After suffering a torn hamstring a month ago, which seemed to have healed, assisted by some targeted exercises, today was the first time I'd risked taking part in parkrun. I'd tried out a 4k walk/jog midweek with no adverse effects to the affected leg, although interestingly the other leg's hamstring had been a bit tight afterwards, for a couple of days.
I set off at a steady (slow!) pace and as there were a few minor twinges (to be expected after a month without running I think), decided after about 1.5k to slow it to a brisk walk. This seemed to help, so at 2k I picked it up again and managed to run the rest of the 5k without any further adverse effects. Garmin time 35.40, parkrun time 36.05.
It feels really good to be back, but I think I need to proceed with caution over the next couple of weeks to make sure I don't b****r it up!
Happy running one and all!π
PS Almost forgot to say - today was the first time I was able to wear my '50 parkruns ' t-shirt!π