...three sets of 2 fast, 2 jog intervals sandwiched between a jog and a steady run. Unfortunately, the app crashed partway through π‘ Good job I had MapMyFitness on and set to a voice prompt every 2 minutes.
Took myself off to the hill opposite (rather than behind) where I live - it's open access land and quite a lot like running around a school field, only with better views, more bushes, some long grass, and stiles.
Deliberately ran my first interval on a definite uphill on the basis that other 2 would be done on a slight downhill - cue Gasping for Breath even though I was probably only going a tiny bit faster than my jog. The last 30seconds or so of my second interval was done up the same hill as I'd misjudged how long it would take me to get back to the stile (must start getting better at that soon!)
The views more than made up for my annoyance at the app crashing, so all in all a good start to a sunny Sunday. π