Flick’s blood test results for anyone who is... - Bridge to 10K

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Flick’s blood test results for anyone who is interested

78 Replies

Everything normal, no action needed, so Kidneys, liver, bone calcium levels, diabetes all normal. Blood count 15, which is pretty high - so much for vegans being unhealthy! The only one which was a bit low, but not of concern, was the oxygen in the blood thingy, which would explain why I get out of breath at the beginning of a run. I knew it was all ok as I hadn’t heard back from them, but I was interested in the breakdown.

I guess I have to,put the tiredness down to pushing a bit hard last month, me being an old person and all.

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78 Replies
ChrisAllen1 profile image

Good news Flick x

in reply to ChrisAllen1

Thank you 😊

Outofpuff profile image

Glad your tickety boo. 😀👍

in reply to Outofpuff

Me too 😊

theoldfellow profile image

Great news.👏👏👏👏👏

Have you tried the NHS's Heart Age calculator: nhs.uk/conditions/nhs-healt...

It's total rubbish, and doesn't even ask if you take any exercise. But at least you now have some numbers to plug in. You may find you are younger than you think!

Sarakc profile image
SarakcGraduate10 in reply to theoldfellow

I thought it was a bit rubbish too!! 😀

in reply to theoldfellow

My Garmin’s VO2 Max says I’m 50, which is 21 years younger than my chronological age.

theoldfellow profile image
theoldfellow in reply to

I have a Garmin, where does it report that? I can find the VO2max in the Connect page, but it just: Your VO₂ Max is 41 which is excellent for men ages 60-69. You are in the top 15% for your age and gender.

in reply to theoldfellow

That’s it! I’m top 10% but it goes up and down from 15%

theoldfellow profile image
theoldfellow in reply to

I just tried this, it has been reported as being quite good.


It estimates my VO2max as 46, which is a bit higher than the Garmin says, and says I'm really 46. Yooopeeeeedoooo! No, I am not going back to work!

in reply to theoldfellow

I couldn’t find the VO2 Max bit, but according to it I’m bam g on target with maximum and average training heart rate

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to theoldfellow

I like your calculator, it’s says I’m like a 50 year old - I won’t tell you what the nhs one said!

Sqkr profile image
Sqkr in reply to Dexy5

I did this one recently and it said I was under 20 and had a vo2max of 58, which doesn't seem very likely 🤣

in reply to Sqkr

I couldn’t find it. I need to look on the computer not my phone I think

Sqkr profile image
Sqkr in reply to

You need to press the big black square with the question in, they don't make it very intuitive. I don't really understand how it's meant to get vo2max from the questions it asks though...

in reply to Sqkr

Tomorrow on the computer. The big black square is probably a small black square even on my large phone screen. Thanks for the pointer. Btw have posted my round the moon score in the last postnon it. Don’t know if anyone’s noticed, and it’s about 52 miles so worth adding x

Sqkr profile image
Sqkr in reply to

Will take a look :)

in reply to theoldfellow

I'm having trouble getting this to work. It sticks on the first page of questions, whichever browser I use. Having said that, I'm not happy about the questions they are asking. they are obviously doing it to gather research, alse why want to know your ethnicity and level of education ... anyway, i couldn't get it working so never mind. Boo -

theoldfellow profile image
theoldfellow in reply to

They did say in a disclaimer that you get to acknowledge that they were collecting stats. At least they did SAY so, unlike some we could name. It's all just a laugh anyway. I know I'm not 46. A 46 year old probably wouldn't be going for a hearing aid fitting today....

in reply to theoldfellow

The site was so confusing that i never saw the disclaimer. i didn't see the black square either as the page loaded halfway down!

theoldfellow profile image
theoldfellow in reply to

The loading halfway down was my fault. The link has a #Accurate... which is an instruction to the browser as to where to open the page. Sorry. This is the correct link - but the calculation is still rubbish.


in reply to theoldfellow

Lol - I think I’ll give it a miss. Ming the Merciless, my Garmin, is complimentary enough - now I’ve turned off the sharp stick he used to prod me with, saying move when I’d just run 10k 😡

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to theoldfellow

It is completely useless...I got three different results! For the same numbers:)

in reply to Oldfloss

That NHS heart thingy? Total rubbish. BMI 21.5, no to all their bad health pointers, blood pressure 110, and it gave me a heart age of 73. It wanted my cholesterol and I don’t know it, so it probably calculated that for me and brought the score down

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to

Me also.all healthy answers..I knew my cholesterol..and it put me at 72!!!!

in reply to Oldfloss

Crumbs that’s even worse!

Sarakc profile image

Oh that’s great news!! 😀

in reply to Sarakc

TBH I didn’t expect it to find anything x

Oldfloss profile image

You? Old? Hush your mouth.... you are totally amazing!!!

This is good news...so now..chill out and push no more...you are doing wonderfully :) x

in reply to Oldfloss

Actually I'm running faster on my short runs, have upped my average from around 9min/k to around 7min/k without being any tireder or more out of breath, so in that instance pushing has worked :) xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to

You know your body... :) 7 min per K.. wow... :) x I am just trickling along :)

in reply to Oldfloss

It might be a bit more.

