Morning everyone. Well, it’s been a while since I last posted, but I thought I would share the fact that I ran/walked in my first 10k event yesterday and got a finishers medal! Lovely bling and what joy!! I had no problems with strength or stamina, but can’t run continuously for the 10k. Have had to adjust as I have restricted lung capacity and wheeze like a stranded walrus as I run. But I have come to terms with the fact that I’ll never be a real runner, and now plan to compete in one long distance event each month, with an 8 mile run event planned for October down near the Mourne Mountains, a fantastic location at Murlough nature reserve on boardwalk trails through the dune heath and on the beach! Can’t wait!! I’m getting to know the local tail runners, and it’s always a bonus when I finish in front of them lol!!
Not a real 10ker!!: Morning everyone. Well, it... - Bridge to 10K
Not a real 10ker!!

Pshhhh not a real runner?! We'll have none of that talk. I'd say a real runner is someone that runs regularly. Ergo you are a real runner! I'd like to see a non-real runner finish a 10k. Congratulations on your event, getting a nice bit of jewellery at the end never stops feeling brilliant 😀 It sounds like you've some beautiful places to run in too!

Well done on your first 10k! And please don't say you are not a 'real' runner, of course you are! Good luck with your 8 miler too!🙂

Congrats on your first 10K event. Definitely a real runner 🏃♀️

Erm... not a real runner????... 🥇I’m seriously not buying that! You’re planning an 8 mile 🏃♀️in October... enough evidence for me 🤣🤣 You deserve the bling as much as anyone else🤗
Don’t you dare say that. Tut tut. Of COURSE you’re a real runner, and an inspiration as you are running with reduced lung capacity. And well DONE for the 10k. You Jeffed it, in company with many other runners worldwide xx

Thanks to you, Flick, for the encouragement and for the great example. I have been lurking on the forum this past while, and am always interested in your exploits, saying to myself that if Flick can do it, I will have to try To make that goal. So am pushing myself that bit harder, and it is paying off!
Oh, no, don't use me as an inspiration or you will have a drawerful of dubious lycra and a stricken bank balance
you are amazing - keep it up x

Too late, Flick!! Am now a devotee of wearing dubious Lycra. Youstarted me with Tikaboo and my family keep asking me “what are you wearing now!?” I fly in the face of convention - I’m now a runner - you guys said so, so I will flaunt my inner peacock - peahen doesn’t quite meet the need, lol!!
Slippery slope!!!
Talking of inner peacock, I DID tell you about the tikiboo leopard peacock leggings didn't I? Though I have more Sturdy by Design than Tikiboo now x

Was tempted to post a photo of me in my peacock-print leggings but I don’t think the online world is ready for that yet!! Must have a look at Sturdy by Design, Flick!!
oh, go on, if i can you can and im way older than you!
Sturdy by design are gorgeous and super comfortable. And most of their leggings come with a choice of length

The definition of a Long Distance Runner is someone who can run five miles.
You ARE a Runner - and a long distance one at that.
So spake IJ and Alan Siilitoe - no arguments please!