Running outside again... and a long rambling... - Bridge to 10K

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Running outside again... and a long rambling post...sorry.

Simmypie profile image
12 Replies

I haven't run outside for a while, several months actually as it's been too cold/rainy/add excuse here, preferring my treadmill. The sun has been out for a few days now though, enticing me to leave the house.

Today was nice again so I decided to go out early and see how I did. I had aching legs from indoor trampolining with my nephew on Sunday (I'm sure it's so much harder than running, I was out of breath within ten minutes!) and French jive dancing for 3 hours last night with aforementioned achy legs.

I also haven't posted much recently; I split up with Cherie Pie in mid November after 15 mainly happy years together and have been feeling a bit down on and off for the last couple of months.

Some days are good and then I will cry out of nowhere. It's a strange feeling having tears just ready to come out at any time, Sorry for the depressing post, I'm usually happy and teasing people on here.

I went from obsessively following posts for two to three hours each night, partly to have some space to myself away from her, we had the lounge or the computer room as our refuges, and then to nothing for a while as the house was empty and no need for cave time. I bought a new 4k tv and devoured three seasons of game of thrones in ten days!

I had a look on here a while ago and found that I had 20 or more posts from Irish-John to look at, I just wasn't in the mood for them, entertaining though they always are!

I have found solace in an amazing singer/songwriter called Passenger, how I haven't known about his music for so long I don't know....although some of the songs make me want to cry so perhaps not the best choice. I have it on the tv in the background on you tube to fill the silence.

And yes I'm rambling I know, this is meant to be a running forum....

Anyway, I started running and instantly wanted to give up, my legs were aching so much and I had to force myself to continue, don't be a wimp I had to tell myself!

No fancy gadgets or apps, just my phone and some music. I planned to stop after a certain track had been on but misjudged where it was in my playlist and ended up running 14 minutes longer than I had planned to.

It's a lot harder outside I've realised again, the air was really cold and affecting my breathing. Having to slow down and wait for cars to go past when crossing the road is a bit annoying, I felt a bit self conscious having to run on the spot rather than stop. On the treadmill it's a constant pace, no need for any breaks or drops in speed. I did speed up when crossing the roads though and then get back into a slow run. I found a few hills to run up and back down and different roads than usual.

When I got home I worked out that I had run for 12 songs and about 50 minutes. My route on mapometer seems to be about 5 miles so I'm happy with that.

I always try to run for at least 30 minutes, if I could do it at week 9 then apart from illnesses or injuries I haven't got any excuses not to do it each time.

Hopefully I will go out more now that the weather is improving. Aching legs aside I quite enjoyed the outside world and of course we all get that great sense of accomplishment when we push through the pain and carry on.

Not my happiest post ever but hopefully this will change....x

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Simmypie profile image
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12 Replies
Bluebirdrunner profile image

We're here for you Simmypie.xx

Things can only get coin a phrase.

Virtual hug. ()

Hi Simmypie - it may not be your happiest post, but its a positive step forward.

I'm new to running with music and not thought about putting a playlist together with strategically placed favourite tracks to keep me going. Being technically challenged though, i'll need to get my daughter to organise it for me and hope she doesn't roll her eyes up too much at my choices .. .

Irish-John profile image

One more post from me. Hang in there man. Time WILL see the wounds heal over. The memories won't cut so deep. Been through it, it hurts but it don't hurt forever.

Irishprincess profile image

I'm sorry you're going through this pain and I hope you've got good support from friends and family. That sounds a good run despite everything and running regularly should help ease a little pain at least for a while.

I use to do that running on the spot thing and felt a bit silly but then I read somewhere that apparently experienced runners don't do it and they just stop. So, I thought what's good enough for them..... that's what I do now and it gives you a little breather which is very welcome sometimes 😊

I'm intrigued about the French jive dancing! How is that different from ordinary jive dancing?

Theziggy profile image

Ah Passenger - the man with the quirky voice! Heard him interviewed - a really nice guy

Anniemurph profile image

I'm sorry to read about your split. It is a very difficult time and I hope you have friends who can help you through it. I took up running after my divorce and still find it a useful way of thinking things through or, conversely, of gong for a run when I want to put something to the back of my mind and just run.

I'm a fair weather runner and I'm looking forward to the onset of Spring too - although I was grumbling the other day when it was so warm in the sun, and now I'm grumbling again because it is pelting down with rain and I wanted to go for a long run! Never happy :D

Keep running, keep dancing, keep posting on here. Onwards.

Millsie-J profile image

Actually overall its a positive post. You are working through a difficult time and have found a couple of coping strategies to help along the way.

Running is always there for you, as is this forum. You dont need to run well or run fast, just run 🏃🏻. Similarly you dont have to post only happy clappy updates, just post. We are not fair weather friends only😀.

Great that you are back, 💐

poppypug profile image

Aw our lovely Simmypie, Big hugs for you and we are here for you when you need us xxx

Keep getting out there , being in the fresh air can work wonders for your peace of mind and soul .

Hang on in there, baby xxx

misswobble profile image

Yes, I hope it will. Time is a great healer. Cliche but it's true

Get out for your runs. Outside is where real life is 😀 Join a running club! Do Parkrun! Your dancing sounds fab by the way!

Life is pants at times but always look for the positives!

Simmypie profile image

Thanks for all the kind words. Much appreciated xXx

pollyp1 profile image

Well that's sucky. Just keep running. And coming here, coming here helps even if you don't post.

Irish-John profile image

Gonna run with me tomorrow Simmy? come's nice out there :) Bet I step in more dog pooh than you! :)

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