not quite as far this time & slower - Bridge to 10K

Bridge to 10K

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not quite as far this time & slower

20 Replies

Which is strange, as I felt as if I was running faster overall, especially on the upward bits. Mind you, it was wet and slippery, so i was being careful.

I do feel as if I'm running like a runner now, more effortless and less of the old lady hunch.

I have a real struggle for the first 20 minutes ish. Legs heavy, panting even downhill; then i get into my stride and the breathing is easy even uphill. Anyone any ideas why? I'm wondering if it takes that long to clear the allergens from my lungs. I definitely have a toxic 20 rather than a toxic 10. Then I feel as if I could keep going, though I was getting tired by the end of this run. Still, over 5k again.

I've been tired lately, disinclined to run and had to force myself out this evening. I really do seem to need around 8 hours sleep and have been getting an hour or two less. This is the first run since the last long one when I've felt high after.

20 Replies
AnnieW55 profile image

Congratulations. Sounds like it is coming together for you.

I'm another toxic 20er most of the time. Sometimes I get away with it but not very often. I read somewhere that one way of avoiding it - actually, it was getting it out of the way before the run was to exercise vigorously before you go out. Nah! Not going to happen for me. The basic explanation is that your body is catching up with how much oxygen is wanted where and in which muscles, breathing is down the list of requirements for that space of time, once that is sorted we're away.

I spent most of the day finding "reasons" not to run tonight but as usual, once home I was changed and out the door, I still don't know how that happens 😄

in reply to AnnieW55

Yes, Im quite pleased. The last long run was over 6k, this one slightly less, but Im pleased to have broken the 5k barrier.

Interesting that you take 20 minutes to get going too. I do a brisk walk up a steep hill first, but clearly it isnt enough. And no, exercising vigorously before I go out isnt going to happen for me either 🤨

It’s funny, but the moment I put my running gear on, I want to go. It’s the hours beforehand that are the problem.

AnnieW55 profile image
AnnieW55 in reply to

I'm 2/3 the way up a hill but the only way to get to the top isn't really doable with all the rain/snow we've had so I start off down hill which is quickly followed by up hills 🙁. However, Although it still hurts to do the hills I know I'm fitter as I get up them without stopping and am faster as well. Hang in there it will come.

I think we go out regardless, even when we don't want to, because it has become such a habit which is good. A bit like waking up in the morning, wanting to stay in bed but getting up anyway. I love the thought of a lie-in but whenever I get the chance I just can't do it!

in reply to AnnieW55

I really like the hills now. Ive done a few sessions recently forcing myself to run up the really steep ones, and it gets easier and easier

Sandyscroll profile image
SandyscrollGraduate10 in reply to

Really? I swear my hills are trying to kill me! I have a toxic 3 or 4 miles on a Saturday as it's all uphill on the way out. It only gets easier if I walk! I just plug away at it and enjoy the wonderful, if rather short lived trot back down. I listen to nice, encouraging tunes to keep me going. ☺🎶🎧

in reply to Sandyscroll

Yours may be more prolific and steeper than mine! I try to start off running downhill or flat because of the breathing. Halfway through the run it gets easier. The really steep one, I'm probably running at only walking pace for the steeper bits. And i would love to be running three or four miles as only part of my run!

Sandyscroll profile image
SandyscrollGraduate10 in reply to

I thought that once. You'll get there if you want to. ☺

Sadie-runs profile image

Flick, you know, it doesn’t hurt to throw in the odd 20 min run now and again. In fact, it can be beneficial...x

in reply to Sadie-runs

My last two before this were short. The one before last was less than 20 minutes, the next was 29. In fact every third run seems to be around 20 minutes. Honestly, I dont know how the men on the forum manage, manfully striding around the countryside doing effortless 5ks and upwards 😳 xx

Fishypieface profile image

None of it makes any sense to me. Sometimes I have a toxic 20, sometimes I am fine from the start, sometimes it takes 5 mins. I've found the longer I run (10k once a week now) the slower I get, as I don't have the stamina yet. But also that my 5k s are slower too now by almost 20- 40 seconds a km. But I'm not bothered for now. It's just a miracle we are still getting out in this weather, I will wait until the Spring to think about improvements. Well done for getting another run under you belt! :)

in reply to Fishypieface

Thanks 😊 it was freezing and windy tonight - well actually 3 degrees, but the wind chill factor made it feel less. Honestly, if I had let myself think about it, I wouldnt have gone out at all, and Im so glad I did. This long cold winter is really getting to me. If I dont get enough sleep, I feel cold from te inside out at the thought of running.

