Feeling Fed Up: I was lucky enough to get some... - Bridge to 10K

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Feeling Fed Up

DebJogsOn profile image
โ€ข14 Replies

I was lucky enough to get some really soulful runs in Cornwall last week along with some serious relaxation and sunny coastal walking.

So this week was bound to feel more gloomy. However along with the not so inspiring scenery and some days working in school (I'm a teacher) - obviously minus the children - I've also developed a bump on my right knee. As my default setting is 'OMG I'm obviously dying' I was hoping the GP would give it a name and say this is what we do about it. But no - seems it could be any number of things and I should have an ultrasound (obviously need to wait for this...more worry). He thinks it might be related to the fall onto my knee back in October (where I did smack it really hard - lots of bruising).

On a better note as it's not causing me pain (apart from feeling a bit sore from time time) he said I could run on it so long as it was 'just a light jog' until 'we know what we're dealing with'. So at least I can still keep lightly jogging my worries to the back of my mind.

Realised after I should probably asked for a definition of a light jog - but have decided to interpret it as I can do 3k on alternate days and throw in an odd 5k here and there?

Sorry for the self indulgent whining - just needed to get it off my chest ๐Ÿ˜”

Wishing myself back in Cornwall....

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DebJogsOn profile image
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14 Replies
Irishprincess profile image

Ooh that looks beautiful, a perfect place to run.

Your comment about your default setting made me laugh because I'm a bit like that too. I was flying on Sunday and woke up with a really red bloodshot eye. My immediate reaction was "brain bleed" and should I even fly?!!! We got a doctor for reassurance and then I felt stupid because "it's only a bloodshot eye" but I'm not taking any chances with my health ๐Ÿ™‚

But look at it this way. Doctors usually err on the side of great caution and so if you were told you can run then the doctor doesn't think there's anything seriously wrong with your bump.

I think your suggested run lengths sound fine. Maybe take yourself off somewhere beautiful to feed the soul?

DebJogsOn profile image
DebJogsOn in reply to Irishprincess

Glad I'm not the only one who stresses. The thing is if he hadn't arranged an ultrasound I'd probably be worrying he might have missed something!

Looking forward to some sunny running this week at least.

Slinkymalinki profile image

My reaction would've been the same! How frustrating for you. I hope it's nothing serious and will go of its own accord but can understand why you would be worried. Glad you had a relaxing week though with some lovely runs to carry you through the reality of work this week. (I'm ignoring my planning til the inset day!) We're off to Cornwall tomorrow for some cycling, running & walking if my back allows it - twisted & strained on a school trip to France just before the hols but massaged yesterday. Let us know how you get on? ๐Ÿ˜Š

DebJogsOn profile image
DebJogsOn in reply to Slinkymalinki

Oh - enjoy Cornwall ๐Ÿ˜Š!

I'm hoping for some sun for my light jogging. School work was less of a shock today - trying little and often as a form of attack!

Will let you know how I get on.

Sandraj39 profile image

Well this is clearly the place to be for worriers ๐Ÿ˜ฎ- I am another of this merry band! I agree with IP though - your gp is erring on the side of caution and making sure he covers everything, which is exactly as it should be. Hope you get the appointment through soon though so that you know what your dealing with. In the meantime, enjoy those gentle runs - and lovely memories of Cornwall; the photos are beautiful btw. ๐Ÿ™‚

DebJogsOn profile image
DebJogsOn in reply to Sandraj39

Cornwall never fails to impress - the photos from the coastal walking are amazing - but generally not the paths to run on!

I hate being anxious about my health - I think it's the one thing I'd change about myself if I could - I always worry!

Tbae profile image

Sorry about your situation.

I was whining to my daughter in Dubai.

She sent me this link.๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜‚

Emily Levine.


Whether it helps or I hope you get a laugh,you take good care of you.

You have been so helpful and inspiring to folks on here.

Thank you Deb.


DebJogsOn profile image
DebJogsOn in reply to Tbae

Thanks Tbae

I've seen this talk before - she's amazing! Definitely makes me smile ๐Ÿ˜Š.

Dexy5 profile image

Enjoy your light jogs - far better than the injury couch.

DebJogsOn profile image
DebJogsOn in reply to Dexy5

Indeed ๐Ÿ˜Š

Richard7 profile image

Oh dear - never great getting news like that. Especially when it is a little open to interpretation. Hopefully it is nothing and you can take the time to enjoy some lighter runs before being back to normal soon.

DebJogsOn profile image
DebJogsOn in reply to Richard7

Thanks Richard. I really don't like uncertainty (I'm a control freak ๐Ÿ˜‚) but as I've commented above if the doc had been definite about something minor I'd probably be worrying he might have missed something. Will try to put it to the back of my mind.

At least he didn't say to stop running!

BaddieThePirate profile image

Good luck with your bumpy leg. (Let me know if you need to borrow my wooden leg)! Good to go get checked out.

DebJogsOn profile image
DebJogsOn in reply to BaddieThePirate


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