B1R1, the “You should be having fun with me”... - Bridge to 10K

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B1R1, the “You should be having fun with me” 2.5k

Jay66UK profile image
53 Replies

Someone once said less is more. Never a truer word than this run.

At work till early evening yesterday, late tea, poor hydration, bad sleep, only one rest day since a 5k.

Result: heavy legs, gremlins-a-go-go. Just glad when it was halfway through and I had that psychological boost of “bringing it home”.

20 mins to run 2.5k is faster than my 5k pace. Not checked back splits yet but I think I did that fairly quickly for me. Relieved it wasn’t longer after all the questioning over the weekend! Cooler but humid.

Run fuelled by Jancanrun’s new Ska and Two Tone playlist, which has my legs doing some remarkably un-run movements. Not a playlist for gait analysis!

Took Sirens Hill to “Too much too young” by The Specials. Halfway up and Terry Hall was saying over and over “you’ve done too much”, and I was agreeing. (Random thought: how different the band would’ve been with Jerry Hall.)

Today’s photo is my inner animal, bestowed upon me by my dear running friend Sutsha. I’ve found the least aggressive picture of a polar bear I could - he’s doing the Madness shuffle whilst moon stomping and winking to the lay-deez.

My run today is dedicated to her as she has an operation and won’t be running for a while - recover well. We’re all thinking of you.

Whatever run you have next, enjoy it x

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Jay66UK profile image
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53 Replies
Lorijay profile image

Love the pic to bits, I can see the similarity ;)

Well done on the run Jay, you're new journey has begun!! I am sure the same determination that saw you conquer C25K will once again be the factor of your success in B210K. Look forward to sharing another journey with you running buddy :) :)

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to Lorijay

Thanks 😁 What you call determination is really just stubbornness!

Lorijay profile image
LorijayGraduate10 in reply to Jay66UK

Doesn't matter what we call it, it works!! :) :)

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to Lorijay

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”.

LoungeLizaard profile image

Congrats on getting through that run - almost every run for me is like that at the moment! This summer is killing me!

I'll be a few weeks behind you on B210 journey as I'm still consolidating on 5k's.

Did you increase pace dramatically for this run?

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to LoungeLizaard

Pace: no, not really at all. Average was 08:08/k which is a few second a k faster than I do a 5k. I’ve not done a slower first k this month but my second k was good.

Humidity was the issue, I think - 93%. I was sweating buckets coming up Sirens Hill and that usually happens when I get back inside the house after the run.

Ripcurlrana71 profile image

Well done on your journey to being a panther!

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to Ripcurlrana71

You’ve misspelled “panter” 🤣

Ripcurlrana71 profile image
Ripcurlrana71Graduate10 in reply to Jay66UK


cheekychipmunks profile image

I’ll look forward to your posts en route to your 10k with interest ..... I’m a million miles away, but one day ......... 😀👍🏻🏃‍♀️

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to cheekychipmunks

Even a journey of one thousand miles starts with just one step. I’m still a long way from it myself.

End of March I would’ve laughed at anyone suggesting I even contemplate reaching 5k let alone 10k.

Your enthusiasm and approach mean you can do anything you set your mind to.

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to Jay66UK

Aww thanks, I hope you! You’re doing brilliantly! 😀🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️

_SimonT_ profile image

More memories of Shiransky’s student union 70s night disco!

What a playlist!

I still haven’t looked at the bridge program yet. It starts with a 2.5k does it?

Good stuff. Happy runnings!

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to _SimonT_

Yup 2.5k, 5k, 5.5k is the first week.

_SimonT_ profile image
_SimonT_ in reply to Jay66UK

Aha. I see! Thanks. 😀

pianoteacher profile image

Love the photo 😍

Those gremlins definitely feed on the sunshine! I stopped yesterday with 400m to go because they told me I was too slow and it was pointless 😔 Really well done for fighting through it xx

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to pianoteacher

I wish I was only as “slow and pointless” as you are, Marie! Nasty gremlins.

I really nearly gave up in the first 5 minutes. It all felt wrong.

I’ve had that so many times now, though, that I tune out and into the music instead. That’s when the knees started going in directions I wasn’t expecting mid-stride! Muscle memory circa 1981.

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherGraduate10 in reply to Jay66UK

Haha! That's a wonderful mental picture 😂 I don't get them very often - only really when I get pace obsessed. I much prefer just running for the fun of it! Unfortunate I have to do the whole "timed run" thing really but like my boyfriend said when I'm actually doing it I won't give up - mainly because I won't want to have to do it again! 😜

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to pianoteacher

The best motivation - I’ll do anything once but don’t make me do it again!

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Well done Jay...love your picture too!

Your phrase 'bringing it home' is a brilliant one...it sums up those last few seconds of our runs perfectly!

Have you got a chart printed off and pinned up, ready for a nice ✔!

You're on your way to 10k😊xx

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Thanks. That “bringing it home” sums up the last roughly 23 mins of my 5k!!! 😳🤣

Post it note with the programme stuck on my C25K printed chart on my fridge, helping me avoid “fridge pickers’ big knickers”. And the runs all written into my diary to try to work around my work life.

We’re doing this.

lexi6 profile image
lexi6Graduate10 in reply to Jay66UK

Hope you don’t mind I’m going to pinch that I love that fridge pickers quote

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to lexi6

As everything I trot out it’s stolen property. A fridge magnet someone had said “Fridge Pickers wear Big Knickers”!

