I had a good week last week, a 7Km, and two 5Ks. Nice and slow, not trying for Parkrun PBs right now.
After church yesterday - I took the service - I was talking to the last ladies who were tidying up. One asked me about running, and I was singing the praises of C25K to her. Another said that she used to run 5 and 10Ks, and enjoyed Cross Country at school, but stopped enjoying it, and now goes to the gym for weight training. Very sad.
And then I made the mistake of telling them that my method of enjoying a Parkrun was to find a nice set of glutes in some brightly coloured tights and follow them... I think it shattered my rep. But the girl who does weight training thanked me, she said it might help her to get back to running if the clergy think appreciating the young men was okay... Doh! π³
Runs away....