One of our family stories tells of the time we were kayaking in a Welsh lake somewhere. The instructor exclaimed “well done, Lesley” to my mother and as she beamed a smile at him she promptly capsized and had to be rescued. We don’t say “pride comes before a fall” but “remember the time mum was kayaking...”
I made the mistake of feeling a teeny weeny bit confident about an improvement in my running, to the point where I committed the other day to juju’s 10k plan. I have been daydreaming about plodding with ease past 8k, 9k, 10k... hell, why not sign up for a few 10K’s now and get myself some running bling?
Sadly, gang, the wheels came off today. Don’t be fooled by the stats; you can add 3 minutes to the time for ‘stretching’ (aka pauses to control my ragged breathing).
It started badly two days ago, which is when I meant to go running. Somehow yesterday passed me by too, and so I was 48 hours overdue leaving the house today. It really couldn’t be put off any more. In some sort of strange compensation for not running as much, I decided to run further/longer, and although my arms for some reason felt like lead weights, I steered my plodding body along a route I haven’t done in one go before.
It was tough going. My plan had been not to look at the watch and recreate that lovely, easy feeling I experienced on the last run, in tune with my body and the world. But it wasn’t happening. I heated up to simmering point quickly and stripped off at 2k, leaving the Garmin exposed to my desperate eye. I realised then that I had set off too quickly - my good runs have all had a very easy first km or two. It’s funny how I run nice and slow when I’m feeling good, and too fast when I’m feeling pants. Almost as if I want to get it over and done with, rather than relax into the run... anyway. It was just like the bad old days - I went off too fast, my heart rate hit hummingbird speed and I never really found a good rhythm.
Three ladies ran past me, going the other way and we waved and smiled at each other. It’s funny how many women runners there are out there. And how many men parked in cars and vans by the side of the road!
On the plus side, I got out there. And kept going. And even if I did pause a few times, I ran my furthest run on a hilly 7.5km. And the last km wasn’t as bad as the one before. So it’s not all bad.
Happy running all. And remember; start off slow!