Hello! I have my first 10k booked in for the 29th May and am looking forward to it, but have been looking at training plans and all the ones I've found have been based on working up to running for 60 minutes which with the best will in the world will not be my 10k time! Can anyone recommend a plan which is based on increasing your distance rather than your time so I am working up to the actual race distance rather than a length of running time which will still not take me to the race distance? (I am currently running 5k, so am not a complete beginner, but am definitely a slow runner...)
10k training plan - distance rather than time? - Bridge to 10K
10k training plan - distance rather than time?

All the training plans that I've seen - myASICs, RunnerWorld take into account your expected finish time, current level of activity, and the number of runs you want to do per week. Then they prepare you a personal plan, and always with distance goals - eg 'Long run, 6.8km, pace: xxx". So they will prepare you to run the distance in whatever time is appropriate for your age, experience and level of fitness.
good luck!

If you're currently running 5 km, then how about nominating one of your weekly runs to be your "long run" and add extra distance to it week by week, making sure that your total weekly increase of distance is no more than 10%. With just over two months, you could for instance do 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9.

Tomas has posted exactly what I was going to say. Two good answers above☺ Good luck with your 10k training!
Thanks all!!

Most training plans for different distances do not have you running the full distance before the "race" - so for example, most marathon training plans only have you run a max of 20 miles before the actual race. BUT - Galloways plans ( which are primarily designed for run/walking) do have you going further than the race distance before the race - but he does this very conservatively. Firstly he has you doing run/walk intervals ( but you could use his plans using run only if you wish ) and secondly his plans are longer than most others so you only do a long run every second week rather that the more usual every week. Have a look here for a 10K plan secure.as1.wdpromedia.com/m... The longest run in this one is 10.4klms

I tried a 10k plan straight after graduation and my legs did not like it! I prefer to focus on getting 5k as a comfortable run three times a week. I then started to have a once a week long run, 6, 7, 8 and then a 10 for me. You can always take your time, I find steady plodding allows me to avoid injury, enjoy running and keep going longer (and further)