic Plan, but keep checking my distance, I am always falling short. I really enjoyed run and I can feel I am improving but would love to have made 7km. On my speed run this week I am going to hills to build up fitness. Have a good weekend everyone.
Magic plan week 3: I completed my 44 min run... - Bridge to 10K
Magic plan week 3

You’re not falling short - you’re doing the time plan! There’s no need to feel disappointed. You’re not being measured on the distance covered right now. You’re building your strength and endurance by gradually running for longer.
Once I appreciated this and slowed down to increase the time I was running for, it was like a revelation. I generally don’t push myself on my longer runs, I run at ‘easy conversational pace’. When I first ran for 60 minutes, my distance was 5.8 km. The distance was irrelevant, though. I do work on my speed/pace, but not on those long runs. Once I backed off from the need to achieve greater distance in shorter periods of time, I really started to enjoy running slowly for longer. Now I run for about 90 minutes on Saturdays and I really look forward to those runs where there is no pressure to achieve distance, although it’s always nice to get another 10K in the bag 👍

What do you mean, you are falling short? You've run for 44 minutes at a pace that felt good for you, and you are right on track to 60 minutes. So you're really doing great and each run is making you stronger. Enjoy your next run and don't be too harsh with yourself!

As with the above replies, you’re running the timed version, those distances are irrelevant. While I could run either version and match the other at the same time, this would (for me) mean running too fast too often as my conversational pace wouldn’t hit both targets. I’m wary of running more than 20% or my time/distance above an easy pace.
Good run here... enjoy those hills!!

Like everyone else says you did the time, which is what you set out to do. Let’s face it after 44 mins you were only 660m off the 7km mark, so nothing really. If it makes you feel any better I ran the 7km yesterday in just under 48mins. So I reckon if you could have run those last 640m in 4min (easy 😀) our times and distances would have been identical ! So definitely not falling short of anything.
Thank you for that has made me feel better. I done a 30min run today did not look at time while running. Just enjoyed it. I set out to time and that’s what I am going to do. Going to try hills on wed in short run.