I’m in need of a bit of help. I have a Fitbit charge 3 and having problems linking it to Strava as the GPS always fails. At the moment I record all my runs through Strava which works well but I can’t then see a detailed log of my heart rate. I am considering buying another watch but not sure which to buy. Thinking the Garmin forerunner 45s as it seems that Garmin links well with Strava. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 😁
Which fitness watch to buy? : I’m in need of a... - Bridge to 10K
Which fitness watch to buy?

I have a garmin and it works perfectly well. Automatically links to Strava.
I recently bought a black 45s and for me it is absolutely fantastic. It links seamlessly with Strava when you set it up and so your run automatically appears on Strava. I absolutely love it! I know there are more expense ones which are great too, but the 45s does all I need. Its hardy, waterproof (I wear it in the shower) it has a brilliant clear screen even in direct sunlight. You can personalize the screen to your taste. Basically I love it!

It’s great to hear you love your new watch. Your reply is very helpful and great to hear the 45s links to Strava seamlessly. I think it has everything I need on it too, I don’t really need anything more at this stage. Thanks for replying.

I have a garmin forerunner which I love, loads of graphs and stats. Hope you find something to suit you. Happy running 🤗

Another vote for the Garmin 45s. Mine does all I need and a whole lot else that I tend to ignore! 😉😂 Great watch!
Yet another fan of the Garmin Forerunner 45s here too!! Love mine; I have it in blue. There are more expensive Garmins out there but it does everything I need and more. I would buy it again tomorrow. ❤️⌚️

I have a Garmin Forerunner 35. Links straight seamlessly to Garmin Connect on my phone and straight to Strava also. Very easy to use and does everything I need. The 45s is the model up from mine. I would go for that. My friend has one. Lovely watch. They are very accurate and work. I keep mine basic and just have average pace, distance and time on my front screen when I'm running. Good luck.