Today I went back to the gym and ran a super comfortable 6.5k (its amazing I can now describe 6.5k as comfortable) at 8km/h, which is definitely my conversational pace.
I have a lot going on over the next 3 weeks as I am starting a new job in London (!) but living at home in essex so a lot of my time will be a) onbaording into the world of Canary Wharf b) on a train. I am determined to not let the running slip though, so am aiming for a minimum of 2 runs a week.
The 2 runs will be a 5k and a +5k with the distance depending on how sleepy i am and also the time I get into the gym. I would love to hit 8.5k in these next few weeks, which is looking attainable (i hope!). If I have time I'll also do a shorter (3.5/4k) speed run to try and get my pace up a bit :).
All very exciting times!