Ah that's more like it 😊: Afternoon All 😊 So... - Bridge to 10K

Bridge to 10K

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Ah that's more like it 😊

β€’39 Replies

Afternoon All 😊

So...after a bit of humming & harring I swallowed my pride & re-installed C25K on my phone...backtracked to week 6 simply because that where I feel most confident starting back & off I went.

I am glad to say that it really helped...instead of flailing about not really knowing what to do & getting fed up when i kept having to stop & walk...i was back to actually being allowed to stop & walk which made the running bits in between much better.It's the first time I have been out & enjoyed my run & felt good for it in about 6 weeks so I am a very happy bunny 😊 I am not seeing this as a backwards step but a step back UP to where I was before 😊

Also got given a new type of inhaler yesterday which should help ease the hayfever symptoms on my chest.

Rocking the Mr Men today as they havn't seen the light of day in a while πŸ˜‰

Thanks so much for all your support...I couldn't do any of this without you lovely lot 😊 I hope I am still allowed as I am clearly not bridgeing to 10K just at the moment 😣

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39 Replies
ChrisAllen1 profile image

Well done and good to hear you are back out there x

in reply to ChrisAllen1

Thankyou 😊

MikeJones68 profile image

Nice to see the leggings back in the public eye ;)

in reply to MikeJones68

I aim to please πŸ˜‰

Bridget007 profile image

Sometimes it’s nice to be told what to do so there’s no thinking about it. And you are rocking the Mr Men leggings I can only dream about being able to wear those ☺️

Oh totally!!!having lost so much fitness i became stuck & had no clue what to do next.at this point it would be very easy for me to become dispondant but i refuse πŸ˜‰

Tasha99 profile image

Well done! Good motivation!

in reply to Tasha99

Thankyou 😊

Sqkr profile image

Oh those leggings are cracking! If you don't get a good run when you're covered in Mr Men then there's something very funny going on.

in reply to Sqkr

Haha thankyou 😁

pinkaardvark profile image

Liking your style. If you ran past me in the street I'd be smiling. Good to hear your feeling a bit better about the running πŸ˜ƒ

in reply to pinkaardvark

Haha 😁 funnily enough i do seem to make people smile 😁 thankyou 😊

bertiesugar profile image

Great to see you back out there and even better that you enjoyed it. All enjoyablke runs are a success

in reply to bertiesugar

Thankyou 😊 i think you are right 😊

MrskittyC profile image

Well done! Sometimes it is good to have a bit of structure.

P.s. OMG, I bloody love those leggings!

in reply to MrskittyC

I agree...i am not very good without it!!!haha thankyou 😁

EmmaRunning profile image

Gorgeous leggings. And a v good way to combat the despondency. I really like being told what to do by the app it takes away the whole stress of managing it yourself, and also v easy to see the progress. Well done you. You’re still running.

in reply to EmmaRunning

Yes thats what i think too...thankyou 😊

EmmaRunning profile image
EmmaRunningGraduate10 in reply to

I'm currently struggling with the 10 so I'm using an app to do the intervals for me. We can be Appy together ;-)

in reply to EmmaRunning

Haha yes...lets just be "Appy" 😊

Anniemurph profile image

Well done, and a really good idea. If there's one thing I have learned in 6 years of running, it's that we all have ups and downs. Sometimes it's injury, sometimes there are just too many other things going on, sometimes we lose our mojo. And guess what - the roads are always still out there for us, and we can always start up again :) Brilliant attitude, fab leggings - happy running to you!

in reply to Anniemurph

Thankyou 😊 very wise words 😊

Susieq174 profile image

I think they may be the best leggings I’ve ever seen 😍

in reply to Susieq174

Haha...another gem from good old Tikiboo 😊

misswobble profile image

Good that you’re back out There! You’ll be glad you moved yourself on

If in doubt go for a run. Things become much clearer πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

Have fun!

in reply to misswobble

Thanks very much...i definately need the structure back in order to get myself back up to where i was before 😊

misswobble profile image
misswobbleGraduate10 in reply to

I am a Little Miss Messy as regards my organisational skills but I always having a running plan on my desk πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

Yay! so happy to see you happy and back out there. Good for you! you stuck with it, silenced the gremlins and overcame considerable obstacles to get back out there. and you look AMAZING!!! xxx

in reply to

Ah bless you...i NEED to run for many reasons & getting stuck in a vicious circle is just about my worst nightmare but hopefully this will help get me back up to where i was x

in reply to

But you beat the depression and lack of motivation. It can only make you stronger xxx

Meanwhile, look what arrived in the post yesterday (they slipped into my virtual basket, honest, I didn't order them deliberately - me???) sturdybydesign.com/product/...

in reply to

OMG...they are bloody brilliant 😁

in reply to

yep :)

linda9389 profile image

Great plan! Now you can feel you are achieving again. My bridge to 10k started at about week -10 I think. But it was structure and it meant I could progress a little each week without the frustration and knock backs. It worked for me. Good luck, magic 10 here you come :)

in reply to linda9389

Thankyou 😊

poppypug profile image

Morning Claire !

Good to see you back out there again . Thats the great thing about running , its always there ready to get back into . Life gets in the way sometimes, we get ill, unmotivated , too busy etc , but even a little canter around the block can work wonders and help us get back on track .

You look amazing btw, I LOVE your leggings ! :-) xxx

in reply to poppypug

Ah bless you thankyou 😁 a canter round the block...love it πŸ˜‰

AndG profile image

Sure you will speed through those C25k runs! Good you have got your inhaler too and your Mr Men leggings πŸ˜€

I had a bad one this evening ran 3.5k in 25 mins and just felt I wanted to stop so I walked back home.I wasn’t overly tired just couldn’t motivate myself to carry on. Think I need to start taking water on my runs. Bit disappointing but will go out again tomorrow or Saturday and do another longer one. My determined head just wasn’t on today!

in reply to AndG

Ah bless you...all mine feel like that since i have not been well & forced to take a break πŸ˜• its so frustrating!!!fingers crossed your next one will be much better 😊

HeleneCorsa profile image

Have only just spotted this! You are totally rocking those leggings. Hope you are OK my lovely xx

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