Glad all is ok Flick 😀 😀

in reply to

thank you :)

Empem profile image

Good news , inspiring person!

in reply to Empem


David_G profile image

Great news Flick, I’m sure the exercise will help. As for the Heart Age calculator, I think it’s so simplistic that it’s pointless for those of us who exercise regularly. 😠

I suppose it might encourage others to start C25K and we all know where that can end up - where we are now! 🙂👍

in reply to David_G

Totally innaccurate! The heart age thing

Dexy5 profile image

Good news Flick, the hot summer probably had an effect on you too.

in reply to Dexy5

It wasn’t that because my energy low coincided with the drop in temperature, I find the heat energising. But one of the reasons I had the tests was because of the near fainting and lump in the chest feeling when I did the long run with no fluids in the heat 😊

Of course I'm interested xxx Glad you're OK though!

in reply to

Aw thanks xxx

Tasha99 profile image

Great news Flick 👌🏽

in reply to Tasha99

Thank you. I was pleased with the blood count because people think vegans are weedy and anaemia 🤨

Dizzysmum17 profile image

Pleased all is ok Flick. X

in reply to Dizzysmum17

Thank you me too 😊 x

Fabulous450 profile image

Great news!! You’re very healthy and not having any reason to worry is great!! Happy running! 😁❤️

in reply to Fabulous450

Thank you x

TedG profile image

Glad everything is OK Flick 😊

in reply to TedG

Thanks Ted. i thought it was but it was best to be sure. I think i just did a bit too much last month, and the change in the weather from hot to cooler knocked me for six as I'm always more energised when it's hot.

limberlou profile image

Oh that’s IS good news Flick!! I expect you are right it was just pushing yourself a bit far last month and with the weather too.

I know what it is like. I couldn’t just sit last month so I set myself the 50 mile walking challenge to make sure enough I got out and did something, achieved that by theb24th so emIled them and upped it to 75. Got told off by my daughter as “ you are supposed to be recovering gently”. “ yeah, but I wasn’t RUNNING, I was only walking.

Then I have set myself 100 miles for Sept which is 10 miles every 3 days.....but I’m hoping the last week will include some running. 😁.

My trouble is as soon as someone tells me I should slow down as I’m getting older now, I feel my cantankerous gene pushing itself to the fore and going “ slow down?? Stuff that !”. Must be our generation, Flick!

Glad you’re ok though

in reply to limberlou

You did absolute wonders last month! you are amazing!!! But same generation as me? No, I think you're a lot younger aren't you? I did think of doing 75 miles last month too, but in the event 50 wss enough x

limberlou profile image
limberlouGraduate10 in reply to

I was 65 in June so about the same I think. Flower Power and all that!! 😜

Six years younger - same age as Mr I dont Snore (he's my toy boy). I must say you don't look it!

ju-ju- profile image

Good news, and always sensible to listen to your body....

in reply to ju-ju-

Thank you, and yes 😊

Brilliant news Flick ! So glad to read that my virtual running mate is going great guns and you are well. Yippe!👏👏🤗❤️.See you Sunday then?xxx

in reply to

Thank you darling. Hopefully Sunday. Get the cakes ready! 😊🍰

in reply to

Will do sweatheart❤️🍰🍩🍪xxx!

in reply to

Btw keep meaning to ask if you are Maggie or Peggy. I’m sure I first met you as Maggie but your forum handle is Peggy69. Which do you prefer? Xx

in reply to

Either or Flick I really don’t mind. Maggie is my name that I go by. However as my correct name or the name I was baptised is MargaretRose all one name.....I know what a mouthful I have had to shorten it.

Friends have in the past questioned if it was after princess Margaret Rose the queens late sister. Well I would love that👑!🤣🤣🤣🤣,But I fear it had something to do with my grandmother being called Rose and my auntie being called Margaret. However many women that have the name Margaret often got called Peggy! I don’t know why ? Or what the story is behind that. It seems to be a northern thing hee!hee!.

So bet you weren’t expecting all that 🤣🤣🤣❤️xx

in reply to

Maggie it is then. I was going to ask about princess margaret then I read the rest of your response. Margaret rose is pretty but I can imagine it got you teased at school xxx

in reply to

Yes it b*****! did I can tell you. Oh my goodness hubby and I have just finished watching daily politics and now there’s an programme about Princess Margaret’s life being advertised to be shown some when😮😮.Now that’s a coincidence! 😂😂😂xx

in reply to

Synchronicity! ❤️

in reply to


johnm12 profile image

Well done. You must have a painting in the loft somewhere. Keep on running!

in reply to johnm12

Lol Just call me Dorian. And thank you 😊❤️

Ripcurlrana71 profile image

Sorry for late reply Flick - I’m rarely on this forum now. Great news about your health! Xx

in reply to Ripcurlrana71

Thank you. See you over on Strava 😊 xx

Ripcurlrana71 profile image
Ripcurlrana71Graduate10 in reply to

That’s where I am. ☺️ X

in reply to Ripcurlrana71

I know 😊 I see you regularly and doing very well! X

in reply to Ripcurlrana71

In fact you’ve outrun me now distance wise Alka x

Saartjie profile image

Glad there's nothing to be concerned about. Hopefully running will be a bit easier now the weather has cooled down a bit x

in reply to Saartjie

Thank you. Actually the fatigue came on with the cooler weather. Heat energises me. I’m always more lethargic in winter and don’t like winter running nearly as much, especially the cold walk before you get going ☹️ I know, I’m nuts! X

Saartjie profile image
SaartjieGraduate10 in reply to

Hibernation mode?!

in reply to Saartjie

Yep, lol ❤️

orangeguy profile image

Pleased to hear the good news Flick 👍😊

in reply to orangeguy

Thank you :)

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