Going backwards?: I graduated many weeks ago... - Bridge to 10K

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Going backwards?

JoolieB1 profile image
21 Replies

I graduated many weeks ago now and have run 3 times every week except for one week where I rested my knees.  Since graduating, I have slowly built up to 10k as my regular weekly long run (even managed a 15k on one occasion)!  Right now, feeling like I did on C25K and struggling mentally and physically to keep running.  My calf muscles are burning/stinging and it is so painful I have to stop and stretch out my legs.  What's going on?  I have put on a few pounds, my diet is not as good as it could be. 

Need to track my food again and lose weight, eat healthily and do strength n flex exercises every day, see if that helps.  Have a 10k event in June 😳

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JoolieB1 profile image
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21 Replies
boptillyoudrop49 profile image

Not sure but it sounds as if you have overdone it somewhere. It might not be the running. Are you doing some other fitness course too? I think I'd have epsom salt bathsand roll out your calves before and after every run, skip the long run for a week or two and just do 3 shorter ones. Then have another go at a longer run to prepare for your race. Have you been running a lot of hills or introduced some new stretches? Stretches can cause problems if you are not sufficiently warmed up.

JoolieB1 profile image
JoolieB1Graduate10 in reply to boptillyoudrop49

I just remembered that I did start some new exercise last week - skipping.  I think that is what has done it, silly me.  Think I will get back to my three runs per week and will make them 5ks and I will know quite quickly when my legs are better.  Thanks for suggesting that

boptillyoudrop49 profile image
boptillyoudrop49Graduate10 in reply to JoolieB1

It'll be the skipping. I do a fitness class on Fridays and my calves were screaming afterwards. Noticed them on my run Sat morning too but I have a plastic hand roller and roll the heck out of them. It eas a bit painful but did the deed. It is not a foam roller just looks like a plastic rolling pin with the roller made of knobbly bits. If you're at home, run your rolling pin hard up and down your calves, back and sides. Should help. Maybe look into a foam roller. Lots of people on here seem to have them but my plastic roller does the trick for me.

JoolieB1 profile image

Good that I know what was causing my struggle, skipping rope can stay in the cupboard from now onwards!

Oldfloss profile image

Hey you! 

I think there is quite a bit of this feeling around at the moment, the 'whatonearthitis' bug!

When I ran yesterday... my legs were like leaden lumps! I am not running anywhere near your distances, and ran,only about 7K yesterday...and that was with a short break! i felt quite shattered for the first ten minutes.

I find strength and flex exercises help...I also massage my legs, after my shower; I just use baby oil...:)

I think your comments about diet are valid too... I am trying to switch to the lighter, greener, foods now, despite the weather demanding hot warming comfort meals..I have made some batches of seasonal soups..watercress, spinach etc etc.. and upping the Spring green salads too. Bright foods to make me feel brighter and fresher :)

I always find this time of year odd, and particularly with the weather being so weird.. I feel I need a shake up. ( Spring fever). 

I am doing odd things, like running backwards! Also as, boptillyoudrop49  has suggested, am changing and plotting new routes. Some short and some longer.

Also, singing a lot...as I go along, much to the delight of the wildlife! :)

This is probably no help at all.. but maybe? :) 

So...tie up the laces on your running shoes, take a big breath... get out there and remember... we are all in this together :)

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Graduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

What's all this "only 7k " Oldfloss? That is a really decent run and not a distance to speak so lightly of! Funny, I often find the first few km of my long runs the hardest and now try and ignore the gremlins that pop up to tell me how hard it all is, and how much further I have to go! I now know that it is actually going to be just fine if I just keep going steadily to find that rhythm. Btw what's all this "running backwards"? Is something we should all be doing??!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Sandraj39

Well I feel like amateur on here  with all the amazing things folk do..really.. but I am doing it my way :) Which is slow and steady! 

The pesky gremlins are very loud sometimes.. I try to ignore them because they hate that!

The Running backwards was a Snippet I posted, about the people in Japan.. and then I actually tried it.. my post... "I'm running backwards...."?? It was..hmmm... different :)

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

Excellent point about the change in seasons having an odd impact.

