IT is VERY hot and humid right now where I live - on Tuesday morning around 5AM, I set out to run 6Klms at 7:00 mins perK using 90sec/30sec run/walk intervals. That 42 minutes had me soaking wet at the end!! So this morning, I thought I would do something different. Because I feel that I have been struggling with the Singapore-like weather, I planned on doing a shorter run with a bit of a warmup followed by 3x 1klm non-stop repeats at a pace faster than my absolute 5K PB average pace - with sufficient rest inbetween each repeat. It was a challenging workout and I finished up running faster during each repeat that I had planned to and the average of those three repeats was 5:30 mins per k-- which would equate (if I had sufficient stamina to do so) to a 5K of 27:30. It was a good hard workout - more so because of the weather - and I think I will do this once per week from now on. I have kind of done this before - but only 400 metre repeats with lesser time rest inbetween. The 1Klm's felt more of a challenge.
1 klm repeats: IT is VERY hot and humid right... - Bridge to 10K
1 klm repeats

Very impressive pace Bazza, especially in those temperatures! Well done. It was freezing when I ran today - kept my beanie hat on all the way, which is pretty unusual for me!

That sounds like a hardcore workout bazza. I'm impressed. And in such weather, you really seem to give it everything you've got.

That's a great speed in any temperature, Bazza, and impressive that you were running faster in each repeat - well done! As you know I was whinging about intervals elsewhere this week, but they are good for us and this proves it. Good idea to do this regularly.

Goodness Bazza. Hate to say this but don't overdo it!!! I saw people running round a circuit in Singapore and have no idea how they did it, I was having trouble walking in the humidity. Well done.

Great run, Bazza! I love the way you adapt your workouts. Inspirational