Week WHAT? I think I accidentally did 9k! - Bridge to 10K

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Week WHAT? I think I accidentally did 9k!

37 Replies

Morning running pals!

I woke up this morning, on my day off, wondering why it was my day off, and I had set the alarm for 6. Then I remembered I wanted to run before it got too hot. So, off I trotted, walking the approximate 5 minute walk to the canal.

Today was supposed to be my second 8k, but I did have in mind that I might do the 9k if I felt ok. The first half of the run went well, I seemed slightly quicker than usual, and for some mad reason seemed incapable of going slower than about 7:05/km. and to cut a long story short, that’s about what I did for the rest of the run. I think!

I say “I think”... at some point around 4K but before I turned round, my tracker paused itself. Thanks for that! I normally turn round when I hear the voice prompt, but it never came, and I realised I’d gone way past the 4K point. Fairly soon after that I did turn round and investigation when I got back showed that I had indeed run 9k. So there! Not exactly planned, but I’m happy :) I’m also happy that I seemed to have managed a fairly consistent 7:05/km throughout.

So, yeah, that happened. But I feel good, and over the moon that I managed 9k without too much difficulty.

Happy running folks!

37 Replies
Ripcurlrana71 profile image

Yay!!! What is it with this plan and accidentally exceeding the planned run?? I did exactly the same earlier this week! It’s an unbelievable feeling that we can run 9k right?? Great pace too Neil. 😊 x

Just one to go!! 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽

in reply to Ripcurlrana71

Thanks!! I think actually 9k was easier than 8, but I was kind-of on the IC for a few days after my 8, which could account for that. Good luck with the rest of the plan for you :)

Ripcurlrana71 profile image
Ripcurlrana71Graduate10 in reply to

Thanks Neil you too! Doing 10 tomorrow - I think. 🤔 😊

in reply to Ripcurlrana71

Wow, that’s amazing! I now know I can do 10, coz I can do 9, right? So can you. I’m sure you’ll smash it, whatever that means!

Ripcurlrana71 profile image
Ripcurlrana71Graduate10 in reply to

Ha ha. That’s what I thought just another 7 or so mins right? 😓 😬

in reply to Ripcurlrana71

Exactly! I remember at the end of Couch to 5K, thinking, well if I can do 20 minutes I ought to be able to do 25 minutes, and if I can do 25 I can probably do 28, and if I can do 28 I'm sure I can do 30 :) We can do this!!!

Ripcurlrana71 profile image
Ripcurlrana71Graduate10 in reply to

I know!!! We are amazing Neil! 😬😬😬😬😬

orangeguy profile image

Well done Neil, excellent! . . . have to admit I'd had enough at the planned 8k this morning but still on track so feeling ok about it.

Lorijay profile image

Brilliant Neil. You must be so chuffed! Your progress posts are very encouraging for me as I intend to start ju-ju's 10k plan tomorrow. Not feeling overly confident but have nothing to lose and if I don't complete a run, I'll just have to do it again. Have a great weekend. :)

in reply to Lorijay

You will be fine Lori, you are well up to it. X

Lorijay profile image
LorijayGraduate10 in reply to

Oh thanks Flick that's really encourging and appreciated as I'm not feeling like I am progressing much. I'm going to give it my best shot though and will keep your words close. Have a great day :) :)

in reply to Lorijay

You will be progressing, it’s just that it sometimes takes time to catch up with you. Try to take the angst out of it and just be matter of fact, be where you are, take it one day and one step at a time. I know, I know, Imwas the same as you, but with hindsight I needn’t have worried.

Lorijay profile image
LorijayGraduate10 in reply to

Thanks Flick, sounds like good advice based on experience. Will heed this :) :)

in reply to Lorijay

You'll do fine, it's a great plan. All I can say is that my love for running has really grown doing this. I may have to start it again, when I complete it :P

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to

You. Are. Mental. 😂

in reply to Sadie-runs

You've only just noticed? :P

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to


in reply to Sadie-runs

I’ve also been invited by two friends from church, to go for a 10k with them tomorrow night. I shall politely decline, my poor legs are still recovering from yesterday morning! Also, I’ve only run once with actual physical real people, at the parkrun, and that was scary enough 😂

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to

You are very wise. I have just been for a swim - glorious rest day exercise on a hot day! I still haven’t ever run with people. 😂 Might do a park run after my 10k training - and when it is waaaay cooler!

