Cravings and the cats equivalent of the ‘Mad... - Bridge to 10K

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Cravings and the cats equivalent of the ‘Mad half hour’

46 Replies

I think I’m making progress and the magic plan is going OK but.....

After several weeks of improving my discipline in my running (plan, diet, hydration, cross training, stretching) .... this week I’ve been struck by a plague of urges to just let go and go mad, .....just like our cat ‘Dolly’ does most mornings.

(Fellow cat owners will recognise this phenomenon, known as ‘the mad half hour’.......)

So my human equivalent ....a strong desire to let go, abandon anything resembling a plan, a regime, training, work, ...... and an equally strong desire to drink too much wine, eat too much chocolate, cheese, bake cakes and then to lounge for long periods with feet up tossing peanuts into mouth, ignore housework leaving missed peanuts on floor/down back of sofa, turn the music up, dance wildly around the garden and generally have a party 🎉 🎈

Anyone else?

Or how do you maintain your discipline week in week out?

Picture: Dolly mid-Madness gives wild stare as she takes a wee break between chasing her tail and running up and down stairs!

46 Replies
SlowLoris profile image

Looking at all that paraphernalia I’d say you are so much more than just a cat owner.

in reply to SlowLoris

I do love my cats 😻

roseabi profile image

What a cutie! I also have a crazy black cat and a large collection of cat toys 😻

I think the best way is to allow myself the ocasional 'mad half hour' and then just remind myself that I generally feel much better after the exercise than I do after the overindulgence 😊😊😊

in reply to roseabi

Crazy cats are cool 🥳, you are so right and that’s a great reminder to keep me on track ☺️🤗

Roxy71 profile image

Love your posts as always the make me smile... As to maintaining discipline that is a good question as I cannot eat gluten or dairy due to health reasons my choices are limited but when it comes to alcohol or nuts that when all self discipline goes out the window, also as working from home and not having to drive the next day well the temptation is too much... the number of times that I have run feeling hungover is not good.... but then sometimes I have managed a PB.....

Love Roxy xx

in reply to Roxy71

Thanks 😊😁 and goodness Roxy you already have to be so disciplined....maybe I’ll experiment with the alcohol induced PB, have my end of July goal attempt coming up so if I can’t hold back the cravings I’ll give it go 🤣🎉🤗

Phdgranny profile image

Oh it’s so old to hear you say that!! I have whole weeks like that and Tia has lots of toys too!! X

Phdgranny profile image
PhdgrannyGraduate10 in reply to Phdgranny

I meant good not old!!!!!

in reply to Phdgranny

🤣 so glad it’s not just me Phdgranny, if we can’t go wild once in a while where’s the fun in that, cats are great teachers 😸 .... at the same time get those running shoes on 😽🤗

AlMorr profile image

Lovely photo of Dolly your cat surrounded by all her toys, she is very cute and a bit like my daughter's cat who she has named Hero, my own cat named Eeshan which was given to me by my sister about 6 years ago is more darkish brown with a stripe from his head to mouth.

Glad that you are enjoying Ju Ju's Magic 10 on the way to run a 10K.👍🏃🏾

in reply to AlMorr

Just looked at your pic of Eeshan on your profile, how gorgeous is he, ...yes

7 k tomorrow , nice and slow ....I resisted the wine with dinner tonight 🤗

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to AlMorr

🙀 Cats and 🏃🏾 running 😊 👍you can take a dog a run but I have not seen a cat running with its owner.

in reply to AlMorr

🤣 I think my other cat Freddy wants to run with me, he comes half way down the road meowing his head off! And I once had a white cat called Scooter who often used to come walking when I took Hamish, our crazy cocker spaniel out 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to

Could Freddy run a 5K with you or would that be just too much. 😊 🏃🏾?

in reply to AlMorr

I think he’s all talk 😺

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to


limberlou profile image

I waste so much time ( well I don’t consider it wasted as such) playing with my cats, watching them play, sleep and just generally be the cutest things ever. I am endlessly fascinated by the ticking in Mimi’s mackerel tabby fur, and her incessant purr.... by the silver tipped sparkle in Loki’s fur and his gorgeous blue Luna’s floofiness and gorgeous tail.... and by little Roma’s wide vocabulary and urge to share everything she has done all day with anyone who wants to listen.. or anyone who doesn’t. I love stroking my cats, admiring them, cuddling them and taking pics of them.

