Thank heavens, I enjoyed that. πŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ - Bridge to 10K

Bridge to 10K

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Thank heavens, I enjoyed that. πŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

cheekychipmunks profile image
β€’57 Replies

After a truly horrible 8k on Monday where I was so cross I couldn’t even bring myself to post about it (no motivation, gremlins, legs, wind, long grass, slower than my slowest snail ...... arghhhh, it was HORRIBLE), it was with trepidation that I headed for the gym for my 4k today.

I found a programme I’m going to like - easy squeezy, just tap in the distance you require, the speed (which you can fiddle with while you’re running if it’s not right), pick hilly, not hilly, both - and Bob’s your uncle. There are different levels to pick from too, which I assume make the hills hillier or something.

Anyway, I trotted away, sweating like a beast, and did a lovely relaxing 4k with some small hills. I ran between 7 and 8kpm and enjoyed it! Yay! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

I’m so relieved. Even though I ran the whole 8k on Monday, I disliked every step which isn’t like me at all. I even told the voice coach on MMR to F off when she told me I needed to speed up!

But all’s ok again now and I’m smiling again! Treadmill to the rescue (who’d have thought it?!)

Happy running chums. β€οΈπŸƒπŸƒβ€β™€οΈβ€οΈ

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cheekychipmunks profile image
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57 Replies
ju-ju- profile image

well done and it sounds like a good run :)

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to ju-ju-

Thanks ju-ju it was. All’s ok with the world again! πŸ‘πŸ˜€πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

MutleyShuffle profile image

Ha ha! I know what you mean, sometimes a run is so horrible you don't want to dwell on it by posting about it on here, best just mark it down to experience and put it to the back of your mind! So glad today's run restored the joy, it's such a relief when that happens! And on the dreadmill!! 😁 That's good to know - I haven't been forced indoors to run yet but if I am I may be slightly less reluctant! Well run cheeky! πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ’ͺπŸ‘

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to MutleyShuffle

Thanks MS! Definitely a relief as I’ve enjoyed virtually every run I’ve done prior to that. And with the weather being so stormy this morning, the treadmill was just the ticket! πŸ‘πŸ˜€

telford_mike profile image

Didn't exactly enjoy mine yesterday in a howling gale and rain. Still drying shoes out! Glad you're back with the programme!

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to telford_mike

Don’t blame you Mike! Good for you getting out in it though. πŸ‘πŸƒ This weather is really testing which is another reason the treadmill seemed appealing this morning! πŸ˜€

over61andstilltrying profile image

But that 8k run was completed. You did it! So that is brilliant! Amazing perseverance all while you hated it! 8k in those circumstances sounds worth a medal πŸ…or even two πŸ… πŸ… and more 🍾πŸ₯‚πŸŽ‰πŸƒβ€β™€οΈβœ¨πŸ‘πŸ»! Good to hear that you enjoyed your run today, on a treadmill. I doubt that you will ever see me on one of those!

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to over61andstilltrying

Haha thanks 61, it’s a run I’ll write off as being just one of those things. Hopefully I won’t experience another like that for a while ...... πŸ˜–

I actually don’t mind the treadmill ...... I know it’s widely disliked and there’s no way I’d use it if I had the choice, but today it fit the bill perfectly! πŸ˜€πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ‘

Beachcomber66 profile image

Pleased to hear it CC. Cobwebs πŸ•Έ blown away! Just back from my 4k in the woods! Blowing a gale, raining on and off, clarty under foot the lot!! Briefly thought about a hard hat! After all only idiots would be out on a day like this? Like you, kept it nice and steady following tough 7k . Don’t tell anyone but I have sneaked off for a flat white and butty to recover!!🐌

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to Beachcomber66

Ooooo well done BC! You’re a braver soul than me, but having said that I have nowhere to run that isn’t really exposed. I’d have been running on the spot in today’s wind! πŸ’¨ πŸ’¨ πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸŒ

