Hey Runners
Inspired by our very own Dralimc’s very early morning run (and the rewarding breakfast pic! 😋)! I think it’s a good time for a run!! (Thanks Dralimc 😘)
Look at my App and what does it say in my programme?...8.5k!! 😯🤨 ‘I don’t think so’! 😂
A moment of contemplation, should I leave it until later? But the answer comes swiftly.... Inspiration from Myrar’s posts!! Because, yes we can run!!👍🏽........”No, just go out there and do you”! 😍
‘Right, 👊🏽 let’s do this fabulous thing called running”! I select a 22 minute guided run....and of course a good playlist (this time 😆) and I’m out. Running nicely, quite impressed with my faster, but comfortable pace. Who’s that girl?? 😯😄
I did 3.09k (yes the .09 still counts right now) and I got the feeling I wanted! Traffic wasn’t too busy out there and it was done and dusted in good time for me to get back to work!! Now I feel good and set up for the rest of the day!! Just got to get washed and dressed quickly now!.......Challenge! 😳🤣
Being flexible and adjusting works!!
I hope you all have a fantastic day!! Happy running! ❤️