I somehow did 13k... how the heck did that h... - Bridge to 10K

Bridge to 10K

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I somehow did 13k... how the heck did that happen???

59 Replies

Hello lovely running friends (and fiends - thinking of you Sadie-runs !!!)

So having not run for a couple of days due to having my kids with me, which incidentally I wouldn't have changed for the world, we had such a great time, I decided it was time for a little run, just to keep up the recent work I'd done, working back to 10k.

TL;DR: I set off to do 3-5km, ended up doing just shy of 13km.

Longer version:

I did genuinely intend to do a short-ish run, but had a particularly indecisive day. I set off intending to do the reverse of my recent 5k route which I love. Then I thought maybe my legs deserved a shorter run, so maybe 3k, so I changed direction and headed up the hill to the canal. I started running about halfway up, no point in messing about with this walking nonsense, right? After all, I did stretch well beforehand. So - off I ran, saying hello to the usual variety of dog walkers and normal walkers, and the odd fellow runner. Odly enough they were all wearing far more clothing than me. I just had my running shorts and a tshirt, oh and obviously my lovely OnClouds too.

I got to Goyt Mill on the Macclesfield canal. Clearly I had already missed 3k by this point, but I could turn round about there and make it just over 4k. I felt good though, so I turned off and ran behind the mill and down the main road towards Marple, this forms part of my new-ish 7k route. I tried to relax a bit running down hill, as I've found I tend to tense up whilst trying not to fall, fearing the downhills. That, I suspect, has caused me problems with tightness in the past. I was rewarded with a 6.25km according to Strava, and now I was on the Middlewood way. All went well apart from a brief stop to remove a stone from my shoe. The OnClouds are lovely, but are little beggers if you get a stone caught in the tread.

On I ran, 5k and 6k came and went, and I had a choice. Come off the Middlewood Way and run back up the main road to home, or keep going. I felt good. I kept going. Maybe I'll turn left in a km or so and take the steep path that leads back to home. The path arrived. Didn't fancy it, it's steep and annoying. I kept on, at this point knowing I'd committed myself to at least 11k. Whatever, I was feeling great :)

Then something wonderful and odd happened at around 7-8k. Sadie: I think I may have found your magic legs, because I suddenly found I'd changed my gait, posture, I had a spring in my step. I could feel that I was now mid-striking rather than heel striking, and I must have had a 15-20 sec/km speed boost for the next couple of k. Before I knew it, Higher Poynton station came into view. I imagined myself as a railway locomotive pulling into the station. I then laughed - silly boy. No way I was stopping :)

Now the hard part, the climb up from the station back to the canal. I maintained my tempo but reduced my stride somewhat so as not to strain anything, and managed the hill with ease. Now I was back on the towpath, and about 9k into my run. I knew it was about 2.5k back home from here, as I have in the past used this as an out-and-back 5k route. The next couple of k or so were nothing out of the ordinary, I continued to run at just over 7:00/km.

Then I had a thought. They usually hurt, so that in itself is quite incredible. I was going to end up at about 11-11.5k if I continued on my usual route, so I decided to add a little extra to the end. I ran round the local park, and then down some roads on my estate. 12.5k came and went, my previous personal best distance, then I got interrupted by a phone call. I'm back living with my parents after a divorce, the phone call was "Are you OK? You've been out a while!". Since I was nearly home, I decided not to add any more to my run, and go home for a well earned cuppa and a banana.

Interesting TMI fact: when I got back I realised the sweat on my head had formed salt crystals as it had been dried by the airflow.

I am so encouraged though. I didn't think I had 10k in me any more, let alone nearly 13k. It just goes to show what a bit of stretching and pacing yourself can do. I have the biggest Cheshire-cat grin now :D

Happy running, folks!

59 Replies
cheekychipmunks profile image

Oh WOW Neil, what an amazing run! 13k! Totally fabulous, and totally unplanned too! 👏👏👏

Something in the air today! Very well done! Bet your Cheshire Cat grin will last all evening too. 😀😀🏃🏃

in reply tocheekychipmunks

Thank you cheekychipmunks , yes Cheshire-cat grin suitably installed :) You know your post earlier inspired me, right? Unplanned running is the best though. What I loved was that I had various "outs" to give me a shorter run, and didn't take any of them. Loved it!!