Your flat white and butty sound well deserved - and now I want some! πŸ‘πŸ˜€πŸ‘

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate10 in reply to cheekychipmunks

Met a lady in the cafe, probably about my age, and she told me about her exploits climbing to Everest base camp, the Inca trail etc all done after the age of 60!! Kept quiet about my 4K in the wind and rain!! Shows age really is just a number though. Bit of grit is all that is needed. So glad you are back in the groove CC.😊

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to Beachcomber66

Now that is impressive! Makes little wet runs seem a bit underwhelming - but I’m still impressed with you BC! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

hudsondoglets profile image

I love this post because it’s so relatable and exactly how I (and probably most of us) feel on a regular basis. Thank you for sharing πŸ˜ŠπŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ’ͺ🏻

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to hudsondoglets

You’re more than welcome HD! I do waffle on sometimes, but I couldn’t even be bothered to do that after my Monday shocker. Today, totally different!

I think we all have off days, but the nice part is, those days make the good runs seem all the sweeter! πŸ‘πŸ˜€

Well done on your run, especially for adding the hills! Well done also for getting back on the horse, so to speak, and not giving up (not that you would!!). I'm really impressed you managed on the dreadmill, I just can't use those things!!

And you know, don't discount the previous run. I'm sure we've all had difficult runs which haven't been what we'd hoped for, but I think the trick is to learn from those, and rather than taking negative stuff from them, use it as a positive, as in, now I know I need to work on this, or now I know not to do y etc. Bear in mind that every single run is just that, a run. Not time spent back on the couch, not stuffing yourself silly with junk, not wallowing in the triumph of your own mediocrity(!), but running, exercising, getting fitter, building stamina etc. Even if a run doesn't go quite to plan, you've still done so much more than many many people.

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to

Yessss Neil, thank you! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ You’re right, an appalling 8k is 100% more worthwhile than lolling on a cosy couch, and it will be used as 8 extra kilometres to bank in my still rather new running legs. πŸ˜€πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

I’ll run it again next week but in the reverse direction. A silly detail I know, as it’s the same effort hill-wise both ways round my circuit, but all my good runs have been clockwise. As there were more running anticlockwise on Monday I morphed into a sheep and followed them. I also off roaded onto the long grass to avoid a walker. All things I needn’t have done!

I’ll do parkrun on Saturday and return to my 8k next week with renewed vigor! πŸ’ͺ

in reply to cheekychipmunks

Running 8k backwards? Now that's a challenge!! :D

You're a great runner, just you remember that, OK?!

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to

Hahaha now imagine that - 8k in reverse! πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Thanks so much - we’re all great runners, and it’s thanks to the brilliant C25K and these amazing forums! β€οΈπŸ˜€πŸ‘

in reply to cheekychipmunks

I still can't quite believe the difference myself, from starting out in late August 2017. I'm now excited about working towards a new route of 10 miles I'd love to manage... however did that happen?!

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to

Bonkers isn’t it? But amazing too. 10 miles seems an awful long way, but you’ll smash it Neil. I assume you’re headed for a HM at some point? πŸƒπŸƒπŸƒπŸƒ

Tartancat profile image

Back on track Cheeky! It takes more than a rotten run to keep you down!

And after my run yesterday I can vouch for the fact that running in that wind is ridiculous- you're far better off on the dreadmill (and I hope you're no longer getting too hot in the gym) πŸ˜…

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to Tartancat

Too right TC. A tough chipmunk this one! πŸ’ͺ

I was very hot on the treadmill, but I didn’t let it bother me today. Sweat was dripping onto the belt (nice), but I was so relieved everything else felt good, I didn’t care! I did take care to wipe it down afterwards I hasten to add! πŸ˜‡