I think stamina is what Im slowly building now. My age is against me, of course, so it is all going to take me longer than it would have done even 10 years ago, but no reason why I wont get there in the end.

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate10 in reply to

Exactly, and you definitely will get there, because you've got just the right attitude :)

in reply to Fishypieface

That’s kind of you 😊

Well done Flick, this running thing is a rum business isn’t it? I think I get the toxic 20s too - I usually call them the effing four and five kms, because it seems to take me that long to get into my stride and then it settles.

But I've also noticed that if I do a ‘good paced’ long run, then my next one (no matter the distance) can be anything up to 2 mins a km slower than the first.

And don’t as George W Bush famously said ‘misunderestimate' the benefits of sleep for repairing and resting. If you feel you need the sleep, then for sure take it. It will never do you any harm - unless of course you are a 5km sleep-runner, in which case I take my comments back.

Oh and you’re doing this in the cold too that is just a tough call at this time of year. But well done, you’re still going strong.

in reply to

I'm glad it isn't just me. i was beginning to think there was something wrong with me.

Ha! you are thinking I'm doing exciting things instead of sleeping? I wish! I go to bed around 10 every night, asleep before 11, then awake at 1.30. 2.30, 4ish as Mr I dont snore I'm not even asleep leaps merrily off to the loo, thanks to that bedtime cup of coffee, or busts into a crescendo of snoring (only the latter part of the night) or fights battles in his sleep. I shall be glad when the takeover of the firm he works for is settled and he stops being on red alert.

in reply to

Poor you on the disturbed nights - MR JCR occasionally cycles in bed.... I’m sure it happens on his days off from cycling... but the giggles I get sort of outweigh the lack of sleep.

If your near the Heythrop hunt, then you are in a beautiful part of the world. I used to work for NatWest before the Rubbish Bank of Scotland got them and Heythrop was the training college - I used to love going there, absolutely fabulous place. And getting slightly pickled in the Slaughters...

in reply to

Lol, cycling in his sleep!

Yes, Chipping Norton is in te heart of beautiful scenery. I look forward to running across it once the mud recedes a bit - at the moment it’s over my ankles and dangerously slippery.

Pm3eak profile image

That looks pretty good to me Flick. If it comes to a race up those hills between you and me then I am off down to BetFred to put a hefty bet on you winning.

I think Jancanrun is on the money regarding sleep, or rather lack of. I am a terrible sleeper, rarely get more than four hours, five max. I think it is just a hangover from decades of getting up, before I even got warm in bed, to milk cows, calve cows, lamb ewes etc. Plus, Mr. Jethro 'none shall pass' guard dog has a real downer on badgers at the minute: they come every night, like belligerent, stripey farm labourers on an Edwardian charabanc tour, digging up everything in sight for worms and grubs, tipping over pots and generally being brocklike; it ends with Jethro charging round like a wounded elephant at 3am, barking for England. The badgers aren't phased in the slightest. But, I know that it affects me physically AND mentally...especially in that I eventually get up less positive, more 'can't be bothered' and with a tendency to be defeated before I have started any particular task. I am convinced that I am less able physically for the day too. My way of coping is to forget lying there trying to sleep, fretting and getting angry ...and just get up: I generally get a cup of tea, calm the wounded elephant, watch the badgers a bit, do some study or listen to the radio. I will often then have a sleep-what my daughter calls a 'disco nap' -in the day...well, I am lucky that I can do that now the world of proper work has left me behind. But, those short naps really help, better than staying in bed searching for what is at best broken sleep, in my view.

That’s very kind, but Im sure you would still beat me on time and pace.

Dennis used to bark at foxes when we lived in Oxford. Mating season in the New Year was always fun! No foxes here with the Heythrop kenneled down the hill, and the only badgers we see are chucked on the road in sacks after being baited or fed aspirin to kill them. With the barking at foxes, I downloaded a rain forest white noise app for my ipad and left it on all night, and that did the trick.

I sometimes nap in the day too to catch up i cant function on insufficient sleep. I feel for you, getting so little. Actually early rising does destroy your body clock. I was a go to bed late sleep till noon kind of person (who am I kidding, we sometimes didnt surface till afternoon at weekends). Having a baby who slept in 20 minute snatches put paid to that. The latest Ive slept in years is 8am, and it’s usually a lot earlier than that.

I havent seen a post from you since your post back run. How are things going? And is the back holding up?

Irish-John profile image

About one time in every twenty, my milometer thing on my phone - only use it because doing the programme again, but it was the same first time around - gives me either a farcical time or a farcical speed but most often a farcical distance. :)

Technology - yep... ;)

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