I've been in the process of moving (hence radio silence) from hilly Chipping Norton to flat Abingdon on Thames. Now, here's a curious thing: running on the flat is way less strenuous, hardly sweating, not tiring as quickly, heart rate more evenly distributed in the zones instead of mostly in red/maximum - BUT ... my pace is 1 1/2 to 2mins slower per km.
long time no write, but a curious fact: - Bridge to 10K
long time no write, but a curious fact:

Welcome back Flick! Hope you are all settled after the move...have missed you on the forum
Oooh that is interesting - you would think the flat would make the pace faster, I have no idea how that works, but it does show how efficient you were at the hills!
Re the move, we're getting there! Gradually!

Hey, lovely Flick!
Now that IS odd. It must have been the downhill parts that made the difference. I guess the downhill bits more than compensated for the uphill bit.
My usual routes are hilly and when I did Park Run it was completely flat. My Park Run pace was way better than my usual "quick" pace by more than 30 seconds per km.
Welcome back missus. We were about to send out an APB!
I think running on the flat all the time is harder. The ups and downs deffo help You’re running though 😃💪👍🏃♀️
Yet I was less fatigued and my heart rate was lower. I shall see how it goes over the next week or so
Hey lovely Mike xxx I wonder if it's the muscle thing. time will tell x

Hi Flick
We have missed you! I do hope the move went well and you are well on your way to making your new home homely. If I lived closer I would have definitely pitched in! I love unpacking in a new house.
Now that is a funny upshot of running on flat! I truly do not understand. Baffling. The only thing I can think to suggest is to try some intervals, now you are on the flat. I love the NHS + Speed podcast (despite really not liking Laura's voice – controversial, I know, but I just find her too stern.)
Sadie-runs xxx
Aw thanks dearest Sadie. I shall try intervals, The move was horrendous. i have too much stuff! Two dogs and two cats too. xxx

Less strenuous, not sweating, less tiring?
You’re not working hard enough Flick 🤪
Seriously, glad you’re away from Chippy 😊
But it felt like an enormous effort, like i was weighted down. I'm glad i'm away from Chippy too, though Mic loved it
\he wasn't there 24/7 like me and he can drive).
Hi Flick, welcome back, and I hope all went well with the stress of the move!
I found 10 minutes on my best time for 7Km by just letting myself go on the downhills, previously I had been concerned that I would run into knee trouble and deliberately went slow. I did make a conscious effort to toe/midfoot-strike though.
Perhaps you, a natural fore-footer IIRC, were just doing that without thinking?
My other thought is that you are just taking your time, and enjoying the new countryside.
Thank you
I'm a midfoot striker.
I think I'm fatigued, despite the lack of apparent effort. Also they were short runs, so maybe I just never got going properly. I really need to find some heels to keep up the practice.

Yaaay Flick!! Congratulations on the move!! I’m sure as you get more familiar with the flat, that pace will be back and go beyond!! 😁😁❤️
Thank you lovely. I'm hoping that too xxx

Hi Flick, wondered where you’d got to ... welcome back!
Most of my running is on the flat but I’m dead slow anyway so afraid I can’t explain your mystery.
Thank you xxx and i bet you're not as slow as me!

It's just the stress of moving...you will be flying soon 🚀🚀🚀🚀
I’m very fatigued
Happy New Home 🏠 Flick. Lovely that you are back.😀.i think flat running is hard work. Also felt it in my knees too. I never thought I’d say this but a little couple of hills help my legs. 😀
I’m glad it isn’t just me! And thank you 😊💖

Maybe you feel more relaxed when away from all the boxed stuff that still needs sorting out? 😸 enjoy it! I sometimes find I go more slow if doing a new route or area..
I am tired, but it’s interesting what you say about being slower in a new area

It is odd isn’t it Flick? You’d assume flat would automatically mean quicker, but I’ve found it not to be the case sometimes. Must be the downhills!
I’m glad your move went well and I hope you’ve managed to find some fantastic new routes. 🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️
Yeah, but you would expect the uphills to balance it out - but i think my uphill pace was getting almost as fastI haven't explored far yet, but there are some lovely routes just locally.

Lovely to hear you’re back Flick. Me and UpTheStanley are only doing down hills at the moment. Uphill is in a chairlift 😂😂❄️⛷❄️⛷❄️
Jogrunsprint in apple App Store might be worth trying now you’re on the flat. I love it and giggle along the prom (on the jog bits!)
Ahas, you.re skiing? I will take a look at that app, thanks x

Great to hear from you again! Re. flat running, I imagine it's fatigue and perhaps your body needs to find a different running rhythm? Maybe interval/fartleks might help and varying the terrain (i.e. grass/path) - take care of your shins on too much flat concrete - mine complain! Looking forward to hearing about your runs & wishing you much happiness and peace in your new home. X
Thank you lovely All my runs have been at least half off road, and that seems to be continuing her, luckily. I'm looking forward to exploring the river walks along the Thames too x

Good to see you back here Flick. We've missed you 🙂
Aw, thanks xxx Did you think I'd done a runner (no pun intended)?

Glad to hear you are settling in nicely Flick😊...
Embrace the flat😆..all running is good and hopefully you will enjoy running through some different countryside and settle into flatter running too!
Hope you can begin to feel more rested now that the move is behind you.😊xxx
Thank you lovely. Yes, i must embrace the flat! I'm much happier here - I just need to make sure I don't lose my hill legs, especially as I've entered the Blenheim half for the autumn, and thats very hilly xxx