I managed to cover 12k today, first 5 just running and then run-walk but I was pleased with the distance, slow but sure getting there
A bit of a cheat but 12k: I managed to cover... - Bridge to 10K
A bit of a cheat but 12k

Wow, that's a great distance. 😊

Great work as always JoolieB1

Brilliant. Well done but not sure why you think it was a cheat?. Walking breaks are allowed ☺
Great stuff Joolie.

Well done Joolie...phew thats quite far you know...😊no wonder you look pleased.x
I know, the 5k was plodding but ok. Finding that if I have a slow pace I can keep going. Walk breaks are pretty refreshing and then when I run again, I have a spring in my step again. One way to increase distance or avoid injury. Spent most of the afternoon resting my legs with the electric blanket on LOL

Go you...Not cheating at all..just brilliant sweetie☺

12K is 12K and you did it! Well done Joolie 😊

Well done!

Well done! 12k is a long way - and walk breaks are definitely not cheating!

Joolie- sounds a right good plan to me - well done! I've had a bit of a hard time in the run up to my first half marathon in 2 weeks (sore ankle/sore hip/sore ankle/marathon night walk - sore ankle again!). I so want to do this half and think run walk may be the way to ensure I finish.. How do you decide how long your run/walk intervals are please?

That's a great distance, well done Joolie!
As they say, a slow 12k is as far as a fast 12k! Brilliant run JoolieB1