And I can also procrastinate by knitting, crochetting, watching tv, eating Dime bars ... and just generally pottering ... anything to avoid the stringent plan I have to get fitter, slimmer and generally more healthy.

I find the best way is to tell as many people as possible that I am going to

- run 100k this month

-run alternate days

- do Pilates every day

-at least walk in my non-run days

Then I’m always worried someone will ask how I’m doing and I’ll get caught out. 🤣🤣🤣

in reply to limberlou

Never wasted time admiring cats limberlou, I really love your descriptions of them all, so much cat love on here tonight...I love your strategies and think I might try some of those .....100k in a month I’ll have to work up to 🤣🙏🤗

Allbarron profile image

Sometimes it's just good to kick back and let the discipline go! My biggest problem is finding the balance, despite good intentions I'm always slow at getting back on the wagon🥴.

I know what you mean about a mad half hour. My great lumbering pooch is the same... 6 o'clock every night 😂

in reply to Allbarron

You’re so right, good to let go but being quick to get back on it seems to be key, your pooch sounds fun 😄🤗

Allbarron profile image
Allbarron60minGraduate in reply to

Mad as a box of frogs but keeps me active at all times😂😂

PeggySusi profile image

Your cat Dolly has so many toys! She is adorable.. 😍

Thumbs down to self-discipline, I say.. have fun, relax and enjoy dancing in the garden.. a lot of what you fancy does you good..😊

in reply to PeggySusi

Thanks Peggy, she’s so cute, she was very wary and mute for the first year ( rescue cat in ‘care’ for first year of her life ) now after 2 years with us she purrs and squeaks and lets me groom her endlessly...

I love your answer and you are so right with the chilling and dancing, I will do more, it’s the sugar and naughty snacks that need restraint 🤪🤗

59er profile image

I'm with Peggy and Allbarron on this one! I try to eat well, drink not too much and stay fit but after a glass of wine and a bit of chocolate sometimes my good intentions go right out the window, and especially as I'm on the I C and in France atm I've really let things slip. I've just started my yoga again and swimming a bit, more physio exercises in the pool and boy do my muscles ache the day after. Some serious coming down to earth on my return me thinks! But hey - everything in moderation!

in reply to 59er

Hi Peggy, well you can’t really skimp on the wine if you’re in France and on the IC, enjoy and then with your yoga and swimming you’ll be back on it in no time when you’re injury free. 🧘‍♀️🤗

in reply to

Sorry I meant to say hi 59er 🤯

Ah, we all have to let loose every once in a while Mrs Jorge! You enjoy every minute of your urges!😊

Your cat Dolly reminds me of my sister's first cat. He used to have a mad half hour around 6ish too, always coinciding with the time she usually got home from work. He'd be quiet and cuddly for the first 5 minutes and then he'd really go for it! It was always inadvisable to interrupt him mid-frenzy!

Our young cockapoo, Isla, ocassionally has the zoomies and runs loops of the house and garden. We can't usually predict when she will do it, it just happens, so it always comes as a hilarious surprise and lasts no more than 5 minutes. She will often whizz back in the house and collect various toys during her loops of the house and garden, then leave the lawn strewn with everything (like having a toddler really).

My equivalent usually happens in the kitchen when a brilliant song from uni days comes on the radio and I just need to dance - "The only way is up", "Don't leave me this way", "Baby I don't care"...... It can be anytime - breakfast, dinner, tea......, mid housework..... Love it!

I have been known to have a G&T and a couple of glasses of red wine and then run the morning after - it doesn't lead to the best running performance.... 🙄, but there you go. We're only here once, and a little of what you fancy does you good 😉 😊☺️🤗 🌷.

in reply to

🤣🤣🤣🤣that really made me laugh D-d, hilarious, maybe we can look as kindly and with such affection on ourselves in our own mad moments, we are just as mad when you think about it....


