Hello. I'm one week from completing couch to 5k. I'm wondering if their is a preferred 10k app to use to get going. Any abvice would be kindly received. Thank you.
Hello Bto10k: Hello. I'm one week from... - Bridge to 10K
Hello Bto10k

General advice is to spend 3-4 weeks consolidating your efforts and running for 30 mins, try building to 5k if you are not there already and try the c25k+ podcasts. There is no NHS B210k app or podcasts, there are other ones out there of varying quality. The sami murphy podcasts seem recommended. One of our admins ju-ju created a b210k program you can follow, many here have done so successfully including myself :). See the side bar for links.
OK. I'll look in to it. Not sure what podcast are but will find out. Thank you.
podcasts are just music files in mp3 format. Originally before the c25k app the course was available as a set of downloadable podcasts. After week 9 they did an additional 3 that aim to help you after graduation, there is a stepping stones one a speed one and a stamina one I think. Start with the stepping stones one.
info here nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/c...
Download here nhs.uk/Tools/Pages/Couch-to...
Pinkaardvark, I've got it thank you. I'll do as you said and continue my 30 min runs for 4 weeks and then start it. 😁👍
Jumping ahead again. Got the stepping podcast. Will start using it in a weeks time. I'll let Jo W get me there in the mean time. Cheers. 🍺

Get C25K finished..then consolidation for a couple of weeks, maybe try the C25K+ podcasts too....but do not start those too soon; then you can do no better than start our ju-ju- s 10K plan..it is simply brilliant... many of us have done it more than once
OK Oldfloss. I'll give it a few week before starting podcasts. It's good to be able to find information to get yourself on the right path. Thank you. 👍

Hello Gaz, if you fancy, I do an 8 week 10k plan, but some prefer the podcast as this relies only on you following it. Here is a link to week one:
Lovely Ju Ju. It looks not to bad to do. I'll take a few week to got used to running 5k then start your plan. Thank you. 😌