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to

Aww, so happy I was able to spur you along Neil! And yes, I suspect you’re right - it was your choice to run the route you did, you could have easily chosen a shorter version. Brilliant! 👏👏👏🏃🏃🏃

BaddieThePirate profile image
BaddieThePirateGraduate10 in reply to

I think the outs help. Less pressure. It's nice to be nice to yourself!

Flaraflarkin profile image

Waaaah! I just love reading these posts with crazy titles like yours Neil 🤗 I can't even get my head around the concept of running that distance, it makes my brain boggle 😜 You're one of many who inspire me on here ~ Hats off to you!! X

in reply toFlaraflarkin

Gosh thanks Flaraflarkin , and if anything I did inspired you, then I'm really pleased. To be honest, I still can't quite believe I made it off the couch. I'll let you into a secret. That distance makes my brain boggle too, I just ignored my brain for today, it's usually wrong anyway :D

AlMorr profile image

Well done to you Neil for that great run, just go out and do it, as they say, 13K in that time of 1.30.32 is excellent, if you ever go in for an event 10K you should be able to 'fly' thought that with ease.

in reply toAlMorr

Thank you Al, I really appreciate that. I was pretty happy with the time actually. I haven't worked out what my actual 10k time was yet, I'm hoping there's a way of persuading Strava to divulge this!!

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to

I have the MapMyrun app, it tells me 1K split times, does your app not have 1K split times? I ran my fourth 5K this morning in a slightly slower time than my PB of a little over 32 minutes, I think the reason for that was there were several hills on the course, my time was just under 36 minutes at 35.59, BUT it told me the 1K split times, for example at 1K it was 6.18 and at 4K 27.43, I would have thought that on your 13 KM run today there would be a 10K split time.

in reply toAlMorr

Thanks Al, I'm trying to find how to get the data... I'm sure it's in there somewhere! I've only recently moved to Strava from one called "Pacer" which I really liked. I could have found it from Pacer pretty instantly. Time to get the calculator out I think!!

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to

Mr Neil, if you click on your run, the stats for splits show at the bottom of the page. 😁

Goforitmama profile image

Fan-flaming-tastic! Sounds like a great run. I love it when it just happens.

The phone call made me laugh!

in reply toGoforitmama

Haha thanks :) what was really funny was that I said oh, I’ll just be out for half an hour, or maybe an hour. Hour and a half tops. She phoned at exactly an hour and a half, to the minute 😂

AnnieW55 profile image

Loved your report Neil. That was a brilliant run.

in reply toAnnieW55

Thank you so much Annie. Fun, fun is what it was, and I never thought I'd say that about running for an hour and half!!

AnnieW55 profile image
AnnieW55 in reply to

Yeah! What’s happened to us all? Whatever it is, long may it continue

in reply toAnnieW55

Indeed!! I don’t love every run, but when one like this comes around, it’s a lot of fun :)

Sadie-runs profile image

ROBOT LEGS! 😁 I knew you’d find them one day, Neil! And wow! What a distance! You certainly don’t do things by halves young man. Well done. 👏👏👏

I am so happy for you. I know you were loving the longer distances on completing B210k, and you deserved this run after your slight set backs, as you have remained determined throughout. Bet you want to kiss your physio right now! Brilliant that you feel equipped to deal with your muscles now; and that is was an issue relatively easy to fix. And once you get into the swing of midfoot striking, it feels so much better, doesn’t it?!

Be sure to rest up before your next run - and bask in this brilliant achievement. You are a great runner. 👍

Sadie-runs xxx

in reply toSadie-runs

Thanks so much Sadie-runs , this run came as a total shock to me, especially since I only really meant to do 3k when I set off. I kind-of did, just added a 1 before it. I suspect I'll have more aches and pains tomorrow, but you know what? Right now I don't care, coz I'm over the moon. Huge grin still very much installed. I don't exactly know how it came about that I love punishing my body for 90 minutes, but that appears to be the case now. I suspect it's more that I'm managing to do something that I never thought I'd do. Honestly, I was so thrilled that I was able to do this run, after the various aches and pains I've had of late.

So glad I managed to midfoot strike, it certainly felt much better, the only slight issue is that I have no idea how I managed to do it, and if I can do it again. I think I just have to run for at least 7k and just hope I can borrow your robot legs back for a bit!!

