Part of my general 'improve my running' plan is to do an interval or similar run once a week and today was the day. I didn't want to do a particularly long one as the paths are muddy so decided on NRC's 'Bring it down' with Coach Cory. Only 20 minutes and he always sounds so enthusiastic and easy going, just what's necessary if you're trying to stretch your limits.
Whereas most NRC intervals have recovery periods between the different intervals, for this one you just progress from one to another. It starts easy - recovery pace - but works up through 10k, 5k, Mile and Best efforts without a break.
The start was deceptively easy but it gets harder and harder. By the end my heart was racing (and so was I ), 170 bpm. My maximum heart rate is supposed to be 155 bpm. Oops, well, it wasn't for very long and it soon fell to within safe limits and I'm still here so...
Once the run ended I walked for a few minutes to make sure my heart had dropped down below 130 bpm. I'd misjudged how far I'd run and was quite a way from the end of the path. The sky was clouding over. Part of me was saying 'just walk it, you've done enough for today', the other was saying 'run, then you'll get home quicker'. The second voice won, tempered by the first, and I set off at a very slow and easy pace.
The voice in my head was saying 'slower, slower' and I managed to hit that sweet spot where it really didn't feel like an effort at all. Before I knew it the km+ to the end of the path had been covered. My body was doing its thing, my mind somewhere else. Note to self: try doing a long run at this pace.
Once on the road I walked. Or rather, I did until I was nearly home when I felt a couple of raindrops, so I upped the speed and sprinted the last couple of hundred yards. Maybe, instead of saying 'best pace' Coach Cory should say the 'get home before the rain' pace?
PS Mr Garmin obviously doesn't approve, I'm now 6 years older than I was yesterday according to my VO2!