I seem to have got my mojo back!! After several failed attempts, I have finally managed to complete Day 1 of Bridge to 5k. I know it's not much to you guys but I really did feel I had lost the plot recently, struggling to get out there and making pathetic excuses about weather, time etc. But this morning I made up my mind I was going to ignore any Gremlins and do it. Read the latest forum posts first (they always inspire me), got dressed in several layers and my shiny new trainers and I did it! Also the furthest I have ever run and my times are improving! So chuffed and now feel completely motivated again - might even sign up for a 10k next year just to keep me on track!! 😜
At last...: I seem to have got my mojo back... - Bridge to 10K
At last...

Some old roman bloke once said that he who wins over his own lethargy is more powerful than he who conquers a city. Or something along those lines. So well done you for getting out there and doing it despite the failed attempts. It doesn't matter how many times you fail, it only matters that you eventually succeed! Congratulations!
Do-it-do-it-do-it (sign up for a 10k). It will keep you on your toes! I am doing a New Years 10 k on the 31 December. Such a fine way to say goodbye to the year I learned to run and learned to love to run!
Next time the gremlins tell you that you don't want to go out, come back and read your own post! You do want to run!
Thank you - you are a great inspiration - love your posts and your determination 🌟

So pleased to hear you've got your mojo back... We'll done Hidden .
Keep going ....

So pleased for you 😀 Signing up for a 10k sounds like a great idea to stay motivated. There's a 10k in my village on New Year's Day called the Gut Buster , sadly I'm away 😂