Grannyhugs profile image

After 18weeks lockdown we are all getting a bit stir crazy, you’re allowed days like that. Embrace your inner kitty and enjoy yourself . Happy lounging 🤗

in reply to Grannyhugs

Definitely Grannyhugs, it’s been a tough one.. I will ...inner kitty crazy cat 🤗

Sandraj39 profile image

Firstly, I love Dolly (I have a black cat called Nelson😻) - very cute and clearly spoilt looking at all those toys!😂

As for discipline, I do like a routine but of course its ok (and I reckon advisable 😉) to let things slide occasionally! Food is usually my downfall and I am awful at getting enough sleep. I often kid myself I could be a better runner if I got more sleep!

The runs though, they usually happen as planned. No excuses - just run!😀🏃‍♀️

in reply to Sandraj39

Awww we do love our cats, ... advisable, I do like that but equally ‘no excuses, just run’ resonates , a fine idea 💡 🤗😺

Fionamags profile image

One of the reasons that I haven't lost any weight since I started running is because I do love the red wine. In fact the thing to do is plan your runs round it! PB on a 5k? Cause for celebration. Long run ticked off? Pop! 🍾 😂😂😂

I love everybody's cats - yours reminds me of my old Tom - he was completely mad and totally unpredictable. So we never knew when he'd take a bersey!!!

Enjoy yourself and just try and fit a few runs in around the dancing and partying. Ha ha ha ha. 🍷🍸🍹🥂

in reply to Fionamags

🤣🤣 have you been peeking through my window Fionamags?

‘Rest day tomorrow Mr J, open another red please’ glass in hand 🤪

At least 3 days a week ( not necessarily a calendar week) is alcohol free 😋 I have to confess to the mint choc ice cream tho for afters tonight ( Mr J’s idea!) and a handful of sweets, ( it did say Sports Mix on the bag though, so I hope that counts 😄)


Fionamags profile image
FionamagsGraduate10 in reply to

We usually abstain 4 nights but there has been slippage....

Roxdog profile image

Hahaha! It all sounds very liberating! We all need a mad half hour (or whole day) sometimes!

in reply to Roxdog

or maybe a week 😺🤗

How can you know what it feels like to be good if you haven't been naughty first!🍷

in reply to

Well spotted Querttyuuio, 😉🤗

Blueboy5050 profile image

Love that, I don’t have treats and stuff in the house. So the only thing I can turn to is protein... however when I get those days when I want to be rebellious and do exactly how you perfectly put it, I head down my local running shop, retail therapy does the trick, even if it’s just a pair of new running socks 😉

in reply to Blueboy5050

Ahhhh, retail I think you’re on to the perfect strategy there Blueboy5050 , no one breath a word to Mr Jorge that I just said that 😆🤗

slow-farah profile image

What a cute cat! We call mad half hours ‘funny five minutes’. 😂😂

To answer your actual question- everything in moderation, if you want a chocolate digestive go and have one otherwise you’ll reach breaking point and have the whole pack in one sitting!

in reply to slow-farah

Indeed, I think I’d been too good and was at breaking point 🤪🤗

Run46 profile image

Lol, your Dolly is lovely...and I'm feeling relieved that my Holly only has what we call a mad 5 minutes! It can happen more than once a day though, especially if it's windy outside...seems to drive her wild and she runs around the house and garden like a loon until she settles down, she also has a crazy stare just before dashing off 😆

I'd say give yourself an evening or afternoon off and pick things back up tomorrow but I wouldn't want to be a bad influence 😉

in reply to Run46

Holly sounds great fun, the wind sure does whip up some crazy behaviour 😺....I’m back on it, had a great tip from Blueboy5050 next week I’m off shopping 🛍 for new shoes 🤗

Run46 profile image
Run46Graduate10 in reply to

Ooh, new running shoes, now that's a treat...don't forget to post a pic on here so we can all have a gawp 😍

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