I'm still not quite 100% so haven't managed to start Week 6 just yet (planning on an early night in bed with an early run before work tomorrow) but did get out for a little run with the boy.
Every Saturday he asks to join me for Parkrun, but being only 5 I'm not sure he'll manage walking 5k, let alone running it. But as he keeps asking I thought I'd see how he fairs with the C25K plan, and hopefully he can build up to volunteering to tailwalk with me one Saturday morning.
So tonight we set off for C25K W1R1 - 60sec run, 90min walk.
He started strong, but opted for heading home 2 runs short than the plan. I wasn't going to argue, I'd rather he finish happy and want to go again than push him and put him off.
Did make me wonder though, is there a C25K plan designed for littleuns?