Last year I participated in a 21.1 klm half marathon. I trained for it and ran it using Galloway run/walk method - I guess because I couldn't contemplate running continuously for that distance. But last year, I trained for it at almost anticipated race pace. This year, I decided to follow Galloway's training ideas to the letter and slowed my training runs right down - but the only way I could get down as slow as he recommends was to use very short running intervals. But yesterday,before parkrun, I thought "why am I doing this"? I know that I can easily run a full 5K non-stop at 7 mins per K (actually I have done it once at 6 mins per K) - I also know that I don't want to attempt the HM in a non-stop manner - and I also know that about 7 minutes of running combined with 1 minute of walking results in my HM goal pace of 7:30 per klm. So at parkrun - amongst all the usual excitement and people "going for it" at the start , I pretended to myself that this was the first 5K of 21.1K - and conducted myself accordingly - BUT running to each 1 KLm marker on the course and then stopping to walk for 1 minute. I was supposed to average 7:30 over the 5K - but for some reason I actually averaged 7:05 . I have not as yet examined my Garmin GPS track and I am suspecting that perhaps on this occasion Mr Garmin has made a mistake somewhere along the way and thought that I was running faster that what I actually was or underestimated the distance somehow (will check that up later today ) - but anyway, I felt strong at the end and think now that I will adopt this strategy for the HM next Sunday. When I first started with the idea of "learning" how to run, I only ever wanted to be capable of running for 1 Klm - even then that was a bit of a pipe dream!!! So, running for 1KLm and then having a bit of a rest - but doing it 21 times over, does appeal to me!!
Run 1 Klm - then walk 1 minute: Last year I... - Bridge to 10K
Run 1 Klm - then walk 1 minute

Interesting post, thanks Bazza. On one of my runs, a while ago now, I used an early week from couch to 5k (week 3 possibly) as a warm up, instead of just walking. I did this partly because I always find the first 2/3 k such a puff and wondered if walk/jog would be better preparation for continuous running. I was surprised to find that my pace was about the same, if not a tad faster! But not sure about using this method for a longer distance. Hope it goes well.

I'm experimenting with something similar over my longer distances (only 10k). And it seems to be working quite well. It saves my strength and I'm actually faster than if I just slog through. It seems to be a perfectly valid method. If it works for you, go for it!

I agree that following Galloway to the letter can be tedious and even frustrating. I suspect the best way to use his plan is to adapt it to circumstances. I suspect you are experienced enough to know when you need/want to follow his intervals and when (as you recount) you don't.
I don't follow him strictly anymore, but I do find it helpful sometimes when I am having a hard time getting out the door, or I'm particularly tired or the weather is too hot. At the same time, I like to break free of the shackles and just run sometimes, too.
Good luck with your race!