Tomorrow is a rest'n'stretch day for me, no half-marathons or anything :P

Dexy5 profile image

Now Neil an accidental 1k is one thing, but an accidental 10k extra is another. Your gradual return to running has given you lots of reserves . Well done you. I bet that cuppa was welcome after that. 🏃‍♂️👏👏☕️

in reply toDexy5

I love these accidental runs. That's actually how I came to complete Bridge to 10k. I think I only meant to do 8, but was doing an out-and-back route, and just didn't turn round. Once I'd gone 1k further it seemed rude not to do the 10, and this felt very much like that.

And oh my goodness, that was the most welcome cuppa ever!! And the few I had to have after that. Forget this silly water lark. Tea all the way!!

I do think a lot is in the mind. When I did my one and only 12k I had no intention of going very far, but I just kept going. If I TELL myself I’m going out for a long run, I keep km watching, want to go home, wonder how far it’s going to be before I can stop.

But not withstanding, absolutely brilliant Neil. I have 13k envy now! 😔😏😩

in reply to

Hey Flick, thank you for your kind comments. I have no doubt whatsoever that you can do that distance and much more, but it's not obligatory. From my point of view, you have always been a runner I really look up to as wise and experienced, wise enough and experienced enough to know when pushing it may not be a good idea. If 13k is the right distance to do, you'll do it, but you don't need to prove anything, OK? xxx

in reply to

No no, i'm not trying to prove ANYTHING, please don't ever think that, I'm totally non competitive. I WANT to go further because i love the long runs and i want to do HM next year - love races. I also WANT to go faster because it's more fun. BUT, insomnia ... I was sleeping well in the summer which is when i was increasing my distance. My partner snores and is restless because of work pressure so sleep is illusive. He's retiring next month and I'm hoping things settle down. I need 7-8 hours and nowadays 6 is a bonus. i simply don't have the energy most days, hence the fact so many short runs show up on my Strava feed :(

But you are doing brilliantly. And haven't you been running about the same length of time as me? Maybe longer? I may appear wise, but I don't go out to work so i have time to indulge myself learning about running :) xxx

in reply to

Hey I really feel for you with the sleep thing. I’m not a good sleeper at the best of times. Fortunately it hasn’t affected my running too much, but it does affect my ability to do my job. I also feel for you about the snoring. My ex-wife was terrible for snoring, but refused to let me sleep in the spare room!!

in reply to

Oh, dear :( I did kick Mr I dont Snore out before my first 10k race, but them I don't sleep because it feels odd without him! LOL.

BaddieThePirate profile image
BaddieThePirateGraduate10 in reply to

Me too. Maybe that can be a post B210K goal to aim for. I'll need a new one soon...

in reply toBaddieThePirate

Definitely! I have a distant goal of next years Manchester HM to aim for, though I don’t know if I want to run in a proper race yet :)

in reply to

Do some 10k races to get the flavour. They are fun and you can chat with others or run like a hermit - especially the ones like Blenheim where it's so beautiful and everyone spreads out.

in reply to

Definitely one to think about Flick. I'm just not sure I want to race yet... or ever, but I do quite like the idea of having something to aim for. The odd parkrun is enough for me, and I really struggled with the number of people there to be honest. But - having a goal is good :)

in reply to

I didn’t like park run. Races are different. It’s very relaxed you go in your own time. Also it’s just your own chip time that concerns you. It’s not like school and on your marks get set go. I find it really nice, people are friendly but you can run in your own bubble. I was completely on my own for much of the course last Sunday and was able to just tune into the beautiful surroundings

BaddieThePirate profile image
BaddieThePirateGraduate10 in reply to

Hmmm that's a long way.... I think you'll get there if you stretch and build up slowly. I doubt I'll be following in your footsteps though!

in reply toBaddieThePirate

Yes, it is quite a long way, basically about another 8k-ish beyond what I've already done. I'm fairly convinced I would be capable of it with training. But do I actually want to run in a race? That sounds scary!

BaddieThePirate profile image
BaddieThePirateGraduate10 in reply to

Yes it does sound scary. Something tells me that's where you're headed though!

Tartancat profile image

Inspirational! I came in from a really good run (5k, nowhere near as impressive as your 13.5), and read your post and thought "yes, this is what it's all about!"

