Back from a rest with a happy little 5k - Bridge to 10K

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Back from a rest with a happy little 5k

18 Replies

Morning running friends,

I've had a wee break since graduation as my legs were moaning at me somewhat, but I couldn't wait any longer to get back out there. The conditions were perfect, dry, bright but not too sunny, not tooooooo many dogwalkers on the towpath, it was so lovely.

After not having run for well over a week, the feeling of the breeze rushing past my cheeks was just amazing. I did my trusty canal route again, this time from High Lane to just past Goyt Mill in Marple, 2.5k then the return trip. I was very happy to see volunteers, organised by the Canal and Rivers trust, working on the towpath. The volunteers are amazing, they probably all have 20 years on me, yet each Friday they've been transporting wheelbarrows full of stone chippings up and down the towath. The result is a lovely level surface to run on, without potholes, which makes a big difference.

I pushed myself a little on this run, using a slightly faster running music track, 162bpm this time. I ended up doing exactly 5k in 34 minutes, not my best but certainly somewhere up there. My next run, hopefully Sunday, should be a longer one, probably in the other direction. If I'm feeling brave I might even run down the towpath and back up the Middlewood Way. But I'm getting ahead of myself :)

Have a great day everyone. Oh - I've attached a photo of the towpath from the opposite side of the canal, taken the other evening when out for a walk with my 10 year old daughter, just so you can see where I run.

Happy running!


18 Replies
Ripcurlrana71 profile image

Lovely to be able to enjoy these shorter runs now hey? 😊

in reply to Ripcurlrana71

Yes indeed :) Hang on a minute though, since when was 5k a "shorter run"? I don't recognise myself sometimes now!!

Ripcurlrana71 profile image
Ripcurlrana71Graduate10 in reply to

I know crazy right?! I now say ‘just popping out for a short run 5k!’ 🤪

in reply to Ripcurlrana71

Yes! And for some strange reason, first 5k back after a wee rest, I decided to push the pace. Clearly "easing back into it" isn't in my vocabulary. Still, fun was had. Right now, more tea is needed!

Ripcurlrana71 profile image
Ripcurlrana71Graduate10 in reply to

We’ve lost the plot - surely??! 🤪🤪🤪

in reply to Ripcurlrana71

To be honest... I can't even remember what the plot is any more!

Ripcurlrana71 profile image
Ripcurlrana71Graduate10 in reply to


Mummycav profile image

Yey.,.nice to see you back again Hidden seemed to be posting every two minutes, then nothing...thought you’d fallen in the canal or run off into the distance with Sadie-runs !! Well done on the run fella...looks nearly as nice as my canal route 😉😉

in reply to Mummycav

Thank you Mummycav , I think it's probably that I keep overdoing it and then things start to hurt. I've been chilled about it this time though, no sense stressing. The feeling of doing a good run when you've had a period of non-running is amazing though.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to

Best thing to do Hidden ...stay on the viewing couch for a bit until you’re back to your best, the runs will always be there waiting for those refreshed legs 😉

quirkybee profile image

Ooh 162bpm Neil, that's good going lovely. You have strength and determination and you always encourage me to get out there. I'm going to try tomorrow morning if I feel better, as I had a minor procedure done yesterday with an abscess on my tummy, so not felt too brill today. The pup jumped up and dragged hus feet on it yest, haha, ooh what a yell I have 😅

Keep your posts coming Neil, I love them and look forward to more x

in reply to quirkybee

Thankyou so much x

The tummy thing sounds bad, be careful going out there as I'm guessing it wouldn't be good to risk damaging the wound though, so please be careful!!

I'm still a way off doing a 30 minute 5k, which is annoying me somewhat. I'm hoping I can get my time down a bit by upping the tempo little by little... we'll see what happens lol

Anyway, you take care of yourself OK?

Sadie-runs profile image

Nice work, laddie! Glad it was a pleasurable run - that’s why we do it, eh? All power to you!

Sadie-runs x

PS your running route looks glorious, great picture. 💕

in reply to Sadie-runs

Thank you Sadie, I know I can always count on you for a bit of virtual cheer leading. The route is great, which is why I'm loathed to change it, even though I should probably should take in some hills. I went out with my youngest the other evening, she borrowed Nanna's camera, I took my DSLR and we had a great time taking pictures, and exploring. All the while I was wishing I was actually running of course :D

I'm itching to go out again, I feel physically great, but I'll just have to wait till Sunday *sigh*

Lorijay profile image

Lovely to have you back Neil, always nice to read yor posts.

The pic is lovely, looks so tranquil and you can never have enough of that.

Hey Neil very nice time for your 5k, I'd love to do 34min. I am just going to make my way through the 10k plan and once completed I'll be working on my 5k times.

Have agreat weekend. :) :)

in reply to Lorijay

Thanks Lorijay , I love that you always comment! Running through the countryside is great. I may technically be in the suburbs of Greater Manchester (about 10 miles or so away) but you wouldn't know from my running route. That's why I'm loathed to go back to road running, even though I know the hills would be good for me. Somehow noisy engines and diesel fumes don't have the same attraction...

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Looks lovely where you run Neil😊...

You are strong now! Rocking that 5k distance 😎xx

in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Thanks Jan, some nice places to run round here.

I still can’t believe that it’s less than a year since I started C25K you know. What’s got in to me?!

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