Fast or slow...: Kilometres are kilometres... - Bridge to 10K

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Fast or slow...

Oldfloss profile image
47 Replies

Kilometres are kilometres.

Slow and steady, just because I wanted to complete a 7K run, with no stopping break at all.

( I feel my other 7K attempt runs were 'not quites'...or 'almosts'.

This morning I ran for 7.25 K. It took me 56 not speedy at all.

I had one very slow bit , in the middle, where my phone went bananas.. and I slowed right down to fiddle with it as I ran. ( Fortunately I was on an open grassy area, with no obstacles.)

When the run ended, I felt as if I could have continued with no problem.

So, not as speedy as most of the great folk on here, and no great distance...but I reached my 'magic' number, with no break. I think for an old Grey snail...I am making progress:)

What is more. I really, really enjoyed myself! :)

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Oldfloss profile image
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47 Replies
Kallyfudge profile image

Well done on reaching your goal Oldfloss!! Ive just done wk6r2 and I kept thinking to myself when it felt hard, am I enjoying myself right now, and just changed my speed till I was enjoying the moment. The book you recommended is really useful!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Kallyfudge

Thanks... small steps... small challenges... just enjoying the journey :)

Glad the book is useful to you :)

Noaky12 profile image

Nice one Oldfloss   & a good time too! You were still faster than me 😆😆😆

You'll be running a 10k before you know it! Xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Noaky12

That would be luck, if I was faster.... :) 

I enjoyed it..but not sure on going further... :)

Noaky12 profile image
Noaky12Graduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

Just take it as it comes. No pressure. If you want to go further you know you can 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Noaky12

Well..I think I can :)

JaySeeSkinny profile image

I did 7.7 k in an hour yesterday, so we're about the same. I had a couple of walking breaks though. Well done for cracking the 7 k mark - now onwards to the next challenge!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to JaySeeSkinny

It was reading your post yesterday that made me finally decide to go for it. :) You are far better than me and do so much more... :)

I just took my time and did it... very pink face at the end of it.. and my knees, when I got home.. very pink!.

Not sure where to go now..just taking it, one step at a time :)

JaySeeSkinny profile image
JaySeeSkinnyGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

No, no, no - I'm just greedy. It just seems that I do more than you, but whether it's effective or not, I don't know. I just try to get out every other day. That's all - and it builds up!

yatesco profile image

That's brilliant - well done. Even though I can now repeatedly do a 5K, 7K seems ... ha, I was going to say 'a mile away' - doh!. Anyways, well done.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to yatesco

Well thanks... I thought so too..but there we are... we constantly amaze ourselves!!! I think we rock! :)

secan profile image
secanGraduate10 in reply to yatesco

if you can run 5km, you can run 7km too... and if you can run 7km, you can run 10km; it is just an issue of believing it. ;)

yatesco profile image
yatesco in reply to secan

I get that, I do. The trouble is I don't believe it yet :-). Hopefully after a month of 5Ks I will be more optimistic.

secan profile image
secanGraduate10 in reply to yatesco


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to secan

Thank you..this is brilliant... we should post it to everybody who thinks they can't... because... we can!

jt24 profile image
jt24Graduate10 in reply to secan

Just scrolling through the post, started singing this in my head and was about to quote it to yatesco  !!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to jt24

Great minds xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to yatesco

Believe it... if I can.. you most certainly can...defeat lies in self doubt.... :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to yatesco

Watch that clip... :)

heavyhorse profile image
heavyhorseGraduate10 in reply to yatesco

a month ago 5 k would not have been believable!

nhs2015 profile image
nhs2015Graduate10 in reply to secan

Just like chocolate really, if you can eat one square, you can eat two. If you can eat two squares you may as well eat a bar. If you can eat a bar.......then the whole block is gone.  Just a question of believing in what you can achieve really

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to nhs2015

That made me giggle... only in my case... it is, if I eat one crisp... I can eat two... ( I don't like chocolate.. :)) Or... if I eat one strawberry, I can eat two.. or if I have one sip of champagne.. I can sip two.. it goes on... and I am so peckish now!!!

But you are right..believing in oneself is amazing, and the whole running programme has restored my confidence in myself.. after a nasty knock or two! :)

secan profile image
secanGraduate10 in reply to nhs2015

So true! 😂

secan profile image

The very last line is definitely the most important; as long as it stays true, there is no limit to what you can achieve. Go, Oldfloss! :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to secan

Thanks Secan. :)

It is what it is all about for me... pure enjoyment... anything else..bonus x :)

Irishprincess profile image

Whay!!! 7K? That's fab floss. And it sounds a lovely run too.  Love your tag! Haha. Where did that come from? x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Irishprincess

Sort of out of my weird is still the same distance fast or slow..which now makes me think..could I , should I try for a .....10 K!!!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

Oh definitely! If you can run 7K you can run 10K. It won't be long until we'll all be reading your post telling us you've just run a 10! 🏃🏃🏃

Bluebirdrunner profile image

 Well done Floss. So pleased for you😊

These personal milestones mean so much.

Congratulations you are amazing and so lovely.x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Bluebirdrunner

You are lovely..!

 Thanks... I am making my way.. slow and steady as ever :)

Well done Oldfloss  you are doing great and you are obviously enjoying it ,no need to compare with anyone.

Keep on doing it your way 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to

No other way... thanks x

Bazza1234 profile image

Regardless of being an old grey snail or not :) -- your 7K should not be fast anyway!!  Slow and easy conversational is what we all should mostly be doing -  with only the occasional planned FAST day.  

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Bazza1234

Thank you... sound advice, which suits me perfectly!

Sandraj39 profile image

Well done Oldfloss, you did it! And you felt good at the end - fab!😀 You are a total star and I really think that now is the time to stop underselling your achievements ! - 7.25k is 7.25k whatever speed you run it and many people half your age wouldn't be able to do that! Keep on doing what you're doing😀🏃🏻😀x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Sandraj39

Thanks you... I do try to tell myself that... thing is, I  cannot quite believe that I am doing it :) 

aliboo70 profile image

Definitely in yellow stripy  snail mode oldfloss, no way are you a plain grey snail, you're much too individual for that!7.25 is fantastic! Congratulations 😆x 

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to aliboo70

Thank you lovely person x 

Well In my go further mode.. I have some sassy new leggings and a very sassy new t shirt... so grey snail. as you say, is fast disappearing! :)

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Graduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

Ooh we will need a photo of those and you have to face forwards so we can meet you properly!we're all friends here!😊😆

poppypug profile image

Woo Hoo , Yay Come on the Floss !

Amazing stuff lady, we are very very proud of you and  I hope you are having a nice chill out now with those feet up .

Fantastic effort ! :-) xxx

Oldfloss profile image

Whoo hoo indeed.. still can't quite believe it.

Thanks pp... it is down to you and the folks like you that I have been able to do this and keep on doing it. :)

My legs feel fine.. whether they will tomorrow I do not know... I did have a little glass of wine juice to celebrate! :)

poppypug profile image

Wine juice ha ha , I think you've earned that Floss xxx

heavyhorse profile image

that's a great distance and a great time! We are all only competing with ourselves so we should be proud of each of our milestones as we reach them!

Celtprof profile image

Well done!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Celtprof

Thanks... my legs still work today!

Anniemurph profile image

Woohoo!  That's great!  Not just the distance (that's pleasing), not only the time (hey, that's not slow - well done!) but the absolute best thing is you said that you really, really enjoyed yourself :)  That's fantabuloso :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Anniemurph

Thanks you... I did enjoy it... a lot... and my legs still work today! :) Always a bonus!

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