You've got me wanting to go straight out and run again 😃🏃‍♂️

in reply toTartancat

Thank you, though just shy of 13, not quite 13.5. Yet :) And 5k is a really good run, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. What it's all about (the hokey cokey?!) is enjoying yourself. I'm an evangelist for enjoying running, because if you don't enjoy it, pretty soon you'll stop doing it. I did a few 5ks in the past couple of weeks just for the fun, and I think that spurred me on for today's run. I was going to say I pushed myself, but I honestly didn't think I was, I just ran. Think Forrest Gump, only with less beard :)

BaddieThePirate profile image

Wow! That's a totally encouraging write up. Magic legs? How do I get some of those? Really good to read your write up. Thank you. Treasure this run!

Deals1 profile image
Deals1Graduate10 in reply toBaddieThePirate

Ha. Yeah I was wondering the same?! Re the magic legs. 😂

in reply toDeals1

Well the original magic legs belong to Sadie-runs , she discovered them during C25K. I occasionally borrow them, no idea how though!!

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to

Robot legs are a magical thing. They can come along halfway through a run, with no warning. It is when you suddenly feel light and strong, and that your legs are just going through the motions happily with no effort from yourself, it feels. They feel automated, and it is great! They are rare, but a joy. :-)

Deals1 profile image
Deals1Graduate10 in reply toSadie-runs

Mmmm.... I haven't found them yet. Hopefully one day They might visit me !!

in reply toDeals1

When you least expect it, and it will be wonderful:)

Deals1 profile image

Blimey!!! Well done u!! 😀👍🏃. Sounds like a great run, circular with views is more interesting. Like the 'magic legs' reminds me of forest gump (again!) Enjoy your post run happiness!! 😀

in reply toDeals1

Thank you! It was so much fun, and the scenery is decent too. I loved that I just ran until I felt like stopping. Such a sense of freedom!

Deals1 profile image
Deals1Graduate10 in reply to

Just running sounds good. Think I can get too hung up in distance!

in reply toDeals1

Yes, just running is great. I’ve always felt that to keep yourself running, you need to enjoy rather than endure. Yes, push yourself, but not to the point where it makes you miserable. This is why I try and avoid running in heavy rain lol

BlondeAmbition72 profile image

Well done!! 👏🏻 This sounds exactly like me yesterday. I thought I’d go out for a short run, around 3k just to stretch the legs, and ended up doing 12k - I felt so good I just didn’t want to stop lol!

in reply toBlondeAmbition72

That's so cool, I love it when that happens. I just didn't want to stop :) Really glad you had a good run too, sounds like you're doing brilliantly.

BlondeAmbition72 profile image
BlondeAmbition72Graduate10 in reply to

Thank you. As are you 👍😘

Agelesslass profile image

Amazing run, love your post. Running is so addictive, more miles you do the more you want to do. You are so right about midway finding your striding legs, I too find this on my longer runs, the first bit of running is always the worst for me. Good luck and keep enjoying it

in reply toAgelesslass

Thanks Agelesslass , you're so right, it is addictive, and runs like yesterdays, when everything just falls into place, just make it so wonderful. Interestingly, I went out in running shorts and tshirt and was a bit chilly for the first 3k, I'm normally warmed up in about 5 minutes, but I was intentionally limiting my pace so I could run for longer, which clearly worked. I know what you mean about the first bit of the run too - toxic 10 or whatever. I've learned to ignore the cries in my brain to stop, and just keep running. I'm addicted now, it's true :)

EL82 profile image

Wow that's amazing! One of the best things about running is those days when you surprise yourself, no planning, it just happens and you achieve something you thought you couldn't and hadn't even been trying to do! Fantastic! 😀

in reply toEL82

Thank you, yes I really love that too. The boost to my self imagine is incredible, and very addictive I have to say :)

Tasha99 profile image

Someone is doing a HM next year...😂

in reply toTasha99

Ssssssh! :P

Jelon profile image

What a fab run, you certainly did go for it, well done 👍🏻

in reply toJelon

Thank you! I think I’m still recovering two days on, but i have to say it was one of the most enjoyable runs I’ve ever done. Since when did 8 miles become enjoyable??! 😂

Jelon profile image
Jelon in reply to

I don’t know but I totally agree, can we all be mad?!!!! 🤣

in reply toJelon

I suspect it’s now a requirement!! 😂

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