How do you fuel your runs vs. non-running days? - Bridge to 10K

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How do you fuel your runs vs. non-running days?

Celerysalt profile image
15 Replies

Since late June, I've been trying to do x1 8-10k run each week and 1-2 (usually 2) shorter runs (generally 5ks but sometimes less). Prior to this, I'd kept steadily to 5ks, having completed c25k last summer (albeit with a long winter hiatus!).

For the 5k period, my diet was pretty much what I'd eaten before, give or take a banana or yogurt etc. on running days. I always stuck to at least 5-a-day fruit and veg (usually 7+), 1-2 portions of meat a day, and 1-2 portions of wholemeal grains (generally porridge or muesli for breakfast and a sandwich for lunch and a lower-carb dinner). I don't tend to snack much but a few squares of chocolate in the evening are non-negotiable. This kept my weight stable (I'm 5'3" and 8st 4lbs, so I could do with losing a bit of flab and/or gaining a bit of muscle very happily).

However, since running a bit more, I've noticed that I've been gravitating towards certain foods and away from others (regardless of whether it's a running day or not). I had expected, if anything, to crave more meat (for protein) and more bread (if I'm honest, for a lazy carb-fix). Instead, I've wanted less meat and grains, but more fruit and vegetables (including pulses), more eggs and I've also craved nuts and avocados (I'm guessing for the fats). I've had generally more energy overall, and my runs have felt easier. (It's a bonus that I've also lost a few pounds, though I'm not going to obsess over this - the benefits of running overall are amazing and I wouldn't want to reduce that to a number on a scale.)

I just wondered if anyone had any experiences or advice to share. I've read a bit about diet for runners but I'm conscious that, for the distances I'm running, I definitely do not need a 'marathon training nutrition plan' (and maybe I don't need any plan at all?)! I use MFP intermittently. Should I be more consistent with this? Should I bother with macros etc? Should I be eating differently on running vs. non-running days?

Thanks in anticipation!

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Celerysalt profile image
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15 Replies
Beachcomber66 profile image

I eat porridge laced with honey for breakfast every day and just eat sensibly otherwise. Only variation is my ritual flat white with a triple brownie post run. Works for me!!☕️🍩. I do drink a litre of zero everyday on top of other drinks. I am more bothered about hydration than diet really. I am probably a very poor role model 😊

Celerysalt profile image
Celerysalt in reply to Beachcomber66

Thanks for your honest reply, Beachcomber66! It's good to know that the occasional treat is perfectly OK. I also quite like the idea of the 'ritual' of a treat: something to look forward to and a clever way of avoiding an all-out binge after days/weeks of being 'too good'!

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate10 in reply to Celerysalt

Just missed a 5k Pb by 10 seconds this morning. Ritual being duly observed.😊

Celerysalt profile image
Celerysalt in reply to Beachcomber66

A pesky 10 seconds! Well done for getting so close! In case your usual brownie proffer ever sells out, I recommend Nigel Slater's brownie recipe, hands down (the first recipe):

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate10 in reply to Celerysalt

Thanks!! I could carry homemade brownies for long runs!! 😊

Buddy34 profile image

Reading your post your food intake looks really good . If you feel good also you must be doing something right. My new food on run days are weetabix with sliced banana 😊

Celerysalt profile image
Celerysalt in reply to Buddy34

Thanks, Buddy34! What would we do without bananas (Weetabix = also good, but I'm a teacher and I associate them with term-time eating!).

GoGo_JoJo profile image

I definitely gravitate towards different foods now but then we also ditched meat and dairy in October so it could be cross over. Avocados are def high on the list along with more seeds and nuts.

When I do crave carbs its lentil or chickpea pasta or seeded breads.

Even on longer run weeks I don't tend to do anything different, I just eat bigger portions afterwards 🤔

I do currently log my foods but this was more to ensure I was getting enough protein to start with. It is useful after big workouts to make sure I've put away a decent number of calories.

Celerysalt profile image
Celerysalt in reply to GoGo_JoJo

Well done for having the determination to make such a big dietary change, GoGo-JoJo! It's really good to read that you're thriving on a dairy and meat-free diet, especially when you're also going for good fats from avocados, nuts etc.

I think I will log on MFP for a few weeks, just to see how my diet looks overall. It varied from 40g-65g protein/day when I last bothered to log regularly, if memory serves.

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoGraduate10 in reply to Celerysalt

It's amazing really as I was very much a dyed in the wool carnivore!

We average 80g protein easily a day and well over 45g fibre. We both have physical jobs too so have to keep input high to keep going.

Just finished a huge tofu scramble for brunch with avocado and focaccia. Incredible that I really don't miss a full English one bit 🤣

Celerysalt profile image
Celerysalt in reply to GoGo_JoJo

That sounds really tasty. I have two almost-ripe avocados in at the moment... No tofu, but I think even our little local Tesco sells it now -- I may have to find out tomorrow morning! (Sunday morning brunch plans at half 4 on a Saturday afternoon...!) Thanks for the idea!

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoGraduate10 in reply to Celerysalt

The "Tofoo" brand is fab (our Tesco stocks it) and the smoked flavour is perfect for brunch, just drain and smash it up (no need to press) with some garlic, spring onions and any other bits to hand. I like chestnut mushrooms and coriander in it. Serve avocado with some mixed leaves on the side and nice warm bread or toast 👌🏻😁

Irishprincess profile image

It was only when I started to run longer distances that I started to think about my diet because my issue was I lost weight very easily. I know a lot of people say ,”lucky you” but it’s actually very hard to maintain and gain weight so I had to work hard on eating the right foods and doing specific weight training.

My tastes haven’t changed but I do take more care of what I put in my mouth as it’s fuel for my running and gym work. I eat almost everything and my only limits are meat (rarely) and alcohol (four nights off) and rubbish food (hardly ever). I eat lots of fish, dairy (full fat milk), vegetables rather than fruit, pulses and drink lots of water every day. I also have lots of tea, have cake almost every day and ice cream is my pudding of choice 😋

I adore pasta and eat a lot when doing long run training. So I eat everything really!

I notice that you don’t mention fish in your diet. If you don’t eat any then that’s a great complement to what you’re already eating.

Just keep doing what you’re already doing but you may notice that you need to tweak your diet a bit if you start running longer distances. And of course, don’t forget the water thing!

Celerysalt profile image
Celerysalt in reply to Irishprincess

Thank you so much for your detailed response, Irishprincess! Your approach to exercise and nutrition is really inspiring: very sensible but it also sounds achievable (I hope!) for others to follow.

I've been making an effort to drink more water for a while now (like you, often in the form of cups of tea!) and I am convinced by the hype: clearer skin, more energy, fewer food cravings. I also bought some hydration tablets on Amazon after some weird dizzy episodes following a couple of runs in Greece (I suspect I wasn't, in fact, drinking enough water for 33 degree heat). I'm not sure if they're really necessary if you bother to drink regular water, little and often, but they're there in case I misjudge the temperature again!

I will definitely look into eating more fish (I do eat it but my significant other isn't a fan, so I tend to only have it when I'm eating separately from him).

Cake, ice cream AND pasta!? (Do we need any more reasons to exercise?)

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoGraduate10 in reply to Celerysalt

I would definitely advocate hydration tablets when running for more than an hour unless you are one of the lucky ones who doesn't really sweat... even if you carry both plain and electrolyte water. 👍🏻

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