I did my ninth Parkrun on Saturday. As I was jogging along, not very far into the run, a woman fell into step beside me and we said hello. Then she said, "What time are you aiming for?" I said - well, I panted really - that I'm still a very new runner (only started C25k in February) and that I'm still pretty pleased just to finish it vertical, so wasn't aiming for anything other than the finishing line. But I added that my PB was 32 minutes 12 seconds although I thought that was some kind of fluke.
"Oh that's fine", she said. "I'll run with you. I haven't run for a while and all I'm aiming for is to run without stopping today".
So we continued on and about the half-way point she looked at her watch and said, "I think you could beat your PB at this pace". By that time I was running out of breath to explain that I felt I was maybe going TOO fast and that I didn't think I could keep the pace up so I just soldiered on.
Into the last 1km and I was wheezing like Ivor the Engine and wishing she would run ahead and leave me alone so I could walk for a bit without her knowing. But I chugged on with her.
Then she said, "We'll break it up a bit now. Aim for that next tree".
"Okay, aim for that big green bush".
"Okay, aim for the marshal".
"Okay, next lamppost".
And then we were getting to near the end and I wondered if I could possibly be actually in the process of dying.
"Okay, after this bin, speed up a bit". Haha, that'll be right... but she sped up a bit and I tried to follow her.
"Okay, after this bench, a sprint finish". Hahahaha, hilarious... but I chased her as best I could.
Result? A new PB of 31 minutes 29 seconds. I'm a work in progress!
Okay so the guy who crossed the line did it in 15 minutes 49 seconds but hey, I'm pretty chuffed nonetheless.
What was great was that she got at LEAST as big a buzz out of helping me as I got. She went straight over to her friends and said delightedly, "I got her a new PB!"
To me this speaks volumes not just about this nice woman - her name's Jean - but about this new world of running that I've found myself in. Both at Parkrun and here in this forum, there is so much mutual encouragement and support that I actually find it quite moving.
If human beings could just be like this in every area of life, what a nice world this would be...