Tartancat profile image
TartancatGraduate10 in reply to cheekychipmunks


SaskAlliecat profile image

Sometimes a run just sucks, but you didn't dwell on it, you moved on and had a great next run, and on a treadmill! Great job! I was the opposite this week. I had decided to do a speed interval workout on the treadmill this week to avoid the ice outside for one of my run. It sucked! I finished the 30 minute run, but was no where near the 6k run I was scheduled to do and couldn't bring myself to run the full 6. I pushed it to 5k, grunting, swearing, groaning the whole way. My husband was upstairs and thought I was laughing. Nope but didn't correct him πŸ˜‚. But mood and motivation has been so low with our lack of sunshine and so much ice lately that I'm just glad to have forced myself to do it. Looking forward to getting outside in the daylight tomorrow though for my 12k run 🀞

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to SaskAlliecat

Oh wow Sask, I can only imagine what winter running must be like in your climate. I used to ride horses in New England and we were confined to the indoor arena for months at a time. πŸ‘Ž 🐎 ❄️

Wet and windy parkrun in store I think for Saturday. I enjoy the rain though - the wind, not so much.

Good luck with your 12k. That sounds like a loooong way to me! πŸ˜€πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ‘

Well I can report the opposite: the 8K a couple of days ago was a doddle, I even set my 2nd fastest 5K time running the last 5K, but today's 4K-with-sprints was as much of a struggle as any of the runs in C25K. I didn't want to go out and run but I did so that's another victory.

Time to start girding my loins for Parkrun on Saturday!

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to Now-runner_NeedsAttn

Funny how runs work out sometime isn’t it NRNA? Unexpected good ones and likewise, unexpected bad ones! But we carry on and remember that any run is good really! πŸ˜€πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒπŸ‘

I’m also girding my loins for parkrun. The forecast is shocking, but I’m going anyway! Good luck on yours! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

UpTheStanley profile image
UpTheStanleyGraduate10 in reply to Now-runner_NeedsAttn

4K-with-sprints is meant to be a struggle........ πŸ˜›

Beanjo profile image

Well done for sticking at the 8k cheeky. It’s not like you to have an unenjoyable run but glad that normal service is resumed. You are human after all 😊

I’ve just done my 3rd treadmill run today. Not as good as outdoors obviously but a life saver for me as I’ve very little chance most days to run outside during daylight hours at the moment. It makes those outside runs feel good when I manage to do them.

Impressed with your β€˜hills’ too. My steepest incline so far is 1% πŸ˜‚

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to Beanjo

Thanks Beanjo! I don’t think my hills were very hilly, but I could feel the difference. I’ll experiment with the levels next time. I enjoyed seeing what incline was coming up next and I had a killer 80’s playlist to listen to. All in all very enjoyable! πŸ˜€

Parkrun next for me. A wet and windy one judging by the forecast. Never mind, it’ll be a ton of fun anyway! πŸ‘

Happy running to you, and I hope you get some nice outdoor ones in over the next few days! πŸ‘πŸ˜€πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

linda9389 profile image

Great job! you definitely turned a near defeat into a clear win there. And ran 8k twice, no matter how the first one felt. I'm convinced the bad runs are only there to help us really appreciate the good ones :) May your next one be a good one too :)

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to linda9389

Thanks Linda, the 8k sucked big time and I’ll repeat it next week. Today’s was only a 4k, but that was the plan. It was nice to end a run feeling good again. Parkrun next - always fun! πŸ‘πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ˜€πŸƒπŸ•

linda9389 profile image
linda9389Graduate10 in reply to cheekychipmunks

Oops sorry. I didn't read that properly did I 😳 I'm going to do parkrun this weekend too. Here's to enjoyment and great times πŸ˜€

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to linda9389

Absolutely! Here’s to rocking parkrun this weekend! πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

Flaraflarkin profile image

Hats off to you for getting on the dreadmill πŸ‘’πŸŽ© Glad today's run was a more enjoyable experience πŸ€— Parkrun for me too Saturday (bum cheek pending πŸ€£πŸ™ˆ) πŸ‘Š