Devotees of acupuncture go along for a seasonal tune-up.

davelinks profile image
davelinksGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

There's that mad woman again who runs! now she's singing!😱

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to davelinks

Tee hee! Mad, but cute !

Sandraj39 profile image

I agree with everything bobtillyoudrop said. Skipping may well be the culprit! I also think just dropping that long run for a week may help you get back on track. It's horrible when runs feel that tough but you have done so well, and I'm sure will come back fighting fit Julie. Good luck👍.

misswobble profile image

I certainly experienced the feeling of going backwards.  You will come out the other side though ☺  just chill out for a bit and have some fun runs to nowhere in particular, done at a leisurely pace

Clean up your diet.  That should give you a much-needed boost ☺

Good luck Julie, it's not going backwards just a blip. It's amazing how quickly we can build back up again after a blip so just wait it out. Some shorter 3,4,5k runs might help you build up stamina, so don't underestimate the benefit of doing them, then returning to long runs again - in fact you may find this blip is building up new strength. I also recommend adding in more greens. I got through a big bag of spinach last week, realised it was the first time I'd had spinach for ages, need to get some more now...

secan profile image

I agree with boptillyoudrop49 , usually when you feel like you're going backwards you are either tired or ill.

I think it is beneficial to insert a "recovery week" every now and then (let's say every 6 weeks or so), during which you do only low intensity activities like a slow 5k or a *gentle* strength and flex workout... or, why not?, nothing at all if you feel like that.

Jaxsy_runs profile image

Hi JoolieB1 , I was wondering how you were doing since your trip over in the forest last week...you were one of the folks that inspired me to get back onto trail running - not for tripping of course but your enjoyment and photos😊. 

So I did a long trail run (showed off new shoes) and my legs felt it for several days... The run working different muscles as you explained. 

Just wondering if you're shoes are OK after all the miles you've done... Other than your skipping causing sore calfs? 

Also if you do fancy a buddy for a walk or jog together (getting ready for the Northampton half marathon in September we're both doing ) let me know. I'm volunteering for tail running again at Northampton parkrun next Saturday and it would be lovely to meet you!

And if you're having the eeby jeebys before your 10k in June ... And if you're free and resting next Sunday then please feel free to come along to Pitsford Reservoir to watch the Northampton 10k - and me, running;. Wrup warm as I will be nearer to the back of the pack! 

Hahaha, I do go on😊. I had set out to say I hope you can rest up and I agree with everyone else's support and suggestions. X

JoolieB1 profile image

I feel fine after my unplanned lie down in the woods.  No harm done and it hasn't stopped me going off road.  That was a tough run and perhaps that has contributed to my current aches and pains (plus skipping)!  It would be great to meet up, let my legs recover and we can plan a meet.  Well done with the 10k event, let me know how it goes, sorry I can't come, busy on Sunday's as I have an 11-14 year old Sunday School class who need me LOL!  My best run days are Monday, Thursday or Saturday if that helps.  Would be happy to meet half way or even come to the bit city of Daventry xx

Jaxsy_runs profile image

Okay, do you want to  Message me when you're legs have recovered😊, 

JoolieB1 profile image

That's a good idea, should be fine by next week!

JaySeeSkinny profile image

Sometimes you think you're going backwards and then suddenly it all clicks again and you make a huge leap forwards. You are an inspiration for us newbies, I often think of how you just kept chipping away at the 5ks after you graduated until you could run them relatively easily in 34 mins. I can't imagine it will ever be easy in 34 mins, but I want to keep trying! And running 10 k every week at the moment - I am in awe! So this is just a blip. (But skipping is very good for you!)

JoolieB1 profile image

Bless you, I still remember struggling to do the 1 minute runs, I forced myself to keep going from one tree in the park to the next one, thought I would die.  Keep going, the C25K programme truly works, I am 52, I never ran before and now I can, nice and slow all the way and plod on with a smile

davelinks profile image

You'll be back on it soon!😊

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