Loki had his appointment at 9.40 this morning and I hate arriving there too red and sweaty so just a short trot today. Alarm went at 7 and I ignored it, but then I was awake anyway and got up about 10 past and put my gear on. I did a pretty intense Pilates abs and sides session on Tuesday evening and was still feeling the effects of that when I got up but soon loosened up when I got moving. I put the old faithful Laura on with C25k week9 and ran along to that. I quite like the music now I’m used to it and find certain ones make me speed up a bit.
I thought I’ll just do 30 minutes and then head home but then realising that I can still only do 3.5k in 30 mins I let the podcast run over into the beginning of Stepping Stones and I thought I’d go for 5k and run a bit longer..... and then I was still a fair bit from my 5 min cool down walk marker on the way home so I carried on running to there.... and then it was 5.6 by the time I got there so I might as well make it 6k.... so I did!!
Then home shower and dress in time for the vets. Well Tom the vet said he was very pleased with how Loki’s paw is looking and said no dressing this time and he can have the cone off to have a little wash but don’t let him get too carried away with washing it. So by the time we got home 10 mins later the nice pale pink bit, that was the last bit to heal, is nice and red. He’s been desperate to wash it for ages and also to give his left ear a good dig with that big toe claw. So we let him have a good wash and guided him away from the foot. Then I tried distracting him with half a pouch of wet food... and the half I’d put in the other bowl for Mimi!!!
Then he was desperate to go upstairs with Mimi, and sleep on my bed,so I took my book and coffee up too. But what he really wanted was to hide under my bed and have another good go at it. So I managed to tempt him out with half a cat sausage ( Mimi got the other half) and he’s now back in the Buster collar. Bet he’ll still get at it though- he’s just too damned flexible. Silly boy doesn’t realise if he leaves it it will heal quicker 🙄