Feeling a bit low this week:
We had to say goodbye to our chronically ill Spaniel, Bella, on Sunday. We knew we were at the point where we had to make a decision about her final day, but ultimately it was taken out of our hands when she started fitting early in the afternoon. We had a lovely vet come to the house, so she died somewhere she knew surrounded by love.
Today has been Merlin’s and my first day without other company, so I decided to get us out of the house, and made today our long run day.
Having walked a decent distance to give Merlin a chance to pee and poo, I totally forgot to start my Garmin when we started running, so we did actually run farther than measured.
Garmin stats: 12.61k in 1:34:21.
Picture of Bella Dogga with Taylor B, and their very well deserved medals after an event in May 2017 (the last time she ran at an event).