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to Flaraflarkin

Thanks Flara, I think I’ve made friends with the treadmill! 😳

Hope your bum cheek behaves so you can enjoy parkrun! 🀞 πŸ˜€πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

Sandie1961 profile image

Well done Cheeky. Not every run can be a good one, but it’s done and you’ve moved on! Got my 4K tomorrow but no parkrun for me this week, cos I’m donning a Santa suit 🀢🏻for a trot around a Leicestershire village for a change on Sunday, so hoping the weather’s not too bad. I’m told there’s free mulled wine at the end, though, so definitely doing it πŸ˜€

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to Sandie1961

Thanks Sandie, you’re right, that shocker is in the past now!

Have fun trotting around in your Santa suit - hope you don’t get as hot as I did in my elephant onesie!! Enjoy your mulled wine too of course! 🍷 πŸŽ„ 🀢

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Graduate10 in reply to cheekychipmunks

Piccies will follow πŸ˜‚

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to Sandie1961

Naturally! πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ€ΆπŸ€ΆπŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

Dexy5 profile image

Well done cheekychipmunks for getting to the gym to complete your run today. You may have had a horrible run on Monday but you did it , you ran 8k . I remember on my first 8k I ran 5k then stopped my watch and walked. Then I started running again and completed my 8k with a few minutes walk in between. It’s strange what happens sometimes. My 2nd 8k went great so I hope yours does too. πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ‘πŸ‘

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to Dexy5

Thanks Dexy! I’m hopeful about next week’s 8k as I know I can do it. When I was working my way to 10k the first time a few weeks ago, I remember my 8k run and it was awesome. Monday was an anomaly, and I hope I don’t have another run like that any time soon! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to cheekychipmunks

I forgot that this is your second time around. A blonde moment. 🀣

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to Dexy5

Oh no worries, I get those all the time! πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Bridget007 profile image

I’m glad you enjoyed today’s run πŸ˜ƒ but I admire the fact that you hated every single step of your 8k and still did it! Amazing! 😊😊

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to Bridget007

I’m super stubborn Bridget and I wouldn’t have forgiven myself if I’d have walked even once! πŸ˜€

Becky1606 profile image

I did a lovely treadmill 4K yesterday! Who would have thought we would enjoy it lol. Well done ☺️☺️

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to Becky1606

Yay, someone else who enjoyed a treadmill run! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜€πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ We are a rare breed! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Oh cheeky, imagining you telling the MMR coach to F off has just made my day πŸ˜‚

I can’t believe those gremlins are still trying their luck... even on the happiest of 10K graduates!!! You didn’t let them beat you though Cheeky πŸ‘Š Good work bagging that thoroughly enjoyable 4K 😁 those gremlins wont know what’s hit β€˜em next week ⚑️⚑️

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to

Hahaha TS, yes it was a big error setting MMR to update me on my pace every 0.25k. Soooo many random numbers - some over pace (too fast, slow down), some right on pace (great job!), but mostly under pace (too slow, speed up!) I’d had it up to here with her voice the mood I was in, and told her rudely where to go several times, out loud! Hope no-one heard! πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

I nearly got my treadmill out yesterday as the cold and wind weren’t tempting. I’m glad I ran outside this morning instead, but that’s the first day in ages I’ve felt like running.

Well done for your run.X

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to

Thanks Flick, this weather is something else isn’t it? Well done getting out today, it looks like I’ll be braving parkrun in the rain tomorrow! πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒπŸ• πŸ’¦

Scobs profile image

Still struggling to reach 5 k. It’s been 14wks now but all I can do is at the most is 3.25 miles

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to Scobs

But 3.25 miles is further than 5k! πŸ‘πŸ˜€πŸ‘

Scobs profile image

Oops I mean 2.87 miles

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to Scobs

Still, that’s close. Take it slower and you’ll make it! πŸ˜€

Scobs profile image

Thank you

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