Got passed at parkrun today by a heavily pregnant woman - 7 months gone I believe!!! - but, I DO turn 70 next week!!!!
oh- the ignominy of it all!!!: Got passed at... - Bridge to 10K
oh- the ignominy of it all!!!

Looking very good Bazza1234 . Not so sure about the socks! But running definitely suits you!

Go you.... looking really good !
Maybe she was heading for the labour ward...or more likely ... the loo ? x

Great Pic Bazza. Looking good.

Happy birthday Bazza, if it is any consolation, you do look fit

Great picture Bazza and all I can say is she must be ultra speedy normally! Hope I am running your times when I turn 70!😮 You don't need to change a thing☺
You are both at the peak of health! Fab!!

She's probably gone home and said, " There was this amazing 69 year old guy at park run today! I hope I'm still running at that age!" 😊

I agree with IP - I bet she was impressed. And the poor thing will have to stop for a while after giving birth, too... I don't think I could have run when I was pregnant, my kids all loved kicking me in the bladder too much for me to take the risk.

Great picture Bazza. Could be worse, it could have been you with the pregnant-looking belly, instead of looking so trim.

Never mind Bazza - I was passed this morning by a man pushing one child in a buggy and carrying another on his back. I got a PB so it wasn't as if I was having a bad day.

Great stuff bazza and looking good there! Happy birthday in advance
PS i get beaten every parkrun by a lady who is around 74, she is super speedy and a bit of a legend over here! my parkrun today 29.14, hers 26.22! i got beaten the other week by a guy with a buggy and 2 children in it! as they say its a run not a race!