Ouching profile image
Ouching in reply to Jay66UK

OMG I am a Fridge Picker!

😂 😂 😂

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to Ouching

You are Bridget Jones and I claim my £5.

Ouching profile image
Ouching in reply to Jay66UK


Well I have made blue soup!

🤭 🤭

mountaindreamer profile image

Loving the polar bear! 😃

Well done getting started, Jay. 😊❤️🏃‍♂️👍

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to mountaindreamer

Thanks! Starting has always been a strength of mine. It’s finishing I struggle with.

limberlou profile image
limberlouGraduate10 in reply to Jay66UK

A lot of people like a slow finisher Jay 😜......

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to limberlou



HoagyM profile image

As the Chinese say, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"... and you've just made that step (actually quite a few steps today, to be fair!).

Well done Jay, sounds like you're all set to work your way through that plan, like a fearsome polar bear on a mission :)

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to HoagyM

Cheers - another thing I’m good at is planning. And deferring. And prevaricating.

HoagyM profile image
HoagyMGraduate10 in reply to Jay66UK

Yep same here - why get on and do something when you could instead be sat there planning it out in fine detail? Much more fun! Story of my life....

Dralimc profile image

That I believe, is a dabbing polar bear. David Attenborough could confirm that. If he was on the forum.

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to Dralimc

Not flossing?

Dralimc profile image
Dralimc in reply to Jay66UK

Ooh, could be. I admit, I could be behind the times on this one. 🕺🏻

Marvo69 profile image

Well done Jay! You have stepped boldly onto the Bridge and looking good! Cheering you all the way. The Ska list sounds great! Good memories!

Jelon profile image

Very cute pb and well done for starting b210k 👏🏼. I look forward to hearing all about your journey. 🙂

Kar43 profile image

I'll take the bear 😊

I see you've left for big school jay 😊 oh goodness all have moved on....I'm bit slow moving on but tonight's my moving day too. I'm going to try ju ju's plan 😁see you shortly 🤗

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to Kar43

Ace! There is no rush but there is a seat waiting for you.

Kar43 profile image
Kar43Graduate10 in reply to Jay66UK

No rush but no one who graduated same time is left lol 🤣🏃🏃‍♀️ I'm evicting myself 😉😊🤣

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to Kar43


Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to Kar43

I’m still left Kar43

Kar43 profile image
Kar43Graduate10 in reply to Dexy5

Glad I wasn't completely left by myself dexy phew 😅

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to Kar43

Yes happy playing pooh sticks on the bridge. Trouble is I keep getting in the way of the young things.

Saartjie profile image
SaartjieGraduate10 in reply to Kar43

I'm going to get railroaded into it at this rate...gotta run to keep up!

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to Saartjie

You know you want to. Just toe dip and bail if you hate it.

Berksrover profile image

You are on your way now Jay, anyone who combines the words run and hill in the same sentence has my deepest admiration, go get em tiger (or polar bear as the case maybe)

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to Berksrover

No hills!

UpTheStanley profile image

Hi Jay

I think Dexy5 has introduced me to you as her insignificant other …… I have started the Bridge this week too, so we're both out of step together! I'm going to post on my own account after I've completed week 1, but thought I should share with you anyway. Run 1 was Saturday's Parkrun, a slightly over par 25' 09" for the 5k, then back to jog in with Dexy on her 37' 30" ish PB.

Run 2, yesterday, was the 2.5k (theoretically). I ran the first k with Dexy in just under 7' (her PB, too quick, my fault, had a Strava malfunction which made me cross and quick for the first 500m), then did 5 minutes of 30:20:10 (maybe at 8, 12 and 15 kph respectively), 2 minutes recovery at who knows what, then back to Parkrun pace (12ish) to complete 2.5k in around 15 mins.

After which I jogged on up the prom to find Dexy and stayed with her as she completed her 4k / 30 mins consolidation run. So 4.6k not 2.5k for me (sorry Ju-Ju) but an interesting skirmish with the intervals. Which incidentally I timed on a simple stopwatch (!) for the 30" and 20", then picked what looked like a suitable finishing point for the 10" (there are lots of benches and notices to choose from on Southsea prom), and sprinted to it.

Tomorrow should be Run 3 (5.5k). The thought is to run the first k with Dexy at her pace, the next 3k at Parkrun pace (while she runs 2k), the next k with her again, and the last 500m at a bit over Parkrun pace (hopefully). We're thinking of trying an out and back on the "Billy Trail" (disused railway track) on Hayling Island - if Dexy turns at 2k, and me at 2.5, we should meet again at 3 for her and 4 for me. And I'll have a target to aim at!

It's much more fun running with someone, I think. And patching our differing objectives together is an intellectual challenge! Not sure how we'll cope when my runs get longer - I expect it'll be a case of meeting in the coffee shop (or pub if the time is right!).

So yeah, I'll be having fun with you (though a few miles apart).

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to UpTheStanley

A few miles apart and many miles an hour faster than me! Good to have you on board.

UpTheStanley profile image

Speed is relative but not really relevant …. we're both just aiming to increase distance here. I've always run a bit, but my admiration for people who have really just got off the couch and made it to 5k is unbounded. If I hadn't actually seen it happen before my very eyes, I wouldn't have thought it possible. To try to push that on to 10k so soon - fantastic!

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to UpTheStanley

Cheers! Carrying 4 stone of ballast is an anchor.

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