Ripcurlrana71 profile image
Ripcurlrana71Graduate10 in reply to Lorijay

Oooh good luck Lori!!!! X

Lorijay profile image
LorijayGraduate10 in reply to Ripcurlrana71

Thanks Rip. I am right in thinking that I can do the runs in any order for the week? :)

Ripcurlrana71 profile image
Ripcurlrana71Graduate10 in reply to Lorijay

Yes you can - do whichever one suits your week. 😊

Lorijay profile image
LorijayGraduate10 in reply to Ripcurlrana71

Good luck with your 10k tomorrow. I have been running at 5:30 in the mornings as I can't manage the heat nor waiting till 9:30 at night. :)

Ripcurlrana71 profile image
Ripcurlrana71Graduate10 in reply to Lorijay

Thanks! I’ve been out at 5 for my longer run this week but may have a lazy morning tomorrow and run at 6! 😜

I think “accidentally”exceeding your distance is sneakily built into the plan, as so many of us do it. Once you’ve done 8k, 10 seems very close.

in reply to

Hi Flick, you're so right, in fact when I did my 8k I was very tempted just to run another 1k and therefore another 1k in the opposite direction, but I behaved, on that occasion at least :P

in reply to

Ive never and I mean NEVER run just 9k. I accidentally went from 8 to 10 by dint of running further out than I intended, ran home and found it was 10k. Now I’m struggling to get past 11,but only because of circumstances. The runs round here are all up to 10 or over 15.

Ripcurlrana71 profile image
Ripcurlrana71Graduate10 in reply to

You’re right Flick. I did 7 then 9 now 10 next. 😬

in reply to Ripcurlrana71

See my reply to Neil above 😊

Well done btw x

in reply to

Awwww thanks Flick xx

Sadie-runs profile image

Good gosh! Neil! Up at 6am AND running 9k?! You are my running hero! What an amazing run and a cracking pace. I am so so proud of you. I need some of what you had.

Trust the tech to flipping fail though. I will never forget how mine paused on my 5k graduation run. Meh. But hoorah for MapMyRun desktop version, where you can plot a route to see how long it was.

Have a good rest now buddy, and drink lots of water. An afternoon nap may well be in order!

Sadie-runs xxx

in reply to Sadie-runs

Thanks Sadie, yes, I didn't get out of the door until gone 7, and very nearly rolled over and went back to sleep. Yes - I was a little taken aback by the tech fail, Pacer has until today been rock-solidly reliable for me. Fortunately this is the joy of running an out-and-back route. As I'd already done 4.5k and turned round, I was pretty sure if I ended up where I started, I would have run 9k. Either that, or I'd got lost somewhere lol

A little cooler weather would be nice though, I was really rather warm by the end of it. Side note: I have grown to love running in the shade when I've just been running in the sun. There are some nice shady stretches along the towpath, and it's just lovely.

Thanks for all your support though, you're amazing xxx

pianoteacher profile image

Well done Neil! Think Flick's right about it being sneakily built in - I was aiming for 7.5 today but did nearly 8 as I thought I might as well carry on back to the car! Didn't feel like going any further though - too bloody hot!! x

in reply to pianoteacher

Thanks pianoteacher , it's sooooo tempting isn't it? I tell you what, I'm glad I ran earlier in the day, it's bloomin' hot now!

over61andstilltrying profile image

Hi 316neil, Well done you! These techy gadgets are great when they work and sometimes can even help more when they don't! New distance PBs are special whatever way they come. Well done you! I think of canal and I think of flat, aw! As much as I love the scenery that my hills give me, I'd could really enjoy a flat run. All the best for your next runs. I wonder when the magic 10 will appear?

in reply to over61andstilltrying

Yes, it is flat, which is fantastic. My winter route seems to be all hills though... still, I’m hoping to do the Lyme Park parkrun before too long, and that’s 5k of pure hills!!

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