Really enjoyed reading cheeky chipmunk’s post. I did the 8K run first this week as the rain hadn’t quite arrived here in Hackney. Went well and yesterday did a 4K which was remarkably pleasant.
So much is psychological isn’t it. Just a few months ago I was thinking - yes I can run for one minute!
I’ve saved the 5k so I can join in with the Park Run tomorrow. I’ve done a few planks, a few squats but... I cannot imagine doing a box jump. Maybe that is more than ‘psychological’! Haha. Is there a good video of this exercise? From the description it seems you jump up from a squat. Well never say never - but need some help.
Sorry for waffling along but I am so proud of myself, running has improved my health in soooo many ways and I started at 60+. I also love this forum and the runners and support and stories it offers.
Thank you