I had a fabulous run in Wednesday. Just over 5km and I had a good pace (for me) and I really really enjoyed it. It even gave me the confidence to go and get a gait analysis at a proper running shop on Thursday. I was actually quite happy watching myself running on the video. And I bought 2 new pairs of trainers😊😊😊. So I was really looking forward to my parkrun tomorrow where I will pick up a meddle as I’ve completed a May challenge for charity. BUT today my bloody TBI gave me a little reminder that I’m not like “normal” people so don’t get cocky and try to be. 🙃😕. By 9.30 am I knew I had 2 choices , try and muddle through the day, struggling to be coherent and keep my balance and have a stabbing headache or take to my bed!!! I am desperate to be ab,e to do my parkrun today so I’ve had to spend the day in bed aaarrrrrggghhh.
Feeling slightly better now and determined to run tomorrow, even if I have to take to my bed after. As I’ve said previously this TBI my make my running journey harder but it’s certainky not gonna stop it.
My new news will make me feel better.